The Power Of A Smile
Energy | Law of Attraction | Manifestation
Allanah Hunt

Did you know you could completely transform your mood, your day and your life by simply turning your frown upside down and smiling?

When times are tough, the last thing we feel like doing is smiling but the simple act of using smile muscles in your face, sends a message to your brain to release happy hormones and lift your mood.

How big your smile is, can predict how long you will live and is now a subject of scientific studies into happiness. And a smile is contagious so as you smile, so do the others around you.

So the next time you feel sad, take a moment to smile and watch what happens.

The video below lets you know just how important the act of smiling is. Well worth the 7 minute watch x


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Hi, I'm Allanah, Author, Teacher, Manifestation Mentor and Empowerment Coach. My mission is to help you discover the power you have to create your life in a way that brings joy, happiness and freedom. I teach you how to harness the power of The Law of Attraction and bring yourself into alignment with those things you want to experience.


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