5 Reasons That Stop You Achieving Your Goals (and what they truly mean)

5 Reasons That Stop You Achieving Your Goals (and what they truly mean)

How many times have you given yourself a hard time for not being where you want to be? Whether it’s business goals, a New Year’s resolution, a new skill or just one of those many things you’ve started but never completed, we all have times when despite our desire for things to be ‘different’ we just can’t seem to take the action that will get us there.

It’s frustrating, debilitating and downright detrimental to your self-esteem and self-belief.  You know you can do it, you can visualize it being your reality but … for one reason or another, it’s just not happening for you.

So let’s take a look at five of those reasons and see if we can figure out what’s truly going on. Take note of the reasons that feel familiar or true to you but do yourself a favour and read to the end as that’s where I’ll bring it all together and give you some tools to move yourself toward your goals.

I Have Too Much Else To Do …

Busyness has become an obsession in our fast moving world. There’s work, the kids, the house, friends, obligations, activities, technology, other people’s expectations … sometimes it feels like we’re on a merry-go-round that we can’t get off.

But if you break it down, how much time do you spend doing each of the ‘must do’s’ on your list? How many hours a day, a week, a month do these things consume? If you were to keep a time-sheet of your busyness for an entire month, you might be surprised at how much free time you actually have access to.

Even if you are an exceptionally busy person, there are ways to prioritise your activities to make space for the things that are important.

It’s not enough to be busy, so are the ants. The question is, what are we busy about? – Henry David Thoreau

I’ll Do It When …

This is one I’ve used many times and to be honest, it still comes up for me from time to time. NOW just doesn’t feel like the right time. In reality, I’m simply putting off something that I could start today.

This could sound like:

  • I’ll start my new eating program on Monday – it just doesn’t make sense to start today
  • I’m working on other things right now but once I’ve finished those, I’ll get right on it.
  • I’ve got a super jammed schedule this week but next week looks better – I’ll start then
  • It’s taken this long to start, a bit longer won’t make any difference

Don’t wait until the perfect time to begins something important. Sometimes later becomes never – Allanah Hunt

It’s Really Not That Important …

When we’re struggling to take action towards goals we know are vital if we are to live the life we truly want, it’s easy to convince ourselves that it doesn’t really matter.

This might sound like:

  • Yeah, it’d be nice to finish that project but it’s not as if I’m going to end world hunger
  • I guess if it was important to me, I would have done it by now
  • It’s not really going to make that much difference to my life
  • My life is okay as it is – I don’t need that thing to be happy

All of these sound valid and reasonable, and all of them will stop you in your tracks.

I Need More Information Before I Can Start …

I love learning and have spent many years gathering information. My brain is full of knowledge but all the knowledge in the world, will not help me take action towards my goals. Information is stored in a part of the brain that is very different from the action taking section.

I know so many entrepreneurs who get stuck in this place. The search for knowledge is admirable and often necessary, but it’s easy to stay in the learning loop and never use it to catapult you to what you want.

This may sound like:

  • Once I know how to do this … I’ll be flying
  • I don’t understand how that technology works
  • I need to create a system for that
  • I’m not sure what the best plan is for me

Don’t let your learning lead to knowledge. Let your learning lead to action – Jim Rohn

Something Came Up …

There are times of course when life temporarily gets in the way of our goals and we must turn our attention to something else. However, it is easy to look at all the other things that ‘come up’ and forget to turn out focus back to what we desire for ourselves and get back on track.

There will always be distractions or something in your periphery vision, sometimes valid but most simply designed to take your focus away from the changes you want to make.

And then there’s ‘shiny object syndrome’ (SOS) which I work consciously to ignore but something that still plagues me from time to time.

SOS may sound like this:

  • That was a good idea but this one is better
  • What if I was to do this instead?
  • I’m not sure if I like that … I think I’ll start again

I remind myself that the path to achieving my goals is dedicated, persistent and aligned action. Progress is one foot in front of the other in the same direction whilst leaving space for inspiration to guide you.

All of the reasons above are real and at times they are appropriate. But sometimes these are stories we tell ourselves to ‘let ourselves off the hook’.

There’s a couple of things going on that when any of these or other reasons come up.

Firstly, your brain is designed to keep you safe and will send out an automatic ‘warning’ message when you start to do something new. The message is heard as a doubt and often followed by a seemingly rational reason not to take action. This is your brain’s job but you get to make the ultimate choice. Unfortunately, many of us get stuck here and second guess our desires. Doubt can feel like your intuition, but it’s often just your brain alerting you to the fact you’re taking an action you’ve never taken before.

You can use a simple technique when you hear that little warning voice. Thank your brain for taking such good care of you and ask it to support you in what you want to do. You may need to do this several times, you may need to do it every time you sit down to focus on what you want for a while, but if you keep taking action, your brain will catch up as it understands and adapts.

And secondly, sometimes what you want is not aligned with your values. We are all driven by the desire to meet some fundamental needs. The fastest and most efficient way to push through any internal resistance and find your true motivation to take action, is to tie what you want to your highest values.

According to Tony Robbins, the key six human needs we are all driven by are:

  • The need to feel loved and connected to others
  • The need to feel important or belong
  • The need to know what to expect
  • The need for the excitement of something new
  • The need to evolve and grow
  • The need to give to others or make a difference

When you are able to identify the top one or two needs you are driven to meet in your own life, and tie your desired outcome to what drives you, you will no longer hear the reasons that stop you from taking action towards your goals. You will be determined, focused and do whatever it takes to create what you desire for yourself.


*Tony Robbins has a simple 10 question test you can take online to help you discover the human need that is driving your decisions. You will need to give your email address to get the results but you can unsubscribe at any time. Discovering this one secret could open the doors to everything you’ve ever wanted but never been able to create

Take the test here

It’s The Things We Can’t Change That Change Us The Most

It’s The Things We Can’t Change That Change Us The Most

I wrote this quote a while ago and for some reason today it caught my attention in a way that it hadn’t before. Funny how that happens … I guess it’s an example of how as time goes by, we alter our perception and suddenly something hits us in a new way.

So what does this quote actually mean?

“It’s the things we can’t change that change us the most” – Allanah Hunt

I see that in life we have two choices when presented with a difficulty, a loss or a challenge.

Option one, we can allow the difficulty, loss or challenge to be the defining moment in our lives by stopping exactly where we are, wishing and praying that something will change so that we can feel better, achieve our dreams or have what we want.

I know a lot of people who feel that one event ended their future dreams

In a moment of loss or fear, they gave up on their desire for more. Their desire for love, their desire for progress or their desire for life. They became stuck, forever frozen in the emotions of a single event, catastrophic though it may have been, life changing as it ultimately was, but that’s the point. That’s the first choice. To remain frozen in a moment in time, almost as if the spark that once lit them up, that drew everything they so wanted or once had to them, has been instantly and forever blown out. Extinguished.

They go through the motions of their life with no joy, no happiness, believing themselves to be the victim of circumstance rather than understanding they have ultimate power to stay or to move. And that by choosing to stay stuck in a moment of change, they have made a conscious decision to stop living, to stop exploring, to stop experiencing.

Do you know someone like this? Maybe it’s how you feel …

I think most of us have times when the fear of the future overwhelms us and causes us to freeze. Those feelings of ‘what if’ come soaring in and bring our deepest fears out of the darkness and into the light. Those ‘worst case scenarios’ stare us in the face and we can’t see anything else. Terrifying and ultimately paralysing. I know I’ve had times where the future looked very bleak. As if I was looking into an abyss with no bottom, nothing but blackness full of the unknown. And I froze. I stopped in my tracks, scared to put a foot wrong, scared to take a step at all for fear of falling. Hoping that something would change so that I could move forward. Standing at the foot of a towering wall that had suddenly arisen in my way.

Which brings me to the second option. You can choose to change direction, to adapt with the flow of life and to find another way to go on. It’s those things we can’t change that change us the most for they force us to be creative, they force us to grow and they force us to alter not only the way we’re going but who we are.

I found this poem that I thought I would share with you as a way of demonstrating this concept. When you can’t go over or under, go around.

A baby mole got to feeling big, 

And wanted to show how he could dig;

So he plowed along in the soft, warm dirt

Till he hit something hard, and it surely hurt!

A dozen stars flew out of his snout;

He sat on his haunches, began to pout;

Then rammed the thing again with his head–

His grandpap picked him up half dead.

“Young man,” he said, “though your pate is bone.

You can’t butt your way through solid stone.

This bit of advice is good, I’ve found:

If you can’t go over or under, go round.”


A traveler came to a stream one day,

And because it presumed to cross his way,

And wouldn’t turn round to suit his whim

And change its course to go with him,

His anger rose far more than it should,

And he vowed he’d cross right where he stood.

A man said there was a bridge below,

But not a step would he budge or go.

The current was swift and the bank was steep,

But he jumped right in with a violent leap.

A fisherman dragged him out half-drowned:

“When you can’t go over or under, go round.”


If you come to a place that you can’t get _through,_

Or _over_ or _under_, the thing to do

Is to find a way _round_ the impassable wall,

Not say you’ll go YOUR way or not at all.

You can always get to the place you’re going,

If you’ll set your sails as the wind is blowing.

If the mountains are high, go round the valley;

If the streets are blocked, go up some alley;

If the parlor-car’s filled, don’t scorn a freight;

If the front door’s closed, go in the side gate.

To reach your goal this advice is sound:

If you can’t go over or under, go round!

 By Joseph Morris

Although this poem was written for kids, the message is clear.

When life presents us with a difficulty, a loss or a challenge, we must become adaptable, we must become malleable or we will be forever stuck in a moment that defines our future and ultimately defines our life.

But there’s something more to add.

There is beauty in change. There is freedom in allowing life to unfold and to ‘go with the flow’

That’s not to say you will find it easy. But then the diamonds we currently find so precious are honed through hardship and through pressure. They are forced to change form or be destroyed. And by changing form, by adapting to the pressures they face, they become a brilliant, shining perfect light on to all around.

So those things we can’t change that change us the most?

Allow them to. Roll with the punches. Go with the flow. Find your rhythm and if you can’t go over or under, go round.

What One Hour On A Mountain Taught Me About Life

What One Hour On A Mountain Taught Me About Life

I’ve just returned from Spain where I’ve spent a month escaping from the English winter!

I was rewarded with blue skies, sunshine and surrounded by the beauty of the mediterranean sea. This is my happy place and where I feel most myself. No matter where in the world I am, I am always drawn to the sea as if by a magnet.

But one day, we decided to visit a town in the hills. Spain is very mountainous and there’s something majestic and awe inspiring about being high up and looking down on the vista below. We picked a fabulous day for our visit as the skies were a stunning shade of bright blue and we could see for miles.

We climbed to the top of the town where the ruins of an old fortification remained and what we saw kept us enthralled for over an hour.

It was two o’clock in the afternoon and overhead, a couple of eagles soared, beautiful and graceful as they simply glided on the breeze. And then, it was as if a call went out to every other eagle who nested in those protected hills. Over the next 20 minutes, more and more eagles joined our original pair. They came from every direction and before long there was a large group of eagles circling together, as if they became part of one graceful dance to a song only they could hear.

And what a dance it was.

And as I watched them in wonder, I realised that they were not flying or soaring but simply drifting with the currents of the breeze. Round and round they went in an endless spiral. Up and up and then around again. Dozens and dozens of eagles, spiralling gently and effortlessly, each of them an individual creature and yet together, they made wondrous shapes that showed me the breeze, that showed me the currents that I couldn’t see or feel on my own.

In those few minutes, I recognised the power of allowing

The beauty of allowing the stream of life to wash over me and to simply be in the flow. To give up the need to fly alone and to instead, allow inspiration to take me where it would. I understood as I watched the eagles, coming from all parts of the mountains, that each of us is on our own journey and yet, we can come together and make beautiful shapes. That we can become the embodiment, the demonstration of what already exists but which most people cannot see by themselves. We can illustrate what is possible simply by allowing ourselves to be at one with the flow of life.

Why is it that we struggle and fight so hard to create what we believe we want?

We push and pull against what shows up, like some sort of tug-of-war that we can never win.

We categorise events as right or wrong.

Success or failure.

But are they?

What if we were to simply let go.

To allow inspiration to take us where it will.

To join the flow of life as the eagles do.

What might we experience?

Who might we meet?

What beautiful shapes might we create?

The eagles knew on that day that the breeze was perfect. They came together without any effort, they danced, they experienced and then as the breeze shifted, they simply melted away again. No fight. No struggle. No holding on to something gone … simply enjoying the experience and moving on to the next without the slightest hint of regret.

And tomorrow?

I’ll never know as I have simply moved onwards in my own journey but perhaps on another day, when the breeze is perfect, these beautiful birds will come together again and dance to a new tune.  A new piece of music will be playing and they will gather to celebrate the beauty of the flow of life.

5 Lessons From The Matrix

5 Lessons From The Matrix

When The Matrix movie was released in 1999 (yes, it truly was that long ago) it made an absolute sensation. The special effects were cutting edge and over the next couple of years, The Matrix Trilogy attracted a cult following.

As I wasn’t feeling well over the weekend, I snuggled in and watched the first film in this fantasy trilogy again. I’ve seen it a few times but its just one of the those movies you can watch over and over again and not only enjoy, but each time you see it, you are reminded of the strong concepts which lie behind the action.

If you haven’t seen the film then you are seriously missing out. Keanu Reeves is at his finest, brooding, vulnerable, powerful and the ultimate hero. But more than the actors, more than the action and more than the special effects, this series of films has a powerful message at its heart.

Neo’s (played by Keanu Reeves) reality is the world in 1999 – one many of us remember quite well and which is not dissimilar to how we live today. However, all is not as it appears and with his life in danger, he is offered the change to see the world as it truly is. All he has to do is make a choice between a red and a blue pill. One will allow him to go back to his current reality and the other … well the other opens his mind to something he could never have imagined.

As I watched this the other day, I was reminded of the power of the mind. That no matter what you believe you see, there is always more going on that we know.

LESSON #1 – Your Reality Is A Result Of What You Believe

Neo chooses to take a chance on seeing the world as it truly is rather that as he believes it to be. What he discovers is shocking, turns his world upside down and changes him forever. Everything he believed to be true was an illusion, a fabrication designed to keep him focused on the world outside of himself rather than understanding the true power that lay within him. Once he sees the truth, he can never go back to his previous perception.

If reality is simply a reflection of what you already believe to be true, then does it not stand to reason that if you change what you believe then what you experience as reality will also be different? When you expand your thinking, when you step out in faith believing you have the power to create your life any way you wish, miracles can happen.

Anyone who has ever done something for the first time chose to believe that it was possible for them. A baby sees people walking and talking and therefore understand that they can too. Everyone learns at their own pace, some people have an easier time of pushing the boundaries of their current understanding, but anything that you truly ‘put your mind to’ you can achieve.

LESSONS #2 – You Can Always Learn Something New

In The Matrix movie, Neo and his fellow travellers were able to update their mind by way of a computer program. They learned martial arts, they learned how to fly helicopters and they learned everything they needed to know to truly make a difference in the world.

At this moment in time we cannot simply plug ourselves into a super computer and update our programming, but you can learn new skills, new ways of thinking and with practice you, just like Neo learned through training and practice, can create a new foundation for your life.

What we understand about life dictates the actions we take. If you believe you are not very smart, then you will choose a job that doesn’t challenge you. You will settle for something that feels comfortable and that you believe ‘someone like you’ should be doing.

Every single one of us has a unique gift we bring to the world. But you will never find yours if you do not take a chance and push your boundaries by learning something new.

LESSON #3 – Not Everyone Wants To Take The Road Less Travelled

Neo was part of a small group of people who were brave enough to accept the truth of the world they lived in. As they became aware of the truth, they also understood that they could never go back to their safe and comfortable world. One of their members bitterly regretted choosing the pill of knowledge and did everything in his power to return to the illusion of the ‘reality’ he knew previously, even to the point of turning his back on his fellow travellers and betraying their trust.

When you understand there is more to life than you first thought, when you start pushing the boundaries of your comfort zone, you will find that some people will reject you and some will laugh at you. Remember, that we don’t all walk the same path and that sometimes we need to leave people behind in order to follow our own journey. The road less travelled is less travelled for a reason. It requires you to believe in something more than your current reality, to visualise a different future for yourself and to take action towards it.

LESSON #4 – Find Your Tribe

There’s something magical about finding your own tribe. When Neo met Trinity, Orpheus and the others, he was immediately connected to them by their shared experiences. They were a small group of people who saw the world differently, who understood that things were not as they appeared and who had separated themselves deliberately in order to oppose the status quo. They worked together, supported and encouraged each other and each of them had a role to play to keep the others safe.

You might not be interested in changing the world but what about your world? For you to change things in your world and to keep the momentum going towards your goals, you may want the support of others who think like you. They may not have the same set of skills or the same goals as you but the fact that they have a similar mindset, that they believe in the power of the mind to change their reality, makes them your tribe.

LESSON #5 – What You Believe Is What You Can Achieve

When Neo first discovered the truth about the world he had been living in he was terrified. Everything he thought he knew about his life turned out to be a lie. 

Have you ever experienced that?

Maybe you were married and it just didn’t work out.

Perhaps you had a great career and suddenly you lost it.

It can be devastating to realise that the foundation you built so much upon was not as you believed.

There is only one thing you can trust and believe in and that’s yourself. When you truly connect with yourself, you begin to realise that you are so much more than what has happened to you so far. You are much more than the choices you’ve made; the ones which worked out how you hoped and the ones which didn’t.

Neo started to learn and in the process he discovered that the power of his mind was far greater than the power of his body. His mind was capable of pushing him beyond the limits he had previously set for himself. Limits that he had accepted as his own. And in time, he grew to the point where he was able to overcome his limits, he was able to push beyond what he thought was possible for him and he opened up a world of possibility he never previously imagined.

Are you prepared to do this? Are you prepared to put your trust in yourself and take a chance on what you might be capable of?

Perhaps like Neo, you too will find your inner strength, find your belief and maybe you will discover a world you never knew existed.

Becoming You

Becoming You

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself who you are?

Not who you think you should be, but actually who you already ARE.

Once upon a time you were free to think, feel and behave in a way that was a true reflection of you. It didn’t last long as very soon, people started telling you what you should think, what you should believe, how you should feel and told you what the rules of acceptable behaviour are.

Somewhere inside of you though, perhaps buried very deeply, is a spark of the person you once were before the world started telling you who you should be.

Who were you before the world told you what you were not? – Bryant McGill

If you look at a child, you will see them explore their world. They push the boundaries by climbing trees, jumping in puddles, saying ‘NO’ a lot, talking to themselves and by expressing themselves creatively through art, song, dance and movement. A small child has a bountiful imagination and creates a world for themselves that we adults can only guess at.

They are completely absorbed in the activity they are involved in and sometimes nothing you say will tear them away from it. In that moment, the child is following their inner voice, following their joy and revelling in something that makes them supremely happy.

Before you say it, I know we adults live in the ‘real world’; the world where you must work so that you can pay your bills, take care of those who are dependent on you and be responsible and dependable. Of course these things are important but if this is all your life comprises of, you are not living but simply existing.

To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all – Oscar Wilde

If you are here reading this article, you are most probably searching for a way to improve your life. Perhaps there are things you believe you need to change about yourself.

Imagine an onion for a moment. Yeah, I know, brings tears to your eyes doesn’t it?

But what if those tears came from a different place?

What if when you cut the end off the onion to see the layers inside, you begin to understand that every one of those layers hides a part of yourself that you have forgotten? Every single layer is something you have taught yourself to become, someone others have taught you to become. If you cut through the middle of the onion, you will see its heart. If you have ever roasted an onion, you will know this is the sweetest tenderest part, wrapped and cocooned by layers of protection to keep the developing flower bud safe from harm.

Perhaps you have done the same? Perhaps you too have built up layers of protection to keep you safe from hurt and to hide behind so that the judgemental and often unkind world can’t reach you. Those people who would seek to bully, to reject, to gossip and to make fun of you.

The problem is, that the thicker the layers on top of you or the stronger and higher the walls, the more imprisoned you become until you cannot see yourself at all.

What if your journey isn’t about becoming anything? What if it’s about unbecoming everything that isn’t really you so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place?

So maybe instead of feeling that you need to change something about yourself to be happier, healthier, more successful or more peaceful, maybe you need instead to un-become what everyone else would want you to be.

Just like that onion that brought tears to your eyes, perhaps you could start peeling back the layers of doubt, sadness, rejection, pain, expectation, fear and conformity so that you can start creating a connection to yourself again.

Perhaps you could start by lifting your head and looking the world in the eye.

What do you see?

One thing I know for sure is that you will always see what you expect to see.
If you expect to see sadness, rejection and cruelty, then that is exactly what you will be surrounded with. But if you expect to see happiness, kindness and connection with others, then that is exactly what you will see.

Challenge your assumptions

Throw off the media’s interpretation of the world we live in and look again. Look for the little children who play together with no judgement. Look for the kindness that strangers give to each other.

Go where you feel most yourself.

For me, this is the beach. When I put my bare feet on the sand, when I walk through the waves at the water’s edge, when I hear the sound of sea birds calling to each other I somehow come alive. It’s as if I become part of the ocean, swept away and gently carried to a place of peace and aliveness.

Many people feel this way in a forest. The dappled sunshine above, the rippling of a stream and the birdsong that whispers constantly in joy around you, is like a cocoon of safety and calm.

If you have never explored this, then take some time this week to find your place. Somewhere you will feel lighter, somewhere you will feel safe and somewhere you will recognise the wee child that wants to play, wants to smile and wants to dance.

Spend time with yourself, explore your world and rediscover the person you are. Use your imagination to create a world of joy and happiness for yourself.

Don’t be afraid as you already have everything you need inside you. The person you were born to be is waiting patiently for you to remember. Show yourself the attention you need, show kindness, show love, show acceptance and in just a short while, you will begin to shine again.

Laughter Really Is The Best Medicine

Laughter Really Is The Best Medicine

Laughter Really Is The Best Medicine
Emotions | It's All About You
Allanah Hunt

How wonderful it is to laugh. It’s infectious.

When laughter is shared it bonds people together and creates intimacy. Laughter also triggers healthy physical changes in the body, It helps to strengthen your immune system, boost energy, diminish pain and protect against the harmful effects of stress, and it’s free!

Laughter is one of the fastest ways to bring balance back to your body and mind.

It lightens your burdens, brings hope and keeps you grounded, focused and alert.

Laughter triggers the release of endorphins in the body which makes you feel good. Humour helps you keep an optimistic attitude even through disappointments, loss and grief. More importantly it gives us the courage and strength to find new meaning and hope for the future. Even in the most difficult times, a laugh or even a smile will lift your mood. Laughter helps you be more spontaneous, and it lets you forget judgements, criticism and doubt. Your inhibitions are also reduced when you laugh giving you the chance to connect with the real you.

You’ve probably heard the saying ‘laughter is the best medicine’. Laughter really does help to heal your body and mind. The flow of lymph fluid is increased by the simple convulsions that occur when we laugh. This boosts immune system functionality and cleans out old dead and waste products from your organs. As you laugh you take in big gasps of air causing the oxygen levels in your blood to rise. This ensures all the organs in your body receive rich, oxygenated blood to repair tissue and provide healing. Studies have shown that cancer cells are destroyed in the presence of oxygen, as are certain parasites and bacteria.

Increasing the levels of oxygen in the body can help with both the healing and prevention of various diseases

Laughing boosts circulation due to the very fact that as you laugh, you are exercising your abdominal muscles, the muscles in your face and enhancing flexibility throughout the body. The harder you laugh, the greater this effect.

The skin is the biggest organ in your body and in times of stress our faces can look drawn and tired. Increasing the flow of oxygen to our skin will improve the colour, reduce wrinkles and improve the overall texture. Add to this the sparkle your eyes will have as you add joy to your life, and you will look and feel more attractive.

Serotonin is essential for balancing brain chemistry. It aids in fighting depression, compulsive and obsessive thinking and reduces the harmful effects of stress on the body. Serotonin is a naturally occurring chemical in the brain, however, in times of stress and grief the body’s ability to produce it can be severely reduced. Sunshine and laughter can aid the body in producing this chemical naturally thereby improving your mood and overall mindset.

Health Benefits of Laughter

  • Boosts Immunity
  • Lowers Stress Hormones
  • Decreases Pain
  • Relaxes Muscles
  • Prevents Heart Disease
  • Eases Anxiety and Fear
  • Relieves Stress
  • Enhances Resilience
  • Attracts People to Us
  • Helps Diffuse Conflict
  • Enhances Teamwork

Due to the significant difference healthy brain chemistry can make to your life, adding laughter on a daily basis makes a lot of sense. You can build laughter and joy into your everyday life in the same way you would add exercise. Easy ways to add joy include the following:

  • Watch a funny movie or television show
  • Share a good joke or funny story
  • Host a game night with friends
  • Play with a pet
  • Do something silly
  • Play with children
  • Seek out funny people
  • Do a fun activity (bowling, mine-golf, karaoke)
  • Go to a ‘laughter yoga’ class
  • Check out your bookstore humour section

When we are struggling with major adjustments we can take life much too seriously. Lighten your mood by adding some fun into your day. Choose to find the funny side of a situation.


  • Share your embarrassing moments and don’t take yourself so seriously
  • Look for the humour, the irony and absurdity of life in a bad situation
  • Keep a toy on your desk, a photo of you having fun or a funny poster in your office
  • Pay attention to children and emulate them

The ability to laugh, have fun and play with others not only makes life more enjoyable but it also makes you more creative helping you solve problems and connect with other people in your life. Life brings challenges which can either ‘get the best of you’ or which you can use to become ‘the best you can be’. When you become the problem and take yourself too seriously, it can be hard to think outside the box and find new solutions. When children are confused or afraid they make their problems into a game and thereby have the ability to step back and find creative solutions. We can learn a lot from the way children view life.

Hi, I'm Allanah, Author, Teacher, Manifestation Mentor and Empowerment Coach. My mission is to help you discover the power you have to create your life in a way that brings joy, happiness and freedom. I teach you how to harness the power of The Law of Attraction and bring yourself into alignment with those things you want to experience.


Check out my Abundance Accelerator Program

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