How To Manifest Abundance Right Now

How To Manifest Abundance Right Now

Everyone wants abundance right? I know I tried to manifest abundance for a really, really long time. I waited and waited; hoping against hope that the things I wanted would hurry up and arrive.

Because without those things, I felt like something was missing. I felt like I was missing out.

If only … I had more money
If only … I was more loved
If only … I was slimmer
If only …

But now I don’t want abundance …

Or perhaps a better way to say it is, I don’t want for abundance.

You see, there’s one little word in this article that is the clue to why abundance didn’t show up for me for a long, long time. And also why it may not be showing up for you.

That word is ‘want’.

Because the word ‘want’ is the same as want-ing. Which is the same as lack-ing.

Wanting abundance is a manifestation of the idea that you’re lacking abundance.


You cannot manifest abundance from a place of lack.

When I first came to understand this, I felt extremely hopeless. I knew I had the power to create my own reality but I couldn’t figure out how to feel abundant when my life was in ruins.

Back in 2009 at the height of the Global Financial Crisis, my business collapsed and my premises went into foreclosure. The bank sold them at a huge loss leaving me with a mountain of debt. I lost my home, my fiancé and when I found myself packing what was left of my possessions into a couple of boxes and driving away from the life I’d worked so hard to create, I was devastated.

I felt like I was lacking everything!

So I set about focusing on what I wanted to create. I worked really hard at trying to manifest abundance. Morning, noon and night, I would fight my negative thoughts, daydream about the future I wanted to experience and do everything I could to generate the feelings of ‘having it now’.

But anxiety stalked me constantly.

At that time, I was living in a boarding house and the government was covering my basic needs. I was taking sleeping pills just to get a couple of hours sleep at night. I lost a huge amount of weight and became a walking skeleton. In my worst moments, I would sit in the corner and rock backwards and forwards in despair.

I was exhausted and ready to call time on this life.

Instead, I chose to surrender. I chose to give up the fight to create what I wanted and let things be what they were. I felt like if this was all there was for me, then the sooner I accepted it, the easier my life would be.

From that moment on, things began to change. The choice to surrender brought me a sort of peace. The fight went out of me and I was willing to live in my life as it was. Even if nothing ever changed, I knew I could survive.

Slowly, I began to thrive.

I remember when I laughed out loud for the first time in a couple of years. It was such a foreign sound that it jumped out at me as being odd. It made a big impression on me and I appreciated it as I knew in that moment, that I was beginning to live again. I knew I was going to be okay.

I began to enjoy the simple pleasures in life. A conversation with a stranger. I pretty flower in a garden. The joy of a walk on the beach. A good book.

I recognized there was nothing lacking in my life after all. The things that I thought I wanted and that would make my life complete, were completely unnecessary.

I was already complete.
I was already happy.
I was already free.
I was already loved.

My life was already abundant …

This realisation was the foundation for all the physical abundance that has shown up in my life since then.

I share my life with a lovely man.
I make friends wherever I go.
I work from home and connect with people all over the world.
I have a house in two countries on opposite sides of the world and I travel between them with ease (even during the Covid 19 event).
I enjoy time with my family and time with myself.

I am content, peaceful and joyful. Not because of what I have but because it’s what I chose before I had what I have now. And it’s what I keep choosing no matter how life changes around me.

I created abundance not by focusing on what I wanted for, but by deeply appreciating the abundance I already had. I became completely content with my life as it was.

And my life unfolded in surprising and wonderful ways. Today, I never think about what I might want. I embrace whatever shows up and live in the now with contentment and joy. When I feel a nudge to take action, I act.

I want for nothing and as a result my life is full of abundance, joy, peace, prosperity, love and happiness.


*download my FREE 7 Minute Abundance Blueprint to learn how you too can want for nothing and experience all the abundance life has to offer.

Raise Your Abundance Vibration In 5 Easy Ways

Raise Your Abundance Vibration In 5 Easy Ways

I remember years ago when I first heard about the need to raise your abundance vibration to attract more of what you want. At the time, I didn’t understand what this meant or how to go about doing it. I listened to Law of Attraction experts talk about positive thinking and positive emotions and I tried everything they suggested. It helped, but my life didn’t really change in any great way.

I still felt lacking, I still felt alone and I still felt powerless to truly change my life. I felt that way for a very long time. It was hard. In some ways, it felt harder to keep striving for change than to simply give up and accept that ‘this is just how life is’. I very nearly did exactly that.

Since then, I’ve learned that true acceptance is the path to peace and more abundance. But its one thing to settle for the status quo because the battle feels too painful and quite another to live in peaceful acceptance of the abundance that already exists. They each have a very different energy vibration.

To raise your abundance vibration is to shift to a higher, faster vibration. Not just in your thoughts or emotions, but in your body.

The vibrational frequency that attracts everything to you is found in every cell in your body.

The way to raise your abundance vibration is to focus on the physical body. It’s your physical body that’s manifesting your physical reality. The clearer the energy flow in your body is, the higher your vibration will be.

Here’s 5 simple ways to start shifting to a higher frequency.


If you’re reading this article, then you’re clearly breathing. But oxygen is absolutely vital for energy flow. Without enough oxygen, the vibration in your cells will slow down and they will start to die. Given that every cell is an individual power source for life, it’s vital that they receive what they need to stay healthy and vital. The healthier they are, the faster they will vibrate. The faster they vibrate, the clearer the energy flow.

To receive the full benefits of oxygen, we must breathe deeply. Most people don’t think about how they breathe and therefore the amount of oxygen that enters their body is limited. Its important to inflate the entire lung including the lower part that is connected to the nervous system. A lot of the symptoms of anxiety can be alleviated by simply taking some deep belly breaths. As you breathe in, your belly should expand fully. As you breathe out, your belly should deflate fully.

Stop and take 3-4 deep belly breaths every hour and you will immediately feel the increase in energy that the additional oxygen will provide.

Eat Lightly

The food you eat has a massive impact on how you feel. When you eat heavy food, you’ll feel heavy. When you eat light food, you’ll feel light. There is a direct correlation between the food you eat and the amount of energy you have.

What do I mean by heavy or light food?

Examples of heavy food could include starchy vegetables, bread, pasta, meat, dairy, sugary treats and fried food. The quantity of food is also important. Let’s think about the western Christmas dinner for a moment. It’s a veritable feast of heavy food. And what happens when everyone’s finished eating? They fall asleep. Your body literally shuts you down so it can go to work digesting and eliminating everything it cannot use. When you eat heavy food, your body needs to go into overdrive to process it. This can take many hours and expend a lot of energy. Your vibration slows as a result.

Examples of light food could include salad greens, fruit, nuts, raw vegetables and some grains. When you eat light food, your body is able to quickly process it and return to maximum vibration.

When you eat mostly light *food, you raise your abundance vibration, feel lighter, more energized and more vibrant.


Your body needs you to stop so it can work on repairing and restoring the health of your cells. When we’re constantly distracting ourselves with technology, running from task to task and thinking all the time, our body doesn’t have the chance to focus on the vital systems of keeping you healthy. It will do the most vital tasks while you’re sleeping but many of the more complex tasks get left undone. Over time this creates breakages in the system and energy cannot flow correctly. Sleep is important but so is rest. Take time to sit in nature, meditate, reflect or just be. When the internal systems in your body are working efficiently, energy flows freely. The clearer the flow, the higher your vibration.

Move Your Body

We understand that exercise is important for health. There’s a saying, ‘use it or lose it’ that really applies here. But it’s also important to move so that energy doesn’t become stagnant. It’s a bit like the contrast between a flowing stream and a pond. The constant movement of a stream keeps the water clear and fresh but a pond needs maintenance as the lack of movement causes stagnation. Stagnation is slow flow and it’s the same with the energy flow in your body. Moving your body gets your heart pumping, your lungs expanding and contracting and ‘shakes everything up’. Movement is therefore vital for efficient energy flow. It doesn’t have to be high intensity *exercise but the more you can move, the higher your vibration will be.

Check Your Posture

This is one of the most simple but powerful things you can do for yourself. When you ‘stand up straight’ you immediately increase the flow of oxygen around your body. Every organ returns to it’s correct position, veins can open up freely and your energy is free to flow without blockages.  Stand up, take a deep breath in, push your shoulders back to open your chest, lift your head and look straight ahead. You’ll immediately feel a sense of freedom in your body. This is increased energy flow and its one of the easiest ways to raise your abundance vibration.

In conclusion, bring your awareness to your body as the powerhouse of energy that it is. Pay attention to how you breathe, eat, rest and move. And always lift your ribcage up and out, pull your stomach muscles in to support your spine and keep your chin lifted away from your chest. Practice this when you sit, when you stand and when you walk.

With practice and awareness, you will feel lighter, more energised and you will raise your abundance vibration to attract more of what you truly want.

Download my FREE Raise Your Abundance Vibration MP3 here.

It’s a great place to start …

*Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional so please consult your doctor before increasing your exercise or changing your diet


Changing Your Thoughts Is Not Enough To Change Your Life

Changing Your Thoughts Is Not Enough To Change Your Life

You’ve probably heard  that changing your thoughts will change your life. But although your thoughts have a lot of power, they are not enough on their own to change your life.

Here’s why …

Everything we learn throughout our lives is imprinted through the projection and absorption of energy. We’re receiving and imparting information through emotion. Or to put it another way; through e-motion (energy in motion). It’s the energy behind what we say, hear, see and do that leaves the biggest imprint. We forget the things we only ‘hear about’; we remember the things we ‘feel about’.

Without feeling there can be no knowing – Allanah Hunt

Think about it in terms of watching a movie or reading a novel.

Some storylines really speak to you and you connect deeply with the characters. They stay with you for a while even after the movie or novel has ended. When you see the book or film trailor in the future, you will probably feel an echo of the same emotions you felt during your previous experience of it.

Other stories leave you cold. You watch or read impassively and when its over, you promptly forget about it. In fact, you may not even remember you’ve read the book or seen the movie if it comes across your path in the future.

I use this example because it reminds me of a book I started reading a few years ago. The book started off really well. It engaged my attention and I was enthralled by the storyline.

But as the author wove the plot deeper into the book, I began to have doubts. Although I liked the characters and the idea behind the story was great, it started to get a little far-fetched. I began to wonder how the character was going to get out of the predicament he’d created for himself.

And then … I turned a page and that was it for me.

The author had literally written himself into a corner and the only way out was to invent a completely ridiculous escape. Something to do with a cat with supernatural powers. I don’t remember the details because at that point I threw the book down in frustration and disappointment.


We Learn Through Emotion

I will never forget that book. I can’t tell you what it was called, who wrote it or how it ended, but I remember how I felt about it. I remember the part of the story I reacted to but I don’t remember the rest.


I connected with that story and it moved me. It moved my energy in two equal but opposing directions. My level of enjoyment was equalled by my level of disappointment. I had a strong e-motional response. That emotional response imprinted a memory and I can still feel an echo of those emotions when I think about the book now.

It’s the same in life. The experiences that are the most emotionally charged, are the ones we remember most. We don’t always remember the surrounding events clearly, but the energy of those experiences is imprinted forever.

That energetic imprint is triggered when we experience an event in the future that unconsciously reminds us of the past. And we will always act when e-motion moves us.

There’s another way of illustrating this too.

How do you KNOW something is true? It feels true doesn’t it. There’s a congruence between the thoughts in your mind and the feeling in your body. I call this Energetic Alignment.

And how do you KNOW something is a lie? It feels like a lie. There’s an incongruence between what you’re hearing and how you’re feeling in your body. I call this Energetic Conflict.

With me so far?

Sounds reasonable doesn’t it? But there’s a catch.

There’s a reason certain things feel true and others feel like a lie. And it has almost nothing to do with absolutes and almost everything to do with imprinting.

A child learns through watching other people’s reactions, responses, emotions and behaviour. As another person’s energy moves, a child instinctively responds and it leaves an imprint. That imprint becomes their truth. It becomes a part of the child’s normal.

In essence, they’ve learned a model of the world by watching others model the world to them.

This is true for every single one of us. What we’ve learned has become our truth. It’s become what we believe absolutely.

Why do we believe it?

Because it feels true. There is an alignment between the thoughts in our head and the way we feel in our body.

Which is where life gets really interesting …


Firstly because we each believe something different. We each have a different version of the truth. We each have an individual version of normal. My normal is different from yours, which is different from your partner’s, parent’s, children’s, friend’s and so on.

People with a similar version of normal feel right to us whereas people with a very different version of normal feel wrong.

We’re attracted to some people and repelled by others. There’s either an energy match or an energy mis-match.

When something feels right, you’ll embrace it.

When something feels wrong, you’ll reject it.

Secondly, what we believe to be true is guiding our lives. Or to put it more strongly, driving our lives. The way we feel about something determines what we’ll see, how we’ll react, respond or behave and the choices we’ll make. This is how we’re creating our experience of life.

What feels true becomes true – Allanah Hunt

That’s why changing your thoughts is not enough. Your thoughts are simply a projection of what you already know to be true. When you try to convince yourself that something else is true, it feels like a lie.

How do you know something is true? There’s an alignment between what you hear, the thoughts in your mind and the feeling in your body.

And how do you know something is a lie?  There’s a conflict between what you hear, the thoughts in your head and how you’re feeling in your body.

That alignment or conflict is a result of instinctive learning through emotional imprints. It’s unconscious and it’s the foundation of your life.

Reality therefore, is nothing more than a ever looping series of personal truths made manifest through the power of Energetic Alignment.

Your life will always reflect what you unconsciously know to be true.

If your life is going brilliantly well, you can stop reading now. You’re already energetically aligned with what you want. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

But if your life doesn’t look the way you want it to then you might want to keep reading because chances are, at least some of what you unconsciously know to be true is not the truth at all. Perhaps its just a lie in disguise.

The lies that are manifesting your life

Everything you know about life has been imprinted by others. Your parents, your teachers, your peers and your society.

Some of what you know has come from conscious learning. Lessons taught in school, how to drive a car or how to use an app are all examples of conscious learning. This type of learning is easy for you to access and simple to alter as new facts come to light.

But most of what you know has been unconsciously learned.

You’ve learned by unconsciously absorbing other people’s truths through the imprint of e-motion. 

You’ve learned a lot through reward and punishment. When you behave in a way that pleases others, you get a reward. It might be a smile, a hug, a compliment or some sort of certificate or gift. When you behave in a way that displeases others, you get a punishment. It might be a frown, a cold shoulder, a telling off or you may have something taken away from you. Although you may not always comply with others’ expectations, you nonetheless learn what’s acceptable and what’s not. 

But you also learn by feeling other people’s emotions around situations that do not directly involve you.

You’ve learned about love or more specifically, what love looks and feels like. You’ve absorbed people’s opinions and judgements of others and they may have become a measure of how you choose a partner. How you choose your friends. Or how you love yourself.

You’ve learned about money or more specifically, how easy or hard it is to come by. You’ve absorbed people’s opinions and judgement about the poor, the rich and those in between. Those opinions may have become a measure for your career choices. How you value money. Or for how you value yourself.

You’ve learned about food, exercise, humor, how to think, how to act, who to be and the difference between right and wrong by the way others’ respond to everything that happens around them.

Slowly and subtly you’ve learned the unconscious truths that are currently manifesting your life.

Not through what people have told you but through what people have shown you. Their responses, actions and emotions have left deep imprints that are driving your life today.

It’s not enough to change your thoughts. You haven’t learned through thinking. You’ve learned through feeling. You’ve learned through emotion – energy in motion.

When something feels right, you’ll embrace it.

When something feels wrong, you’ll reject it.

The only way to replace the unconscious ‘lies’ that currently feel like the truth, is to release the energetic imprint of them. This creates space to learn a new truth. To imprint a new truth through feeling.

You cannot change your life by changing your thoughts by force. You will only create conflict.

Your reality will automatically and effortlessly shift when your energetic alignment shifts.

Ask, Believe, Receive. Are You Saying ‘NO’ To What You Want Most?

Ask, Believe, Receive. Are You Saying ‘NO’ To What You Want Most?

Ask, Believe, Receive

This is the creative process that is as old as time itself. It’s been mentioned in every religious text and spoken of by mystics, philosophers and Law of Attraction teachers throughout the ages.

I’m sure you’ve heard of it too.

It’s a simple three step process that many people see as the key to manifesting everything they want.

And of course it is.

But, there’s more to this creative process than meets the eye.

In over 10 years of studying the Law of Attraction and Manifestation, I’ve learned that the way most people are using the creative process is backwards. When you start by asking for what you want you shift your focus away from the truth of this process.

The real key to manifesting everything you want is being ready and willing to receive.

I can hear you saying you’re ready. I thought I was too.

I’d asked and asked. I’d worked hard to expand my mind to believe that it could happen for me. I focused my thoughts on the abundance I knew was coming. I did everything I thought I needed to do to make the Law of Attraction work for me.

Nothing happened.

Well perhaps not nothing, but nothing substantial. Nothing life changing. And certainly nothing that felt like my ‘prayers’ had been answered.

I became disillusioned and felt like giving up. I very nearly did.

But somewhere deep within me, there burned a tiny flame. A spark that told me I was missing something. A spark that told me there was something more …

So I went searching for it.

Have you ever heard the saying, ‘Seek and you will find?’

Well I found the missing piece of the puzzle and it changed everything.

Because I had the creative process backwards.

I’ll let you into a little secret.

The Law of Attraction and Manifestation is all about Energetic Alignment

You could call it vibration or frequency. Not the vibration or frequency of your thoughts but the vibration or frequency of your energy.

How do you know what your energetic alignment is?

You’ll feel it as your core emotional state.

It’s important to understand the difference between your emotional state and your emotions.

You’re emotional state is your ‘all the time’ energetic state.

It’s the way you feel in your body most of the time. The way you feel when there’s nothing particular going on. When you’re just going about your day. When life is just humming along and there’s nothing to spark a specific emotion. You probably won’t even notice how you feel because it’s your ‘normal’.

But your energy is always vibrating.

It’s your life force. And it’s manifesting your life.

Emotion = E-motion. Energy in motion. Or more specifically, your energy in motion.

When you feel an emotion, you’re really feeling your own energy move in response to something or someone else.

The event, circumstance, or person is simply the trigger that sparks your energy into motion. Each time you act or *react from the energy spark you’re feeling, you either reinforce your existing energetic alignment or realign your energy to a new vibration or frequency.

*(re-action = re-enacting a past experience as if it’s happening today)

Your Energetic Alignment is your Energetic State

It’s the vibration of your energetic state that is manifesting your life

Ask, Believe, Receive

Your Energetic Alignment signals what you BELIEVE

What you BELIEVE is what you unconsciously ASK for

And you will always RECEIVE whatever you unconsciously BELIEVE and ASK for

It will happen automatically

It can’t be any other way.

This is the Law of Attraction in action.

Getting ready to RECEIVE is the act of Energy Re-alignment

How do you do that?

Start by becoming aware of your thoughts, emotions and actions.

Instead of pushing away the ‘negative’ thoughts and trying to change them, listen to what they have to say. Your thoughts are literally your energy communicating with you in words. Behind every thought there’s an emotion. And emotion drive action.

Your thoughts and emotions will always match because it’s your energy you’re experiencing. When you pay attention, you can connect with the energetic alignment that is manifesting your life. You can learn what it feels like.

And that knowledge frees you to make a powerful shift in each and every moment.

It frees you to release and replace.

To repair and restore.

To realign and recreate your life anew

Abundance is your birthright

Your wish is my command!


Creating Your Own Reality

Creating Your Own Reality

There’s something really important that you need to know.

Reality is not fact but simply a matter of perspective

Have I lost you? How can REALity not be REAL?

The thing is, it all depends on where you stand, as to what you see.

Lets use an example to demonstrate what I mean.

There is a tree which stands on a shared piece grass between our house and our neighbour’s. The tree is centred on this bit of grass and therefore we both own the tree. I happen to love trees and enjoy watching the seasonal changes which occur as the year goes by. When I am sitting in my living room, this particular tree is in my direct line of sight.

My neighbour also loves trees and believes in letting nature take its course. Needless to say the tree is getting bigger by the year.

Right, so this is where I get to the point I want to make.

My partner adores nature but he hates this tree. He feels it is too big and when the spring comes and the sap is running, this tree drips a lot of sap onto his car which is of course parked on our driveway.

His reality is that the tree is a menace and should be kept small or preferably removed altogether. He truly believes that its wrong to have such a big tree where it is and that the neighbour should let him cut it down. He complains constantly and wishes the tree would die.

My neighbours have a completely different reality.

They planted the tree when they first moved to their house many years ago (long before we moved in). They have tended this tree and it has ‘grown up’ alongside their son. To them, the tree is special and they are very upset by the idea that it needs to be trimmed or pruned.

The fact is, there is a tree in the garden.

But the ‘reality’ of how each of us sees the tree is completely a matter of perspective

Is the tree a liability or an asset? Does it make life better or worse?

It completely depends on who you are. It depends on which side of the grass you are standing on.

There are two sides to every story and the truth usually lies somewhere in the middle. – Paul J Alessi

Whilst your brain has a need to categorise people and events based on what it already knows in order to make sense of the world, you do not need to let your brain rule you.

Just because your mind tells you something is real, doesn’t make it so.

And just because you believe something doesn’t make it true.

Your reality is simply a reflection of how you see the world.

Things are not as they seem – Irish Proverb

When we go through the world and interact with others, we define things and people by what we consider to be ‘normal’. Your upbringing, your culture, your gender and your generation create differences between you and others.

One of the best examples of this is maturity.

Every single generation throughout our known history has been heard to make similar comments as they mature.

“In my day, I would never have dared to speak to my parents like that.”

“The world has gone mad and is on the brink of destruction.”

“Young people today …”

Are the young people ‘worse’ than we were when we were their age? Is the world truly mad and set on a course of destruction?

Or is it just that we were raised in a world that looked different from the one we find ourselves in today. Is it that our shade of ‘normal’ is simply different from our children’s understanding of ‘normal’.

The way you see the world is unique to you. Nobody else in the whole world sees things exactly the way you do.


Your perspective is shaped by so many variables that it is impossible for two people to agree on absolutely everything. No two people ever experience the same reality no matter how close their shared experiences.

The wonderful thing about reality is that it can shift from moment to moment

And even better is that you don’t have to wait for something around you to shift.

You have the power to choose your own reality

Take a deep breath. Step back from your emotions and look again.

In the blink of an eye things can change and what you thought was reality becomes a mirage.

When you shift your perspective, everything you see shifts with you.

You will always see what you expect to see.

Change your expectations. Ask more questions.

Use your power to choose your reality and discover a new world …

Vantage Point – Shift Your View, Shift Your Life

Vantage Point – Shift Your View, Shift Your Life

A few years ago I watched a Dennis Quaid film called Vantage Point. The film was full of action but it wasn’t the storyline that made the biggest impact on me. It was the way it was filmed.

The film starts with the President of the United States being shot while delivering a speech in a public square in Spain after which a bomb explodes killing many of the crowd who had come to hear him speak. This might sound like a ‘spoiler alert’ but this all happens in the first 10 minutes of the film. After the bomb explodes the pieces of the scene fly back together in a super fast rewind before starting to play again. This happens several times and although to begin with you’re not sure quite what’s going on, as you watch you realise that you’re seeing the same events but through the eyes of a different person. Each time the footage plays you’re seeing a different perspective or from a new Vantage Point.

It’s actually very clever. The story plays out like a modern day ‘whodunnit’ and as you watch you begin to see how the events you’ve seen in each of the versions fit together.

And the reason this made such a big impact on me?

It reminded me of life

Each one of us is seeing the events around us through our own eyes. Through our own perception and perspective. From our own Vantage Point. It’s natural that this is how it is right? We look at what’s happening, what we’re experiencing and we tell ourselves that what we see is the truth.

But is it really? Or perhaps its just a version of the truth which if you were to shift your Vantage Point, or shift your perspective, might disappear and reappear as something quite different. What you see always depends on where you stand.

Some things are hidden from view because something else is blocking the line of sight

It doesn’t mean it isn’t there though.

If you move a little, or a lot, suddenly more is revealed

Think about buying tickets for a concert or sports match held in a stadium. Usually there is a sliding purchase price depending on how good the view is from the seats you select. If you want the best Vantage Point, where you get to see everything clearly, you may need to pay a little more. If you choose the cheaper seats then chances are you will miss some of the action. You might see it on the big screen but from where you’re sitting, you can’t see it at all.

And isn’t that what the big screen is for? To ensure you don’t miss the action no matter where you choose to sit? Let’s think about the big screen as the big picture. The big picture is made up of millions of tiny information pixels and if some of them don’t get displayed correctly, the picture is incomplete.

It’s the same with life

To see the big picture we need to have all the information. Most of us never take the time or make the effort to get all the information to discover the truth. We simply look at what’s happening from the viewpoint we’ve been given and believe that that’s all there is.

But there is so much more. What if you were the person on the other side of the conversation.

How might it look from there?

You’ve probably heard the expression ‘put yourself in somebody else’s shoes’. And maybe you’ve tried to do that. Maybe you’ve been able to imagine how someone might be feeling based on how you think you might feel in the same situation.

But what if it’s closer to home. What about when it’s someone you’re disagreeing with? Or someone you’re arguing with? How easy is it for you to shift your view then?

Not so simple huh?

It’s important to remember that everything is subjective and just because something is true for you from your experience, doesn’t make it true for someone else. They are looking through their own experiences and their own understandings.

You’re standing at a very different Vantage Point …

Sometimes it’s hard to accept that what we believe to be true is only part of the view. That in fact where we’re standing is dictating the view we can see. And if we were to honestly and respectfully change places, we might see a very different truth.

Think of the referee on the football pitch. It’s difficult for them to see everything as the action happens very fast. But the on-pitch cameras catch it all. They are positioned in various places around the stadium so they can catch the events from every perspective. If one camera doesn’t show the action clearly, another one will. When you view the action from different angles, the big picture is revealed allowing the referee to make the correct decision.

Same in life.

Only when we shift our view can we see the big picture

Only then can we see the truth that lies between two people. The next time you find yourself in an argument or disagreement with someone, why not take a step back for a moment. Press rewind and look again from a different Vantage Point. Adding a new perspective to what you’ve always believed to be true is life changing. You cannot simply go back and ‘un-see’ what you’ve discovered.

Look again

What you see might surprise you!

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