The Power Of A Smile

The Power Of A Smile

Did you know you could completely transform your mood, your day and your life by simply turning your frown upside down and smiling?

When times are tough, the last thing we feel like doing is smiling but the simple act of using smile muscles in your face, sends a message to your brain to release happy hormones and lift your mood.

How big your smile is, can predict how long you will live and is now a subject of scientific studies into happiness. And a smile is contagious so as you smile, so do the others around you.

So the next time you feel sad, take a moment to smile and watch what happens.

The video below lets you know just how important the act of smiling is. Well worth the 7 minute watch x


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Learning To Dance In The Rain

Learning To Dance In The Rain

You may have seen the quote below so many times on social media that its lost it’s meaning for you. However, there is much truth in this saying.

Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass; its about learning to dance in the rain ~ Vivian Greene

I’ve had some storms in my life, times when I wasn’t sure how I was going to survive. And I’ll be honest with you, the last thing I wanted to do was dance. Some days smiling seemed impossible so the idea of dancing was ridiculous! I’m don’t remember seeing this quote during those times but I’ve seen it a lot over the past few years and unfortunately, the more you see something the less profound it appears. And if you are struggling, the words sound trite and your response is likely to be …

”Whatever – try living my life and then see if you feel like dancing!”

Rainmaking in its purest form was performed by American Indians who dressed in blue feathers and beads to symbolise the wind and rain. In times of drought the American Indians offered to perform a rain dance for the settlers in return for trade items. Storms and rain were reasons to celebrate.

In our western culture we have chosen to see the rain as something to be avoided. We put on our coats, huddle under umbrellas or in doorways and wait for the rain to pass. Only when the rain completely stops and we feel safe do we consider emerging again.

But what if the next time it raines, you decide to embrace it, choose to let it wash over you, throw your hands up and dance?

I will never forget the first time I did this. I was staying in a holiday home by the beach with my partner and we were woken at 3am by the sound of a storm. It was the most delicious sound as the waves lashed the shore, the rain hit the windows and the wind howled outside.

In a moment of spontaneity we ran outside to stand on the deck in the pouring rain as lightning flashed illuminating the spray of the waves. Every sense in our bodies were awake, alive and connected to nature and to each other. It was a magical moment neither of us have ever forgotten and one of our best times together. The power of the storm created a memory which will stay with us forever.

Life is like that. Understand that the storms of life are only here for a moment and will soon pass, washing away the pain of the past and transforming you from the inside into a person who sparkles in the light. The memory may stay with you forever but you can choose how to see that memory. As one of pain and despair or as a dance of celebration.

There is nothing to fear from the rain. It is simply a moment of cleansing which allows you to grow beyond your current understanding. Rain prepares you to accept the new and wonderful experiences which are yet to come.

Your dance in the rain shows your willingness to cleanse away the pain of the past and to embrace a future bright with promise. So rather than huddling in the corner, waiting until it feels safe enough to take a step forward, why not embrace the storm and learn to dance! x


5 Ways To Let Your Light Shine

5 Ways To Let Your Light Shine

Are you hiding yourself away for fear that if someone sees you, they won’t like you?

As I walk around in public places I see many people who although their body is present, the rest of them seems to be missing. They walk with their body stooped, rounding their shoulders as if to hide themselves. Their eyes look at the ground and although they glance up to see that they are in the right place, their eyes skitter away from contact with others so quickly its as if they expect to be rejected.

I love to touch someone else with a smile or hello, to brighten my day and theirs with a simple connection but many people are unwilling to participate.

What about you?

People are attracted to confidence and the truth is that if you shine your light other people will see your beauty and reflect it back to you.

I have a little experiment I would love you to participate in.

Next time you visit a shopping mall, pick up your kids from school or find yourself in any public place, try these 5 ideas and see what happens.

1. Realign your body

One of the most notable things about people who appear confident is their posture. They walk with their shoulders back, with their ribs lifted out of their belly and the back of their head in alignment with their spine. With your body straight you can breath more easily, you feel lighter and your walk is smoother.   This is such a simple way to appear confident even when you’re not feeling it. Try it in the mirror and see how different you feel when your body in in alignment.

2. Smile deliberately

 A smile makes all the difference in how you feel as well as how others respond to you. You don’t have to have a fixed wide smile but simply being aware of whether
your mouth tilts up at the corners or down can make all the difference. Even if your mouth naturally appears to droop at the corners, you can improve your smile muscles with a little practice. Go to the mirror and smile at yourself until you can do it without feeling awkward. Until you want to smile in return.

3. Make Eye Contact

If you have avoided eye contact with people for many years it may feel like a
challenge to lift your eyes and look around. Certainly you will see plenty of people who have no desire to look up but there are some great opportunities to meet someones eye with a ready smile in your own neighbourhood. Children will almost always meet your eye as they are naturally curious.

4. Think of a happy memory

When you think of a happy memory not only do the corners of your mouth lift but your eyes start to sparkle. Just the thought of happiness can transport you back to that moment and connect you to the feeling of joy. Gather some memories which bring a smile to your face and keep them front of mind. You will find that you can smile naturally and confidently when you can remember these throughout your day. When your eyes sparkle there is an aliveness that others can see and want to be around.

5. Expect to be liked

One of the fastest ways to let your light shine is to expect to be liked. If you are hiding then people will not see you. If you use the steps above and then choose to be likeable, you will find that people react differently toward you. I find that most people are perfectly willing to meet my eye with a ready smile but I know that this largely comes from me. It is my willingness to smile at them, to make their day a little brighter that brings it back to me.


It is the actions you take, the choices you make which create your reality. So if you want people to see you, if you want the opportunity to make a new friend, then you must be open to letting your light shine.

I can promise you it is worth the initial effort as the rewards far outweigh any embarrassment you may feel when you first start. And as you see others respond to your beautiful light, you will naturally become the light for others to see. x

5 Ways To Avoid Bitterness

5 Ways To Avoid Bitterness

Bitterness comes when you focus on what’s gone wrong and feelings of hurt. The problem with bitterness is that you can live your whole life seeing the world as a hurtful place which is out to get you. This isn’t the truth but simply a reflection of how you choose to see it. The world is full of wonderful people, fabulous experiences but you will only embrace this when you leave bitterness behind.

Here’s a few ways to get started.

Forgive Everyone Who Has Hurt You 

We often confuse forgiveness with an acceptance of the words or behaviour which caused the pain but forgiveness has nothing to do with allowing others to hurt you or giving permission for the behaviour to continue. Creating clear and strong boundaries is essential if you are to have a life of happiness.

Forgiveness doesn’t excuse their behaviour. Forgiveness prevents their behaviour from destroying your heart

Forgiveness is a choice you make for you. It has nothing to do with anyone else and everything to do with your desire to be free of the past, to move beyond the pain and to embrace a new perspective. Holding on to your feelings of betrayal, anger and hurt is to allow the hurtful actions of another to continue to impact your life.

Don’t you think being hurt once is enough?

Focus On Gratitude

Bitterness grows when you focus on the hurt you feel and therefore the fastest way to reduce bitterness is to focus on the things you love about your life. Start with the little things. Focus on the roof over your head, kind friends, family, your job or simply the sun outside your window. As you shift your focus to things to be thankful for, you will start to see more reasons to love your life.

Never let the things you want make you forget the things you have

Bitterness and gratitude cannot exist together so focus on thankfulness and see your bitterness disappear.

Take Responsibility For Your Feelings

When you blame others for the events which occur in your life you become jaded and untrusting. Whilst events will occur around you which will impact on your life, blaming someone or something leaves you powerless to create your own life. It is only when you understand you are responsible for your own emotions and actions, that you have a choice about how you feel, that you will begin to reclaim your power.

The day you stop blaming others is the day you begin to discover who you truly are

You will not feel hurt unless you choose to bring those feelings into your present life. Taking this first step will help you move forward with your own life free of the pain of the past.

Take Control Of What You Can Change

If you look at the world long enough you will see many cases of destruction, chaos, corruption and devastation. No matter how angry or sad you feel about this there is nothing you can do to change it.

What you allow is what will continue

All you can do is take control of your own life and build happiness where you are. As you create happiness in yourself you have the opportunity to spread this to your little corner of the world. Change what you can and allow everything else to run its course.

Give To Others

Bitterness builds when we feel isolated and powerless. Decide to get involved in the world around you by volunteering to help others. Give unwanted clothing to a charity, visit an elderly person in your community, encourage others to make real connections and support people who are having a tough time.

We rise by lifting others

Offer your unique skills to help others and watch your bitterness disappear. As you help others you help yourself.

Bitterness is like drinking poison every day. Stop killing yourself slowly and choose this minute to focus on what is great about your life. Focus on giving yourself the kindness you deserve.

10 Ways To Reduce Stress

10 Ways To Reduce Stress

When life changes and you find yourself adapting to new circumstances or strong emotions, your body will react as if it is in danger, releasing adrenaline and cortisol (stress hormones) which will impact your health. Finding healthy ways to manage stress helps you balance the difficult times so you can cope.


Your rate of breathing lets you know when you are stressed. If you are breathing quickly and shallowly, chances are you are under stress. Take a moment to lie on the floor or your bed. This gives your diaphragm the chance to rest whilst your torso is stretched out.  Pay close attention to your breathing concentrating on slowing your breaths in and out. Your heart and lungs work together, so as you slow your breath, you will also slow your heart rate. Keep focused on your breathing for 5-10 minutes and you will feel much calmer.


Meditation works best when sitting in a comfortable chair where you feel safe. Slow your breathing and really concentrate on the feeling of your breath as it tickles the spot just beneath your nose. Focusing on this one spot keeps your mind in your control whilst you work to slow your breath and heart rate. Once you are feeling calm repeat some positive statements which feel powerful for you. You could say “I am completely safe in this moment and nothing can harm me” or I am surrounded by love”. Find something ahead of time that feels good for you and repeat your statements until you feel reenergised.

Be Present

Most stress occurs when we focus on the past or project into the future. Focus your mind on one activity at a time. If you are eating, just focus on the food and the act of chewing. If you are walking, focus on your feet as they hit the ground. Bringing things back to the most simple of activities allows you to be completely present in the moment.

Reach Out 

Your friends and family can provide a fantastic support for you when you are struggling. Let people know what is going on for you face to face, if possible, or at least over the phone. Sometimes you get stuck in your head; speaking with someone else helps you gain a new perspective and creates connection.

Tune In To Your Body

Pay attention to your body. We all have natural rhythms which ebb and flow throughout the day. Your body will let you know when it is out of sync so pay attention to your eating and sleeping habits as well as your digestion as these are alerts that something is different.


Place a warm heat wrap around your neck and shoulders for 10 minutes. Close your eyes and relax your face, neck, upper chest and back muscles. Remove the wrap and use a tennis ball to massage away any tension. Do this by placing the ball between you and a wall and rolling slightly up and down with a pressure which feels comfortable to you.

Laugh Out Loud

Laughter is a great way to relieve stress. Even if the last thing you feel like doing is laughing, you can force yourself to smile in the mirror or act as would if you were laughing for real. Join a laughing yoga class or watch funny movies. Laughter will benefit your body chemistry as well as relax your mind


Put on your favourite sounds and feel the music as you go about your day. Relaxing music is good for stress release but if you have dance tunes these shift your energy to a higher plane and make you smile. Dance as if nobody is watching and you will feel relaxed and revitalised.

Get Moving

Physical movement gets the blood flowing through your body giving you energy and releasing stress releasing hormones which help our brain think more clearly. You do not need to do anything vigorous, but walking, yoga or simply taking the stairs will help. If you cannot get out or are unable to exercise then some simple stretching exercises will give you the same benefit. Try to be active for at least 15 – 20 minutes each day and you will help to balance the negative effects of stress.

Be Grateful

Each day take a moment before you go to bed to write at least one positive thing you experienced during the day. It could be a smile from a stranger, a hand on your arm from someone who cares, a bird in the garden or a phone call from a friend. Paying attention to the simple interactions you have each day and noting them in your diary shifts your focus to a more positive place.

Practice these skills and you will find your overall stress levels reduce adding to your sense of happiness and joy.

The 4 SuperPowers You Already Possess

The 4 SuperPowers You Already Possess

Most of us have grown up seeing Heroes/Heroines on television and in the movies; the men and women who wear a cape and possess superhuman powers to help them triumph in every situation. Superman who can fly around the world in just a few seconds or Wonder Woman with her lasso, they fight for truth and justice saving mankind from all kinds of evil villains.

Superheroes have been a recurring theme throughout popular culture and I have often wondered what it is that attracts us so much. Is it simply the fact that good wins over evil? Or perhaps its the idea that someone will come to your rescue when life becomes difficult. Sadly, as far as I am aware, neither Superman nor Wonder Woman live on our mortal plane; no feisty woman or strong man is going to save you from the pain that comes with loss.

So what are you to do when you really need a SuperHero?

Well, there’s only one thing for it. You will have to do a Clark Kent and transform into a Hero/Heroine yourself!

But how?

On the screen we see our SuperHeroes exhibit physical powers but in truth there are  four fundamental abilities that lie at the heart of all SuperPowers.

1. STRENGTH – the ability to endure. No matter what situation they find themselves in a SuperHero will never give up, never accept defeat and will fight to the death if necessary to ensure that right is upheld. Similarly, even when it feels that your pain will never end, you have the strength to hold on. Focus only on the current moment and what you can do right now to be strong. Sometimes all you can do is get through the next 10 minutes. And then the 10 minutes after that until the time you can deal with gets longer. Before you know it you can do an hour, a day, a week or more. Imagine yourself in a storm which is trying to blow you off your feet. By leaning into the wind you can stand upright; in the same way you can lean into your emotional storm until it eases.

2. COURAGE – the ability to overcome fear. SuperHeroes always show courage in the face of whatever their enemy throws at them. Courage is not the absence of fear but the willingness to face it. Fear is based upon a horror story you have told yourself about the future. You have the power to create your life any way you choose and when you understand this, you will find the strength and courage to face your fear and pop it like a balloon. Fear has no power over you unless you choose to believe it.

3. HONESTY – the ability to face the truth. SuperHeroes always tell the truth no matter what the cost to them personally. But what is the truth? Because we live in our own heads we can only see things from our perspective. However, the truth is made up of lots of different colours which need to be painted together to see the whole picture. Stepping back from what you know and embracing a new perspective requires absolute honesty. If you have the strength and the courage to face the truth you will free yourself from pain and suffering.

4. RESPONSIBILITY – the ability to be accountable. Our favourite Superheroes understand that no-one else can defeat the enemy and save the world. They accept that it is up to them and that if they fail, the world will be destroyed. Responsibility takes strength, courage, honesty and a willingness to face the consequences of your choices/actions. Once you take responsibility for your life, the good and the bad, you will be awarded a SuperHero or SuperHeroine cape. You choose the colour. Responsibility is the ultimate SuperPower and contains within it everything you could possibly need to move beyond your pain and into a life of freedom and joy.

Becoming your own SuperHero or SuperHeroine involves making the decision to reach down deep inside and reclaim the powers that have always been yours. As Buzz Lightyear would say, “to infinity and beyond!”

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