How To Manifest Abundance Right Now
Law of Attraction | Manifestation
Allanah Hunt

Everyone wants abundance right? I know I tried to manifest abundance for a really, really long time. I waited and waited; hoping against hope that the things I wanted would hurry up and arrive.

Because without those things, I felt like something was missing. I felt like I was missing out.

If only … I had more money
If only … I was more loved
If only … I was slimmer
If only …

But now I don’t want abundance …

Or perhaps a better way to say it is, I don’t want for abundance.

You see, there’s one little word in this article that is the clue to why abundance didn’t show up for me for a long, long time. And also why it may not be showing up for you.

That word is ‘want’.

Because the word ‘want’ is the same as want-ing. Which is the same as lack-ing.

Wanting abundance is a manifestation of the idea that you’re lacking abundance.


You cannot manifest abundance from a place of lack.

When I first came to understand this, I felt extremely hopeless. I knew I had the power to create my own reality but I couldn’t figure out how to feel abundant when my life was in ruins.

Back in 2009 at the height of the Global Financial Crisis, my business collapsed and my premises went into foreclosure. The bank sold them at a huge loss leaving me with a mountain of debt. I lost my home, my fiancé and when I found myself packing what was left of my possessions into a couple of boxes and driving away from the life I’d worked so hard to create, I was devastated.

I felt like I was lacking everything!

So I set about focusing on what I wanted to create. I worked really hard at trying to manifest abundance. Morning, noon and night, I would fight my negative thoughts, daydream about the future I wanted to experience and do everything I could to generate the feelings of ‘having it now’.

But anxiety stalked me constantly.

At that time, I was living in a boarding house and the government was covering my basic needs. I was taking sleeping pills just to get a couple of hours sleep at night. I lost a huge amount of weight and became a walking skeleton. In my worst moments, I would sit in the corner and rock backwards and forwards in despair.

I was exhausted and ready to call time on this life.

Instead, I chose to surrender. I chose to give up the fight to create what I wanted and let things be what they were. I felt like if this was all there was for me, then the sooner I accepted it, the easier my life would be.

From that moment on, things began to change. The choice to surrender brought me a sort of peace. The fight went out of me and I was willing to live in my life as it was. Even if nothing ever changed, I knew I could survive.

Slowly, I began to thrive.

I remember when I laughed out loud for the first time in a couple of years. It was such a foreign sound that it jumped out at me as being odd. It made a big impression on me and I appreciated it as I knew in that moment, that I was beginning to live again. I knew I was going to be okay.

I began to enjoy the simple pleasures in life. A conversation with a stranger. I pretty flower in a garden. The joy of a walk on the beach. A good book.

I recognized there was nothing lacking in my life after all. The things that I thought I wanted and that would make my life complete, were completely unnecessary.

I was already complete.
I was already happy.
I was already free.
I was already loved.

My life was already abundant …

This realisation was the foundation for all the physical abundance that has shown up in my life since then.

I share my life with a lovely man.
I make friends wherever I go.
I work from home and connect with people all over the world.
I have a house in two countries on opposite sides of the world and I travel between them with ease (even during the Covid 19 event).
I enjoy time with my family and time with myself.

I am content, peaceful and joyful. Not because of what I have but because it’s what I chose before I had what I have now. And it’s what I keep choosing no matter how life changes around me.

I created abundance not by focusing on what I wanted for, but by deeply appreciating the abundance I already had. I became completely content with my life as it was.

And my life unfolded in surprising and wonderful ways. Today, I never think about what I might want. I embrace whatever shows up and live in the now with contentment and joy. When I feel a nudge to take action, I act.

I want for nothing and as a result my life is full of abundance, joy, peace, prosperity, love and happiness.


*download my FREE 7 Minute Abundance Blueprint to learn how you too can want for nothing and experience all the abundance life has to offer.

Hi, I'm Allanah, Author, Teacher, Manifestation Mentor and Empowerment Coach. My mission is to help you discover the power you have to create your life in a way that brings joy, happiness and freedom. I teach you how to harness the power of The Law of Attraction and bring yourself into alignment with those things you want to experience.


Check out my Abundance Accelerator Program

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