How To Use Your Facebook Newsfeed To Improve Your Life

How To Use Your Facebook Newsfeed To Improve Your Life

Have you noticed that your Facebook newsfeed is only showing posts from a select few of your friends and contacts?

People you’ve been interacting with for ages, have seemingly disappeared. You might even have forgotten them yourself for a while but when they popped back into your head, what did you do? I know that when this happened to me recently, I went to their profile to check they were still on my friends list. And of course they were.

So what’s going on?

Why can’t you see all your friends posts anymore?

The answer is in the Facebook newsfeed algorithm. If you’re not familiar with an algorithm, here’s what the dictionary defines it as:

“a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer” 

None the wiser? You’re not alone.

Essentially an algorithm is a program that runs in the background of a digital platform. Google uses algorithms. Every other search engine uses algorithms too.

And of course Facebook newsfeed has its own algorithm that is used to determine what to show in your news feed. As a user, you’d like to think that you’d see everything from all of your friends but Facebook has a series of rules running in the background that are constantly revising which content to show you based on how you use their platform.

Simply put, if you engage (like, share or comment) on a particular person’s posts, Facebook will show you more posts from them. Facebook’s algorithm is adapting constantly to show you content that is relevant to you. The action you take in your Facebook feed is ‘teaching’ the algorithm what you want to see. And unless you start changing your actions, you will keep seeing the same narrow content from your ‘favorite’ friends.

Scary huh?

But what’s even more scary is that this is exactly how your brain is working too.

Your brain is essentially one great big algorithm that will show you exactly what you tell it you want to see. Unfortunately, unless you tell your brain to show you something different from what you’re already seeing, its job is to keep showing you the same (or similar) things over and over again. It essentially a core program that is running on repeat.

It’s a bit like buying a brand new smartphone. The functions that are necessary to run the machine are already installed but to make it do everything you want it to do, you need to install specific apps. In the same way, you are born with the functions that are necessary for life but during the first seven years of your life, apps are being installed. These informational apps are adapting to your environment and programming your brain and body with the messages they receive from your primary caregivers, society, school and your interactions with others. These messages become the foundation for your life. They dictate how you view yourself, how you view the people around you, how you see the world and what you intrinsically believe about how things work.

These messages determine what you see and drive your thoughts and emotions.

So if you’re not happy with how your life looks then some of the core programming that’s running in the background needs to be updated. Unfortunately, this is where those information apps can let you down. They are updatable but it’s not an automatic process. You must choose the updates you want and install them manually.

With me so far?

Okay. Now to the point of this article.

You can use the Facebook newsfeed algorithm to improve your life …

We’ve learned that the Facebook algorithm is learning what you want to see and delivering it to you.

We’ve learned that your brain is doing exactly the same thing.

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change” ~ Dr. Wayne Dyer

This quote tells us that when we look at things differently, the things we look at change.

But it works in reverse too.

“If you change the things you look at, the things you see will change ” ~ Allanah Hunt

And this is exactly how you can use Facebook’s algorithm to improve your life.

Go out and look for the things you want to see more of. Use the search function to find content that’s inspirational, that will support you on your journey, that will bring more joy, more happiness, more abundance, more gratitude … more of the good stuff into your life.

And then let Facebook know that’s what you want to see. Like, love, share, comment … engage with what you want to see more of. And Facebook will obey. Facebook will deliver you exactly what you ask for. That’s the algorithm’s job.

But here’s the best bit …

As you surround yourself with more of what you want to see, you’re also training your brain to see more of it wherever you go. Suddenly, everywhere you look there will be examples of what you want to see. You will see it in your Facebook newsfeed but you will also see it in the world around you. You will literally reprogram your brain to seek out things, people and experiences that support what you’ve said you want to see.

Try it out for yourself. Choose a post you wouldn’t usually be interested in and leave a comment. Refresh your profile and take a look at what is top of your feed. You will probably see more articles or adverts that are related to the post you just commented on. You just told Facebook that this is what you’re interested in right now.

And the response? Your wish is my command …

You see, you are in complete control of what shows up in your newsfeed but you are also in complete control of what you want to see in your life. You decide. You tell your brain what you want to experience.

And the result?


Your wish is my command!

5 Ways Expressing Anger Helps You Grow In Health And Happiness

5 Ways Expressing Anger Helps You Grow In Health And Happiness

Anger is something that’s frowned upon in our current society. We’re told we need to ‘manage’ our anger so we push it down where it turns to despair and depression. We hide it away where others can’t see it.

But anger is powerful and it will not be silent. It is loud and the more you push it away, the louder it becomes. You may not hear it with your ears but you will definitely feel it in your body.

The problem is that we’ve numbed our bodies too. The smallest symptom and we reach for the pill bottle. We rush to the doctor as we can’t bear to feel anything other than happy and successful.

We’ve labelled some emotions as bad and others a good. So we chase the good feelings in our attempts to ignore the bad.

But emotion is simply the movement of your own energy within you.

Your feelings are the way your body communicates with you. But when we suppress the emotions we label as bad, we push them down into the body where they do harm. And still your body tries to get your attention. It produces physical symptoms to let you know that something is wrong.

Many people think of anger as something explosive or something uncontrollable. But anger includes a range of less intense feelings too. Irritation, feeling pissed off, indignation – these are all ways that anger can show up.

So how can expressing anger help you grow in health and happiness?

Anger hides deeper emotions that need to be expressed

When we allow our anger to be expressed in healthy ways, we literally ‘let off steam’. Life can be a pressure cooker of stressful and difficult situations but when we let off steam, we allow the pent up emotions to leave our bodies. This gives space for our deeper feelings to be seen.

Anger can mask grief, sadness, loss, insecurity, worthlessness and other often painful emotions.

But these deeper emotions are the key to growth. They allow you to ask questions t0 explore what you believe about yourself and about your place in the world. When we uncover the cause of these feelings, we can begin to change our thinking.

Thoughts are like a constantly broadcasting radio station that becomes the background to our lives. Unless we pay attention to what is playing, we will hear the same music as repeated emotions and results over and over again. By becoming aware of our anger, irritation, indignation and pissed offness, and allowing ourselves to release the energy of them, we create space for what hides beneath.

Unexpressed Anger Turns Inward And Becomes Depression

E-motion is Energy in Motion. And energy needs to go somewhere. It’s not something you can ignore and hope it will go away. It might feel like it leaves as time passes but if you don’t express it, it stays in your body where it alters the chemistry of your internal systems.

It shuts down the production of ‘feel good’ chemicals or hormones that you need for health and happiness.

It interferes with your immune system and your nervous system leaving you tired, exhausted and lethargic. It shows up as chronic pain, headache, stomach ache and a range of other troublesome symptoms. Symptoms that make you exhausted, irritable and start the cycle all over again.

By expressing anger, and allowing deeper emotions to release as well, you effectively halt the chemical changes in your body that cause depression and despair.

Unexpressed Anger Creates Resentment

Resentment is the enemy of relationships. It destroys love and makes us want to withdraw from others. Little irritation upon little irritation builds until you can no longer see the person you’re with. Instead, all you can see are their annoying habits and the things that ‘drive you mad’.

As the resentment gets bigger the person gets smaller until you can longer remember why you’re with them. But behind that irritation lies other emotions. Perhaps you feel ignored, unappreciated, overworked, unsupported or unheard. These feelings show up as anger or indignation and build higher and higher, stronger and stronger until it reaches breaking point.

When you find healthy ways to release these emotions, you can create the space to reconnect, you can create the space to have constructive conversations that can lead to real change.

Unexpressed Anger Kills Happiness

It is impossible to hold two conflicting emotions at the same time. Wen you’re feeling angry or irritated you cannot enjoy the moment you’re in.

The search for happiness and joy often sees us following the latest ‘new thing’, indulging in risky behaviours or looking for a ‘high’. But happiness already exists within us. It’s our natural state.

Happiness is not a feeling that is fleeting but a deep contentment that fills your soul – Allanah Hunt

And one of the fastest ways to connect with that contentment and to allow anger and emotion to be released is to express it. Otherwise it stays in our bodies and shows up as pain and illness. Happiness can be built in layers in the same way that resentment can. I know which one I choose.

Expressing Anger Creates Space For New Experiences

When we’re feeling angry, (or feeling any of the other anger related emotions), we get trapped in a cycle. The more angry we feel, the more we see things to be angry about. It’s like a magnet. Anything that matches our emotions will be drawn to us.

But when we allow anger (and other emotions) to be expressed in healthy ways, we stop the cycle. We reduce the power of the magnet so that it no longer attracts experiences that trigger us. As our focus shifts we ‘suddenly’ see how much we are thankful for. Instead of seeing things that produce anger, we see opportunities and possibilities. We become braver and start to believe in ourselves more. We become quieter and can hear our intuition. Your intuition is your inner guide and is always speaking to you, but anger and other emotions can drown it out.

Following your intuition will lead you to new places, new people and new experiences. Experiences that will allow you to grow in health and happiness.

Expressing Anger In Healthy Ways

So now that I’ve given you 5 reasons why expressing anger is good for you, I want to give you some ways to express in healthy ways.

Yelling, sulking, violence toward others is not healthy and will destroy you and the people around you.

Instead when you feel the anger rising, take a step away. Physically leave the situation if you need to. If you’re in a conversation with someone, take a break. Tell them you need to think about what’s been said. Let them know you don’t want to talk about it right now but make a time when you will discuss it. This will help them feel heard and allow them to deal with their own emotions.

Take a walk, a run or go to the gym as physical exercise shifts the energy in your body. Go somewhere quiet and scream to the sky. Take yourself into nature and breathe in fresh air and breathe out anger. Write out your feelings without censor in a journal or diary. Do something creative.

These are all ways you can allow your anger to be released without it being destructive. Create a plan for yourself ahead of time so that the next time you feel the irritation rising or the anger flooding your body, you can simply put your plan into action.

Don’t let resentment build until you lose people and situations that are precious to you.

Take a step back and express your anger in healthy ways. Allow the energy of your e-motion to be released and then take a look at why you felt this way. Ask yourself some questions.

The answers are the key to growth, health and happiness.

Defining Success On Your Own Terms

Defining Success On Your Own Terms

In a world driven by the need to achieve, many of us find ourselves standing outside the ‘normal’ definition of success wondering how to find our place in the world. We look at others who seem to ‘have it all’ and tell ourselves we need to work harder, smarter, longer so we too can find the success we crave.

Perhaps then our lives will have meaning.

The word success will conjure up an immediate mental picture for you and carries with it a raft of expectations based on how we define success.

What does success look like to you?

  • Is it a degree from University?
  • Is it a good job?
  • Is it another rung in a corporate career?
  • Is it owning a house, a car, a plane?
  • Is it earning a certain amount of money?
  • Is it a retirement fund?
  • Is it world travel?
  • Is it fame?
  • Is it a certain number of social media followers?
  • Is it a happy family?
  • Is it holidays abroad?

We are bombarded by messages in the media about who you need to be in order to be successful. We see images of people who have made a fortune out of business or knowledge and we define them as successful. We see sportspeople who are driven to achieve amazing feats and we call them successful. There are types of professions and careers that are considered the perfect road to success and others which are minimised, undervalued and depreciated. And the amount we are paid is directly proportional to the value society places on what we do.

All of these external definitions of success impact our understanding of the word and create an imprint in our brain. That imprint is instantaneously delivered whenever you hear the word success or contemplate your desire to find it. In fact, it is so strongly imprinted on your brain that you will compete with yourself in a need to meet your own preconceived expectations. It will drive your choices, it will drive your behaviour and how closely your results match your imprint, will drive your emotions.

But there is something even deeper and stronger that you are driven by and that’s your own inherent values and needs.

At your deepest core there is a desire to feel certain emotions and you will do anything it takes to feel them.

So if what you want to feel is not delivered by your strive to achieve your imprint of success, then you will not take the actions to create the outcome you’re hoping for. You will certainly do your best with all your will, but will find time and again, you fall short of your own expectations for yourself. It can make you feel like a failure. It can make you feel like you’re just not good enough. And it can make you fall into despair.

But it’s not you who is the problem.

The problem lies with your definition of success and the expectations that accompany it.

And that is in your power to change!

When we change the parameters we use to measure success, we can create a new imprint that matches our values, needs and the emotions we want to feel. By bringing these into alignment, we are creating a recipe for success that we can truly embrace.

George Bernard Shaw is responsible for this famous quote:

“Life isn’t about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself”

But life is not just about creating yourself. It’s also about creating your world to match who you are.

The act of creation comes from something deep inside of you. It’s the process of bringing something into existence. It’s a connection and reflection of your heart, your soul and your humanity brought to life.

Redefining your measure of success to bring it into alignment with who you truly are is the fastest way to achieve it. It removes the blocks that stop you from taking action, it inspires you to do more, be more, give more.


Because suddenly instead of there being an internal conflict which saps your energy, there is harmony and a clear direction that every part of you can embrace. This is where your true power lies.

And it’s the place you will find the meaning, fulfilment and growth you’ve been searching for.

For sure the world will still present a version of success that may not match the life you’ve chosen. But if you ask one of the many who have spoken of regrets on their deathbed, they will tell you that chasing the world view of success does not guarantee happiness.

True success is measured by a life lived in alignment with you.

Real success can be measured in happiness, fulfilment, joy, acceptance, connection, self-exploration and self-expression.

This doesn’t mean you live outside of society like some outcast. It means you find your own path within the framework that exists. It means you tap into the resources we all have access to and tailor them to fit your definition of success. It means you harness your power of creation to mould and shape your world by being in alignment with your truest self.

Your strive for success will no longer be a burden, but a joy. Suddenly you will recognise, and be delivered, opportunities you would never have seen if you had pursued the road commonly travelled. There will still be challenges on your journey but as you traverse them, you will understand they are simply signposts to guide you along the way. You will know that it is not the destination that brings fulfilment and happiness but the voyage itself.

As you define success on your own terms there will be outcomes you desire to see but your success will no longer be dependent on a set of expectations being met.

Success will be an outward expression of you in motion.

And therefore as there is no standing still, you are already a success.

It simply exists in you and already is.

“Create a legacy that will outlive you by being a shining example of a life well lived “ – Allanah Hunt

Why Personal Development Is Vital For Success

Why Personal Development Is Vital For Success

There is only one person who is responsible for your success and that person is you. So if you’ve got to a certain point in your career or your business and you feel like you’ve hit the ceiling of what is possible, think again.

“The definition of insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting a different result” – Albert Einstein

Smart man Mr Einstein!

And here’s what another smart and hugely successful man had to say on the subject.

“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.” – Henry T Ford

What is the key message in these quotes?

That doing the same thing will produce the same result.


(Archimedes, another very smart man said this when the truth of a situation dawned on him)

Okay, got it!

But how does this apply to you?

Lets say you want a different outcome from your current reality.

Perhaps you want to be promoted.

Maybe you want to make more money.

Or perhaps, you want to take your business to the next level.

You’ve tried everything you know how to do but nothing seems to work.

There is only one thing left to do … something DIFFERENT!

Here’s Mr Einstein again:

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them” – Albert Einstein

Knowledge is power but your current understandings will only take you so far.

To go beyond your current reality, beyond your existing results, you must learn something new.

But you already know this, right?

If you’re a driven and already successful person, you’ve probably invested in your education.

You’ve probably undertaken every up-skilling course within your chosen industry.

You’ve probably engaged in self-learning to expand your knowledge

“What else can I do?”, you might ask.

Are you ready for another Eureka moment?

If your success is completely dependent on you, then the one thing you must work on, is YOU.

“Success is not dependent on what you know but on who decide to become” – Allanah Hunt

What makes the most successful people in the world different from the rest?

Why do some people seem to find gold everywhere they look whilst others only find a dead end?

It’s who they have trained themselves to be.

It’s the daily habits they have cultivated

In short … its Personal Development

Food & Exercise

Moving your body, moves your mind. Imagine your body as a huge network of electrical circuits. For best results you must keep the conductors polished, the wires clean and the pathways clear. If any of the conduits become blocked or inhibited, the supply of power and the efficiency of the machine are impacted.

The same is true for you. If your body is not finely tuned and provided with the correct fuel, your mind will not work as efficiently and powerfully as it could.

In the same way that updating a circuit board in a computer hard-drive supplies new messages to the software, learning new concepts and acting on them requires a clear path for delivery. Acting differently on a consistent basis involves a change at a cellular level. You cannot receive a new message whilst your electrical pathways are inhibited.


Your conscious mind is a constant hive of activity. It is like a probe that is continuously searching for information, digesting and cataloguing everything it sees. And it does a great job of keeping you organised.

However, your real power lies in your deeper levels of consciousness. Your subconscious and your unconscious mind hold everything you inherently understand about the world and your place within it. These levels drive your behaviour, they provide your motivation and they tell your conscious mind what to look for.

Meditating daily connects you with the wisest and best parts of yourself. It allows you to access the reasons you do what you do and allows you to alter your programming for greater success.

All the most successful people in the world add meditation to their daily practice.

Finding Your Motivation

What is your true motivation for doing what you do? Why do you want to be more successful?

Getting clear on what motivates you can be mean the difference between mediocre and magnificent.

If your motivation is to receive validation from others, to be ‘seen’ as successful, to feel more important and improve your sense of self-worth, then eventually you will become exhausted and demoralised when people fail to recognise your achievements.

For you to push through what you already understand, you must find a motivation from deep within yourself.

It must be a non-negotiable.

It must be important enough to drive your behaviour.

It must matter at your deepest core

A great way to discover this is to write two lists.

List One – What will happen when I achieve my goals

List Two – What would happen if I don’t achieve my goals

It is usually the second list that really helps you get clear about what success means to you.

Goal Setting

Goal setting is more than having an idea of what you would like to achieve.

It’s a road map. It is a blueprint for building upon.

Your goals must be concise, clear, achievable and realistic. You must put numbers and timescales around them, specific measurable parameters which you can chart and implement.

And without clear goals, you will never achieve the success you desire.

Failure to plan is planning to fail” – Benjamin Franklin


You can never go beyond what you believe is possible for you.

It’s not enough to say the words, to pay lip-service to what you want to achieve. You must develop and cultivate a vision for your life, a vision for your success that is as real to you as breathing.

If someone else can do it, why can’t you?

Self-belief is at the core of every achievement, every successful endeavour and without it, you might as well sit on your hands and save yourself the effort.

“Do. Or do not. There is no try.” – Yoda

When your self-belief is strong, when it is real and tangible, success is the natural byproduct.

We all know that success takes work. We know that dedication and tenacity are key drivers of success. But these on their own will not deliver the results you are looking for.

We all know people who work hard, are dedicated and tenacious and yet they never achieve the success they desire, and no doubt deserve. They often become bitter and resentful for others’ success and give up on their dreams

Don’t let that be you.

Follow instead the men and women who have found success. The ones who have had the courage to look at themselves in the mirror, to be honest about who they are and what they want and who have done whatever they needed to, to follow the path to success.

Go beyond your conscious mind and discover the truth about yourself. Add to your understanding, reprogram your thoughts and change your behaviour.

Only then will you uncover your true potential.

Only then will you see the results you want, show up around you.

Only by doing something differently can you alter your current reality

The Hidden Potential of YOU

The Hidden Potential of YOU

I was looking at a picture of an iceberg the other day and it reminded me of an analogy I once heard.

Human potential is like an iceberg – what you see on the surface is nothing compared to what lies beneath.

What do we know about Icebergs?

An iceberg is a large mass of free-floating ice that has broken away from a glacier. Beautiful but potentially dangerous, icebergs are made up of freshwater ice, pieces of debris, trapped bubbles of air and they wander over the ocean until they melt.

An iceberg floats because it is less dense than the sea water that surrounds it and in fact 80-90% of an iceberg sits below the waterline.

Most people have heard the story, or watched a film about Titanic, the ship which on its maiden voyage struck an iceberg which caused catastrophic damage and ended the levels of over 1500 people. The reason the Titanic was destroyed had nothing to do with the iceberg that was visible above the waterline and everything to do with what was hidden beneath.

Scientists say that at most we use 10% of the capacity of our brain and therefore the available knowledge and possibility of human potential is 10 times that which we currently access. Imagine what we could discover, what we could do and what we could achieve if we increased our functioning by even 10%?

At an individual level we tend to think small. We create a vision of ourselves based upon the conditioning of society, our families, our education and our peers. Whatever is ‘acceptable or normal’ in the time of our growing up years, becomes the framework within which we live our lives.

And yet, just like the iceberg which shows only a tiny part of itself to the world above the waterline whilst plunging the depths below, you too have a depth of potential you may never have explored. The face you show to the world, and more importantly the face you show to yourself is often nothing more than a reflection of the ideas, understandings and limitations of the people around you.

Imagine if you had been born in a previous time. It wasn’t until the 6th Century that Pythagoras first suggested the earth was round. Prior to this, believe it or not, people looked to the horizon and assumed that the earth was flat. Needless to say they were not keen to sail too far in case they fell of the end of the planet. Now of course we all grow up with the understanding that our planet is a sphere which orbits around the sun. In the same way, once upon a time we had no idea of the size of an iceberg!

Just because something is the accepted way of thinking doesn’t necessarily make it the truth.

The same is true for you. Just because you have defined and limited yourself in a certain way doesn’t mean that you are correct.

The picture you create of yourself and what is possible for you is exactly what your life will reflect.

When an iceberg flips over it causes huge amounts of energy to be released. In fact scientists believe that a rolling iceberg may release as much energy as an atomic bomb and can cause a tsunami or even trigger an earthquake.

What if you too have the power to create a tsunami in your own life?

What if everything you thought you knew about yourself if just the tip of the iceberg?

What if you were to flip everything you know on its head and look again.

What might you see then?

Our brain has a need to categorise things, to put them into boxes as it is essentially a massive filing system. So as we go through life we form ‘measures’ with which we define the people and happenings around us.

If I say the word success, you will immediately have a picture of what success looks like to you. I can guarantee that the person next to you will have a different definition but the one you create for yourself is the one that governs this part of your life.

To illustrate the power of this let me give you some questions to ask yourself. The answers to these questions will allow you to see the definition you have formed around success.

If I was successful …

Where would I live?

How much money would I make a year?

What car would I drive?

What would my partner look like?

What lifestyle would I have?

What would my relationships look like?

What would I be wearing?

What would I look like?

How happy would I be?

Who would my friends be?

For some people the answers to these questions spurs them on to great achievement. But for most, the definition of success is so far away from how you see yourself now that it erodes your confidence and undermines any feeling of self-worth.

So we push the idea of success to the back of our mind and settle for less than what we deserve, less than what we are capable of and become nothing more than the tip of the iceberg.

There is more within you than you know.

Perhaps its time to change your measure of success and define it in a way that is achievable for you.

Maybe then, you will discover the depth of your potential that lies just beneath the face you see in the mirror.

The Magic Of An Unexpected Moment

The Magic Of An Unexpected Moment

I had a plan today to sit this evening and write my weekly article, to publish my latest blog to share with you.

Funny how the best laid plans can suddenly go awry

Or more correctly, in my case, simply change.

This morning I boarded a bus bound for a town which lies three hours from my home. I am staying with a friend for the next few days and arranged to meet her at approximately 1.30pm. As my partner was giving me a ride to the bus station, I in fact caught a much earlier bus than originally planned.

Arriving at my destination at just after 11am, I find myself sitting in a cafe at the local supermarket with a couple of hours to spare. In my case, this interlude was not entirely unexpected but I had underestimated the amount of time I would need to fill before meeting my friend.

So here I sit, listening to Elton John on the radio, surrounded by people having lunch, their voices murmuring, rising and falling with conversation, the occasional shriek coming from a young child who feels momentarily neglected, and the blare of six television screens advertising a video game, music album for sale and latest product that the supermarket urges me to purchase.

Tucked into a cosy corner with my laptop on the table in front of me, I write these words and think about the benefits of unexpected moments. Those moments where, as Robert Burns once said, ‘the best laid schemes of mice and men’ simply do not come together perfectly.

Sometimes the best and most memorable moments in life are those ones which come unexpectedly and take your breath away – Allanah Hunt

Not that this particular moment is anything extraordinary or as yet incredible.

I don’t know how the rest of my day will go, I will never see again the faces which currently surround me, perhaps this moment in time will slither away into the far recesses of my mind, never to be remembered and yet right here and now, I embrace this moment as an unexpected gift.

I could stand outside in the cold and curse the fact that my partner’s work schedule meant that I had to catch an earlier bus. I could pace around, bored and irritated as I await my friend’s arrival such that when I see her, I have wound myself up and spoil our time together.

Instead I choose to take this moment as a brilliant chance to write my article sooner in the day, to free up my evening to spend with my friend, to have the chance to do both with passion and presence.

If not for this moment in time, I would probably have to make a choice.

Spend time with my friend or … write my blog.

Thanks to this moment, I can do both.

Perhaps I could have taken advantage of the time on the bus to write my article.

This morning before I left home, I purchased an ebook to read on the trip. In my rush to leave the house however, I forgot to go to my Kindle app and actually download the book to my device. With no Wifi on the bus, and with the knowledge that reading a print book (which I had in my bag) would make me nauseous, I instead went back through the various books I had stored on my iPad.

I found one I had started several months ago but never finished and its message reminded me of some principles that we can apply to our lives everyday. The power of choice is ours in each and every moment even when we forget to actively use it.

So with these words ringing in my ears, I made a choice to use these few precious moments wisely. To not only find a quiet spot to write but to use my experiences of today to demonstrate clearly the gifts and opportunities that constantly surround us if only we are open to embracing them.

If I had taken a wee bit more time this morning to download the new ebook, I would have missed the clear and concise reminders in the book I read instead

If not for my partner’s work schedule, I would have caught a later bus and instead of having this fabulous moment in time to write my article, I would have felt torn later today when I know I would have chosen time with my friend over writing my article. My stress levels would have risen as I know I have a full day of work ahead of me tomorrow and finding space to write would have been a challenge.

Instead, I have been offered a gift. A precious couple of unexpected clear hours in which to clarify my thoughts, to compose this article and to enable me to focus on my time with my friend for the rest of the day.

How many precious moments do we miss as we doggedly follow a schedule?

How often do we choose to be irritated when things don’t go exactly as planned instead of looking for the possibilities that exist within the unknown? 

What if we make a different choice?

What if instead of trying to control everything around us, we learned to embrace each and every moment along the way? To allow life to unfold in front of us, to embrace the unexpected and live in spontaneity?

What if instead of feeling stress in those unexpected moments we embrace them as a gift?

What might we discover then?

Who might you meet as you find yourself in an unfamiliar place?

What discoveries might you make as you wander off the well worn path and for just a moment in time, find yourself suspended in an unexpected moment?

Those people you meet, those faces you see may in fact provide inspiration for your next business idea. The break from your schedule may just put you in the path of an opportunity you may never have discovered on your own.

One unexpected moment that you decide to embrace could have the power to change your life for the better.

What will you do the next time you find yourself with time on your hands?

How will you treat the time you would perhaps have previously seen as wasted or unproductive?

Time whilst you wait. Time to fill. Time that you will never have again …

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