Why Personal Development Is Vital For Success

Why Personal Development Is Vital For Success

There is only one person who is responsible for your success and that person is you. So if you’ve got to a certain point in your career or your business and you feel like you’ve hit the ceiling of what is possible, think again.

“The definition of insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting a different result” – Albert Einstein

Smart man Mr Einstein!

And here’s what another smart and hugely successful man had to say on the subject.

“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.” – Henry T Ford

What is the key message in these quotes?

That doing the same thing will produce the same result.


(Archimedes, another very smart man said this when the truth of a situation dawned on him)

Okay, got it!

But how does this apply to you?

Lets say you want a different outcome from your current reality.

Perhaps you want to be promoted.

Maybe you want to make more money.

Or perhaps, you want to take your business to the next level.

You’ve tried everything you know how to do but nothing seems to work.

There is only one thing left to do … something DIFFERENT!

Here’s Mr Einstein again:

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them” – Albert Einstein

Knowledge is power but your current understandings will only take you so far.

To go beyond your current reality, beyond your existing results, you must learn something new.

But you already know this, right?

If you’re a driven and already successful person, you’ve probably invested in your education.

You’ve probably undertaken every up-skilling course within your chosen industry.

You’ve probably engaged in self-learning to expand your knowledge

“What else can I do?”, you might ask.

Are you ready for another Eureka moment?

If your success is completely dependent on you, then the one thing you must work on, is YOU.

“Success is not dependent on what you know but on who decide to become” – Allanah Hunt

What makes the most successful people in the world different from the rest?

Why do some people seem to find gold everywhere they look whilst others only find a dead end?

It’s who they have trained themselves to be.

It’s the daily habits they have cultivated

In short … its Personal Development

Food & Exercise

Moving your body, moves your mind. Imagine your body as a huge network of electrical circuits. For best results you must keep the conductors polished, the wires clean and the pathways clear. If any of the conduits become blocked or inhibited, the supply of power and the efficiency of the machine are impacted.

The same is true for you. If your body is not finely tuned and provided with the correct fuel, your mind will not work as efficiently and powerfully as it could.

In the same way that updating a circuit board in a computer hard-drive supplies new messages to the software, learning new concepts and acting on them requires a clear path for delivery. Acting differently on a consistent basis involves a change at a cellular level. You cannot receive a new message whilst your electrical pathways are inhibited.


Your conscious mind is a constant hive of activity. It is like a probe that is continuously searching for information, digesting and cataloguing everything it sees. And it does a great job of keeping you organised.

However, your real power lies in your deeper levels of consciousness. Your subconscious and your unconscious mind hold everything you inherently understand about the world and your place within it. These levels drive your behaviour, they provide your motivation and they tell your conscious mind what to look for.

Meditating daily connects you with the wisest and best parts of yourself. It allows you to access the reasons you do what you do and allows you to alter your programming for greater success.

All the most successful people in the world add meditation to their daily practice.

Finding Your Motivation

What is your true motivation for doing what you do? Why do you want to be more successful?

Getting clear on what motivates you can be mean the difference between mediocre and magnificent.

If your motivation is to receive validation from others, to be ‘seen’ as successful, to feel more important and improve your sense of self-worth, then eventually you will become exhausted and demoralised when people fail to recognise your achievements.

For you to push through what you already understand, you must find a motivation from deep within yourself.

It must be a non-negotiable.

It must be important enough to drive your behaviour.

It must matter at your deepest core

A great way to discover this is to write two lists.

List One – What will happen when I achieve my goals

List Two – What would happen if I don’t achieve my goals

It is usually the second list that really helps you get clear about what success means to you.

Goal Setting

Goal setting is more than having an idea of what you would like to achieve.

It’s a road map. It is a blueprint for building upon.

Your goals must be concise, clear, achievable and realistic. You must put numbers and timescales around them, specific measurable parameters which you can chart and implement.

And without clear goals, you will never achieve the success you desire.

Failure to plan is planning to fail” – Benjamin Franklin


You can never go beyond what you believe is possible for you.

It’s not enough to say the words, to pay lip-service to what you want to achieve. You must develop and cultivate a vision for your life, a vision for your success that is as real to you as breathing.

If someone else can do it, why can’t you?

Self-belief is at the core of every achievement, every successful endeavour and without it, you might as well sit on your hands and save yourself the effort.

“Do. Or do not. There is no try.” – Yoda

When your self-belief is strong, when it is real and tangible, success is the natural byproduct.

We all know that success takes work. We know that dedication and tenacity are key drivers of success. But these on their own will not deliver the results you are looking for.

We all know people who work hard, are dedicated and tenacious and yet they never achieve the success they desire, and no doubt deserve. They often become bitter and resentful for others’ success and give up on their dreams

Don’t let that be you.

Follow instead the men and women who have found success. The ones who have had the courage to look at themselves in the mirror, to be honest about who they are and what they want and who have done whatever they needed to, to follow the path to success.

Go beyond your conscious mind and discover the truth about yourself. Add to your understanding, reprogram your thoughts and change your behaviour.

Only then will you uncover your true potential.

Only then will you see the results you want, show up around you.

Only by doing something differently can you alter your current reality

7 Pieces Of Advice from a Sea Turtle

7 Pieces Of Advice from a Sea Turtle

You might be thinking; what could I possibly learn from a Sea Turtle! But bear with me for a moment and come with me for the ride (swim?)

There is a lot to learn from nature and although we like to think we are superior to the other living creatures on our planet, perhaps they have it more ‘right’ than we do. Certainly, there are attitudes we could learn that will bring balance and happiness throughout our lives.

Why not start with advice from a Sea Turtle?

Swim With The Current

Many people think that going with the flow involves apathy or a lack of ambition but the truth is that when you work with what is, and find your own groove within it, life feels easier and more peaceful. It’s a bit like the surfer who waits patiently for the perfect wave to ride in to shore. Very quickly the novice learns which waves give a smooth ride and which peak too soon only to dump them in choppy water.

Fighting against ‘what is’ will keep you in a state of stress, frustration and uncertainty. Most things are outside of our control so all you can do is decide which waves to surf and which to avoid. Focus on finding your space within the natural order of things and you will be happier and more peaceful.

Be A Good Navigator

The Sea Turtle navigates by instinct to find feeding grounds and amazingly, to return to the place it was born in order to breed. They encounter many difficulties and must adjust to changing conditions along the way. And yet, despite the odds, they find their way to where they need to go to fulfil their life purpose.

The same is true for us. We must set our inner compass to where we wish to go and then adjust to and align ourselves with the conditions which surround us. No matter what comes, if we want to stay on our chosen path, we must check in that our heading is correct.

Stay Calm Under Pressure

Even if you have learned to swim with the current, life will deliver events which will challenge you. How you choose to respond to those events will determine not only the outcome but your experience along the way. You can try to barge through and force circumstances to bend to your will but in most cases, you will fail.

Or you can stay calm and allow the answers to come to you. There is always a way around something even if sometimes we need to adjust our course for a while until we can get back on track.

Be Well Travelled

Being well travelled involves keeping an open mind and pushing the boundaries of what you know to be possible. Every experience teaches you something about yourself and the world around you. But if you never experiment with ideas, thoughts and actions, then you will simply repeat what you already know.

Be excited by life. Have fun.

Embrace new opportunities and experiences.

And above all, step outside of your comfort zone.

Think Long Term

The choices you make each day are creating your future. Each and every decision you make has a set of consequences attached so developing the ability to see the longer term outcome of a choice will give you confidence in your actions today.

With an eye on your desired outcome you can stay calm and use your inner compass to surf the waves which will take you where you want to go.

Age Gracefully

The lifespan of a Sea Turtle is approximately 80 – 100 years and is made up of various stages of development. They spend several years in passive migration before heading to nearshore waters to mature. From there, they move to adult foraging grounds until they are ready to breed.

In the same way, we too have various stages in our lives that create our experiences. As we age, we learn and develop new skills and abilities that change the way we view the world and our place within it. Accept that this is also true of any goal or dream that you are chasing. All things have stages of development and you cannot go from zero to hero in a heartbeat. Allow things to unfold and have patience along the way.

Spend Time At The Beach

I love the beach but not everyone agrees with me. The real message here is to take time out from whatever holds your focus and relax. Step away from the journey and allow yourself to simply be.

At one time I had no idea what that actually meant. How could I just be? In time I learned that the art of ‘being’ is to stop chasing so hard, stop pushing and to find peace and tranquillity within myself. And by doing this, all the answers I need come naturally to me, I am able to swim with the current, to navigate through any obstacles as I discover new ideas as time goes by.

5 Ways To Make Loneliness Your Friend

5 Ways To Make Loneliness Your Friend

Most of us have felt lonely at one time or another but for some, loneliness is a daily, minute by minute companion. To use the word companion and loneliness in the same sentence might sound strange, but loneliness is more than just a feeling; it’s an experience.

It is truly as if a dark shadow has come to sit beside you and steal your joy.

In a world where technology has taken over so much human interaction, more and more people are finding themselves isolated and without a close friend to turn to. Statistics suggest that one in eight adults describe themselves as lonely and that many children are turning to telephone support services to discuss their feelings of loneliness.

Loneliness is becoming the epidemic of our time

So, what’s the ‘cure’ for loneliness?

You might think it’s to get out more. Or to join a club or society to meet people.

But loneliness runs much deeper than simply being in the same space as others and the truth is you can feel far lonelier in a crowd than you you’ll ever feel on your own.

Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty – Mother Teresa

People who are lonely often feel:

Isolated, Abandoned, Rejected, Separate, Deserted, Invisible

Human beings are social creatures. We crave connection and want to belong. But sometimes we feel different from the other people we meet and we struggle to find our place in the world. We don’t understand social norms. We don’t have anything in common with those around us. We look different to others. We sound different from others. The things we love, bore other people. We’ve been taught not to trust others. We feel awkward around strangers. We’ve experienced an event that caused us to withdraw from others.

But there are steps you can take to reduce your feelings of loneliness right now.

1. What Are You Looking For?

When we feel lonely, it’s usually because we feel that something is missing. We look at other people’s lives and they seem busy with their friends, busy with their families, busy with their chosen activities – it looks like everyone else is having fun and we’re missing out. We want to feel the way we imagine they’re feeling.

The first step in becoming less lonely is to identify the emotions you want to feel. You might want to feel loved. Feel accepted or respected. Feel connected. Feel happy. Feel wanted. Feel like you have a purpose.

Finding healthy ways to meet these needs for yourself is vital before you bring new new people into your life. If you look for others to generate these emotions for you, chances are that in fact you will attract people who reinforce the lack you already feel leaving you more lonely than ever before.

Instead, use this alone time to connect with yourself. Spend time getting to know yourself. What are you interested in? What makes you smile? What makes you laugh? What makes you cry? What makes you feel wonderful inside? What drives away the feelings of loneliness?

Begin to notice the things, films, music, events, situations that create the emotions you want to feel and give yourself more of them. Surrounding yourself with the things that bring you joy when you’re alone will raise your energy and ensure you connect with the people who will add to your happiness.

2. Shift Your Perspective

I remember a time in my life when I was feeling unloved. I had a version of the love I wanted in my mind and my relationship just wasn’t living up to it. My conclusion was that I had no love in my life.

But love was all around me. I had friends who cared about me. I had children who loved me. I just didn’t recognise it because I had narrowed my measure of love to one definition. All I saw was what was missing rather than what was there.

When I shifted my perspective, I was able to see that although I had isolated myself in my search for a specific type of love, there were many forms of love to feel. By recognising love in one place, I was able to see it in others.

Sometimes it’s the simplest things that can create the greatest connection with others. Look around you to see who is already there. Start with what you have and build a deeper connection where you are. You have no idea the possibilities that exist in even the most fleeting of interactions.

3. Express Yourself

One of the fastest ways to get to know yourself better is to explore your creativity. Grab a piece of paper and start doodling. Buy a colouring book and get colouring. Listen to music. Learn an instrument. Sing along to your favourite tunes. Paint. Draw. Dance. Create.

Creativity comes from your soul and holds your joy.

Tap into your inner artist (yes it’s in there somewhere) and allow it to express in a way that feels comfortable for you. I love to write and design. A good friend of mine is a painter and musician. Another friend loves to work in her garden. My sister loves to sing and play ukulele. Some people love to cook, knit, sew, crochet … find your thing and give it all you’ve got.

Learning about yourself through creative pursuits will also help you meet others who have similar interests. Even if you’re unable to get out and about, you can join groups online to discuss your passion.

4. Make A Brave Choice

Loneliness can make us isolate further as we feel more and more alone. And as we focus on how alone we feel, we create more of it. We can get so caught up in our emotions that we feel paralysed to do anything about it. It’s a bit like the catch phrase, ‘use it or lose it’. When we stop interacting with other people, we lose the skill and desire to step outside of ourselves. We become comfortable in our misery even though it’s painful.

What if you were to make a different choice?

What if instead of allowing your world to get smaller, you decided to actively make it bigger?

I’m not suggesting you should go out tomorrow and walk into a room full of strangers.

But you could send a message to someone you know (or used to know). You could join a group on social media. You could research an interest group in your neighbourhood and initiate contact. You could go outside when your neighbour is in their garden and say hello. You could create something for someone who is having a hard time to show them someone cares.

First contact might feel scary but generally when you make a move towards someone, they will make one towards you. We all want to feel connected and it might surprise you to learn just how many other people are lonely too.

5. Embrace Your Freedom

There’s something incredible that happens when we begin to appreciate where we are. Gratitude is like waving your magic wand and inviting wonderful things to come to you.

There is a very secret sweetness about being alone that you will miss if you fear it so much – Iyanla Vanzant

There is a huge difference between being alone and being lonely.

There is joy in aloneness.

There is peace in aloneness.

There is power in aloneness.

There is freedom in aloneness.

Being alone means you can make choices to suit yourself without having to consider what somebody else wants. You can stay in your pyjamas watching chick flicks and eating ice-cream (aka Bridget Jones) on a Sunday. You can eat when you’re hungry instead of when you’re ‘supposed’ to. You can keep hold of the remote control for your television. You can watch all the sport you want. You can indulge your creativity in peace. You can see who you want when you want.

Alone time is a gift that very few people appreciate. Embrace your freedom while working on rebuilding your connection to yourself and you will naturally move from loneliness to enjoying your own company.

And here’s the secret power of gratitude. As you begin to enjoy your own company, others will too. You will begin to find people opening up to you, inviting you for coffee and suggesting activities you can share with together.

Remember that dark shadow of loneliness I talked about at the beginning of this article?

Other people see it too. As you begin to let light into your life, the shadow of loneliness will start to lessen allowing people to see you as you truly are. Connect to yourself, discover your joy, embrace your freedom and you will attract people who want to share it with you.

It works every time, with everyone and it can work for you too.

When loneliness becomes your friend, you are no longer lonely.

5 Signs You Might Be Hiding From Life

5 Signs You Might Be Hiding From Life

Let’s face it – life can seem terrifying at times!

Its much easier to stay where you’re comfortable, to continue living life as you know it confident in the knowledge that you are safe and secure.

But there’s a problem with that plan.

Things always change.

Even if you focus on keeping the status quo with every ounce of energy you have, life has a way of throwing you a curve ball when you least expect it.

You may lose your job due to company or economic changes.

You may have an accident which will alter the course of your life.

Your children will leave home.

Someone you love will die.

You will age …

Whether you like it or not, the course of your life will take many twists and turns. How you navigate the journey will determine how much joy, how much happiness and how much contentment you find along the way.

You cannot hide from change. You can try. You can cry but in the end no matter how determinedly you hang on to what you think you know about your life, it no longer exists.

The goal posts have shifted and until you learn to alter the direction of your kick, you will keep missing. Missing someone, missing something …

The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance – Alan Watts

You Are Afraid To Try Something New

I know someone who has always been a lover of life. He has lived in several places around the world, traveled and built a successful business in more than one country and yet for the past few years, he has been hiding from life. Having experienced some huge changes, he has become afraid to make choices, afraid that he will fail and so concerned about the chance of loss, that he has stopped ‘living’. Where once he was larger than life now he is hiding in the shadows. Anytime he is asked a question, his automatic answer is ‘NO’. He doesn’t even take the time to think about it …

What about you? What is your automatic answer to an opportunity?

Let’s say a friend suggested the two of you go to an adventure park and try out the new commando course where you would be climbing, walking a swing bridge and finishing with a zip line.

What if you were offered a job in a rival company which paid a better salary but you would need to take on more responsibility.

What would you say?

You Can’t Remember The Last Time You Felt Joy

Joy is a blissful feeling. It’s when everything feels right in the world, you smile, you laugh and within you it feels like bubbles are rising to the surface. You feel like you could burst with happiness. If you can’t remember the last time you felt like this then take a moment to look at a small child in a playground. They are free, fearless and excited. Once upon a time you were like this too.

Finding joy starts by focussing on things to be thankful for.

It starts when you enjoy the moment you are in rather than worrying about what might come.

Joy begins when you are just ‘being’ instead of constantly ‘doing’.

You Keep Your Opinions And Ideas To Yourself

Each of us has a unique perspective which is formed through our experiences. True progress and innovation comes from adding new perspectives and new ideas to existing understanding. If you are uncertain or doubt the value of your input, you may be denying others the chance to take a fresh approach.

Sometimes it’s the smallest nugget that has the highest value.

You Are Jealous Or Envious Of Others

When you are hiding from life, it often appears that others are doing so much better than you are. But if you take a closer look, you will discover that they have struggles, they have fears and they have difficulties too. The difference between them and you is that they are prepared to face their fear, to overcome their difficulties and to push beyond the boundaries of what they know and what is comfortable, to find the joy on the other side.

If they can do it … why can’t you?

You Hate Who You See In The Mirror

One of the clearest signs that you are hiding from life is that you don’t like the vision of yourself you see in the mirror. None of us are perfect, we each have ‘flaws’ and parts of ourselves we wish were smaller, bigger, taller, softer, firmer, flatter … but beyond the external appearance, is the true essence of who you are. I’m a firm believer that what you see on the outside is a reflection of how you feel about yourself on the inside.

Self-Confidence is your most attractive quality. How can anyone else see how great you are if you can’t see it yourself?

Life can be an exhilarating roller coaster ride or a nightmare horror house.

Change will happen whether you choose to hide from life or whether you choose to embrace it.

Is it time to come out from the shadows and start living?

6 Ways To Use Your Morning Routine For Success

6 Ways To Use Your Morning Routine For Success

Do you know that the way you prepare for the day ahead is one of the biggest indicators of success? The mindset you start the day with really does make all the difference.

“Your attitude determines your altitude” Zig Ziglar

We all have days where we struggle to get out of bed, when we stumble to the bathroom with our eyes closed and go through the motions of getting ready for the day ahead. Our shoulders are slumped, our posture is barely vertical and our feet drag across the floor. We briefly raise our eyes to the mirror and quickly away again as we see a reflection of someone we hardly recognise and would rather deny.

These days seem to drag. Coffee is a necessity and everything seems more difficult than usual. The clock is a constant companion as time seems to stand still and you can’t wait for the day to be over. When your break finally arrives, you grab the most comforting food you can find without thought for your health or your waistline!

Finally the work day ends and you trudge home exhausted and plonk yourself on the sofa in front of the television, dozing until bedtime aware that tomorrow you need to do it all again.

But what if there was a way to set yourself up for success every morning?

There is a way to create positive connections to every part of your morning routine that will alter your daily attitude and in time, your life.

Reconnect With Yourself

I make time every morning for a 5 minute cleansing shower as this is my opportunity to wash away any residue of negativity that may have invaded my thoughts during the night. Not only do I feel fresher in body, but I take the opportunity to reconnect with myself. I breathe slowly, close my eyes and focus completely on the warmth of the water as I allow it to cleanse and invigorate me. Turning the water off, I dry myself vigorously with a fresh towel as I focus on how it brings my skin to life.  I then apply a body moisturiser as a way of nourishing myself through the power of touch. We all need to feel nurtured and have physical contact so if you are alone at this point in your life, this is a particularly important step. Use this time to reconnect with yourself, cleansing your body and mind.

Expand Your Body

Whilst your skin and muscles are warm from the shower, take two minutes to stretch. Reach down and touch your toes. Stand up and link your fingers together, turn them inside out to push away from yourself thereby stretching your shoulders and upper back before lifting up above your head and as far back as you can comfortably go. Drop one arm down behind your head and grasp the opposite elbow pulling it toward you gently, Repeat for the other side. Let your arms drop to your sides and rotate your head in a slow and gently circle before raising your head to centre, looking straight ahead and exhaling. These simple exercises release any tension and allow your body to find its natural strong posture releasing your diaphragm to breathe feeling and easily.

Appreciate Your Smile

Your smile has the power to change the world. So every time you brush your teeth, connect your mouth with your smile. Close your eyes as you brush and imagine yourself smiling at someone you love. Finish brushing, raise your eyes to the mirror and smile at yourself with the loving thought in mind. Smiling changes your physiology as when your facial muscles are activated, feel good  chemicals are released by your brain. This simple connection between the activity of taking care of your dental health and your smile will help to create joy inside.

Put Your Face On

Your face is not only the first thing people see when they meet you but can also be connected to the way you view the world. Putting on your game face before you leave the house is therefore super important. So every morning as you shave, moisturise or apply your make-up, remember what you want to experience today. Look yourself in the mirror and state your positive intent or repeat your personal affirmations, (affirmations are a fabulous way to reinforce/affirm specific goals or add to your self-belief). When you connect your face to the way you want to view the world and the way you want others to view you, then every time you see yourself in a mirror or touch your face, you can bring yourself back to what you want to experience.

Handle Your Life

Your hands are symbolic of what you do. Whether you are a manual worker, spend your days in front of a computer, in a customer facing role or as a carer/homemaker you will see your hands moving almost all the time. Connecting your hands to the actions you take can help you focus on exactly how you are spending your time and the choices you are making. We use our hands to drive a car, to eat, to read, to text, to care for our children or to help others. Take a close look at your hands right now and focus on the detail. Spread your fingers and see how much capability you have in those 10 digits. Get to know your hands and moisturise them every morning as you will be looking at them often (and so will others). Remind yourself constantly as you watch your hands that these actions are creating your experiences. Make sure they are following the path you want to take.

Walk Your Talk

The direction your life takes depends on the path you walk. Every morning when you put on your socks or shoes take a moment to look at your feet and remind yourself of your goals. If you haven’t set any specific goals yet, this could be a good time to ask yourself what you want to experience. You can walk aimlessly going through the motions of your life or you can determine where you are going. Life will unfold in front of you and whilst events will occur that you cannot control, you can decide how you will respond to them. As you walk to our car, to the bus, along the street, the beach or out in nature, every so often you will look down to ensure you are avoiding obstacles or unevenness on the pavement. In these moments let your feet remind you that the path you are taking is creating your future. Are you walking in the direction of your dreams?

These are just a few of the powerful connections that can truly change your life.  Not only will your morning routine improve your attitude for the day ahead, but the constant reminders created by the connections you have made will ensure you are living consciously and in tune with your deepest desires. No matter what it is you wish to achieve or experience, you can tie specific goals to your daily routine to set up a constant reminder for success.

The Hidden Potential of YOU

The Hidden Potential of YOU

I was looking at a picture of an iceberg the other day and it reminded me of an analogy I once heard.

Human potential is like an iceberg – what you see on the surface is nothing compared to what lies beneath.

What do we know about Icebergs?

An iceberg is a large mass of free-floating ice that has broken away from a glacier. Beautiful but potentially dangerous, icebergs are made up of freshwater ice, pieces of debris, trapped bubbles of air and they wander over the ocean until they melt.

An iceberg floats because it is less dense than the sea water that surrounds it and in fact 80-90% of an iceberg sits below the waterline.

Most people have heard the story, or watched a film about Titanic, the ship which on its maiden voyage struck an iceberg which caused catastrophic damage and ended the levels of over 1500 people. The reason the Titanic was destroyed had nothing to do with the iceberg that was visible above the waterline and everything to do with what was hidden beneath.

Scientists say that at most we use 10% of the capacity of our brain and therefore the available knowledge and possibility of human potential is 10 times that which we currently access. Imagine what we could discover, what we could do and what we could achieve if we increased our functioning by even 10%?

At an individual level we tend to think small. We create a vision of ourselves based upon the conditioning of society, our families, our education and our peers. Whatever is ‘acceptable or normal’ in the time of our growing up years, becomes the framework within which we live our lives.

And yet, just like the iceberg which shows only a tiny part of itself to the world above the waterline whilst plunging the depths below, you too have a depth of potential you may never have explored. The face you show to the world, and more importantly the face you show to yourself is often nothing more than a reflection of the ideas, understandings and limitations of the people around you.

Imagine if you had been born in a previous time. It wasn’t until the 6th Century that Pythagoras first suggested the earth was round. Prior to this, believe it or not, people looked to the horizon and assumed that the earth was flat. Needless to say they were not keen to sail too far in case they fell of the end of the planet. Now of course we all grow up with the understanding that our planet is a sphere which orbits around the sun. In the same way, once upon a time we had no idea of the size of an iceberg!

Just because something is the accepted way of thinking doesn’t necessarily make it the truth.

The same is true for you. Just because you have defined and limited yourself in a certain way doesn’t mean that you are correct.

The picture you create of yourself and what is possible for you is exactly what your life will reflect.

When an iceberg flips over it causes huge amounts of energy to be released. In fact scientists believe that a rolling iceberg may release as much energy as an atomic bomb and can cause a tsunami or even trigger an earthquake.

What if you too have the power to create a tsunami in your own life?

What if everything you thought you knew about yourself if just the tip of the iceberg?

What if you were to flip everything you know on its head and look again.

What might you see then?

Our brain has a need to categorise things, to put them into boxes as it is essentially a massive filing system. So as we go through life we form ‘measures’ with which we define the people and happenings around us.

If I say the word success, you will immediately have a picture of what success looks like to you. I can guarantee that the person next to you will have a different definition but the one you create for yourself is the one that governs this part of your life.

To illustrate the power of this let me give you some questions to ask yourself. The answers to these questions will allow you to see the definition you have formed around success.

If I was successful …

Where would I live?

How much money would I make a year?

What car would I drive?

What would my partner look like?

What lifestyle would I have?

What would my relationships look like?

What would I be wearing?

What would I look like?

How happy would I be?

Who would my friends be?

For some people the answers to these questions spurs them on to great achievement. But for most, the definition of success is so far away from how you see yourself now that it erodes your confidence and undermines any feeling of self-worth.

So we push the idea of success to the back of our mind and settle for less than what we deserve, less than what we are capable of and become nothing more than the tip of the iceberg.

There is more within you than you know.

Perhaps its time to change your measure of success and define it in a way that is achievable for you.

Maybe then, you will discover the depth of your potential that lies just beneath the face you see in the mirror.

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