The Power of Perspective:

The Power of Perspective:

I was chatting with a young friend the other day and she said something that reminded me of the power of perspective. We were discussing her current move to a new apartment and how the up-front costs had depleted her savings leaving her living from payday to payday. Although she had just taken on a second job to help her ‘get ahead’, she spoke of how she had felt a few weeks prior.

She said,

“It was so scary. After I paid all my bills, I only had $16 in my bank account to get me through to my next pay check!”

Our conversation moved on to other things but this sentence stayed with me. Not so much because of the words she used but because of the energy behind them. In that one simple sentence she conveyed:

  • Anxiety
  • Terror
  • Failure
  • Lack
  • Desperation
  • Despair
  • Horror
  • Hopelessness

Powerful huh?

In those few words she was letting me know how she felt about the number in her bank account. Or more accurately, what that number meant to her.

Her sense of security was threatened by the number of dollars in her bank account. Not because of the number itself, but because of the way she viewed it.

Perspective Wealth

Even though she had a roof over her head, food in the fridge and a car on the drive … she felt vulnerable.

For her, that sixteen dollars was all that stood between her and destitution. It felt fragile, flimsy and faithless. It didn’t feel like it was enough to ‘keep her safe. 


Your perspective will either become your prison or your passport ~ Steven Furtick

For my young friend, her perspective generated powerful emotions that created anxiety and despair. She felt trapped. She felt like she had no options.

Her perspective became her prison.

Maybe just for a few days until her next pay check arrived, but the energy behind her emotions  was strong enough to drive her to find a second job. Even though she was already working a stressful well paid full-time job, she was willing to put herself under more pressure to avoid the pain of potential loss.

Although the money she earns from her second job is not substantial, taking action relieved her emotions. It allowed her to view her situation with a renewed sense of security and safety.

But what if she could have relieved her emotions by using the Power of Perspective to Create an Alternate Reality instead?

Let’s take a look at  another way to view my friend’s sixteen dollar bank balance.

I’m so thankful that even after all my bills are paid, I still have $16 in my bank account. It feels amazing!

Can you feel the difference?

This perspective conveys:

  • Gratitude
  • Hope
  • Excitement
  • Abundance
  • Freedom
  • Success
  • Empowerment

This perspective becomes her passport.

It frees her from anxiety and allows for possibility and expansion.

With this perspective she isn’t reliant on a second job to ‘feel safe. She chooses her own sense of security through the way she views her world. She can still take a second job if she wants to, but it will be an empowered choice rather than one driven by anxiety and hopelessness.

Alter Your Reality

The Power of Perspective to Create an Alternate Reality is incredible.

You don’t need to wait for things to change to feel better about your life. Instead you can choose to feel better about your life and watch it change in the same moment. 

No matter what is happening in your life or around you, there is always another perspective available to you. All it takes is the willingness to question what you see and take another look. 

Learn how to use The Rubik’s Cube to activate The Power of Perspective
and Create an Alternate Reality.

(Listen to the audio track below).
The Power Of The Pause

The Power Of The Pause

Have you ever had one of those moments when words flew out of your mouth that you immediately regretted? Or when the tone of your voice caused someone to frown, to take a step back or to react in anger?

I remember as a teenager hearing the words, ‘count to ten before you answer’.

And me, being the typical teenager that I was, rolled my eyes so far back in my head that all you could see was the whites of my eyes!

It sounded stupid to me. I didn’t have time for that. And of course it was my mother who said it to me so what would she know? No ‘listen to others and learn from their experience’ for me!

And so those moments I spoke about at the beginning of this article? Yeah, those were mine. And not just once. I made a habit of it. I became an expert. And it created havoc in my life.

Until I learned the power of the pause …

The power of just taking one damn moment to engage my brain, to engage my heart and to look at who I was speaking to. To really look and see a person in front of me. Someone real with goals, dreams, sadness, struggles and desires of their own. To just stop, pause, listen and regroup before responding.

Your brain is the wonderful machine that runs your life.

And when I say ‘runs your life’ I don’t just mean that it runs your organs or that it controls your physical senses. Your brain is like a matchmaker. It’s a filing system that’s working 24/7

It’s constantly processing information and matching it to what it already knows. For such an amazing organ, it’s really quite lazy! Your brain will always take the path of least resistance.

“You will always see what you expect to see and hear what you expect to hear” – Allanah Hunt

Let me explain what I mean.

Your Brain is Like a Computer

Imagine you have a pile of paperwork or files on your computer that need to be organised. The only way you can do this task is to categorise the various files or pieces of paper in a way that matches the folders that are already set up.

The majority of this task is relatively easy but every so often you come across a piece of paper or a file that just doesn’t seem to fit anywhere. It has to go somewhere, and you don’t want to create a new folder so what do you do? You stuff it in the folder that ‘kinda’, ‘sorta’, matches. It’s not a great fit but given the options, it’s the only one that makes any kind of sense.

It’s the same with your brain. After the age of seven your brain doesn’t make any new folders.

Your brain categorises new experiences based on previous ones and lumps them together as the ‘same thing’.

As a child you responded to events and experiences with limited understanding. You thought in black and white, or right and wrong because that’s as much as your young brain could understand. And so the way you responded to events was often dramatic. Either laughing excitedly or sobbing uncontrollably. The simplest thing would trigger a reaction that from an adult’s perspective was very extreme.

You know this is true. You’ve seen it for yourself. One minute a child is happy and the next, it’s as if the world has ended. That’s just kids. It’s because their brain simply cannot process the world in the way an adult can.

But here’s where it gets really interesting. Those folders your brain is creating before you’re seven are the building blocks for your life. And they’re not just inert folders. They have a trigger attached to them. They have an emotional charge connected to them that is replayed on auto pilot over and over again. And that charge powers your thoughts, it powers your emotions, it powers your heart rate and it powers your blood pressure.

Can you see where I’m going here?

If your brain stopped making folders after seven years of age and categorises all new experiences based on old ones, then the resulting reaction to the old event was also formed before you were seven. And unless you were actively taught healthy ways to understand and manage your emotions, a version of the childlike you will continue to show up in your adult life, particularly in times of stress.

A rational adult mind has the ability to see different sides of the same situation, but at times it’s like a bypass switch is flipped. The rational part of your brain switches off and your automatic preprogramed part switches on. It happens in a fraction of a second and can have devastating results.

It’s why we put kids in ‘time out’.

And it’s why we need to take a moment to pause before we respond.

We Need To Interrupt The Pattern

It’s about creating an interruption. Something that stops the bypass switch from being triggered in your brain. Something that creates the space for you to regroup and make a choice.

Count to ten, hum a tiny song in your head, flick a rubber band on your wrist or look away for a few moments. Choose something that will work for you and practice it.

If you’re a parent, practice it with your kids. Practice it with your work colleagues. Practice it with your parents. Practice it with your partner.

Try it out with the person you find most annoying in your life. The person who just makes you want to scream with frustration.

Yeah, that person.

Because that person is acting in a way that triggers an automatic reaction in your brain. Probably nothing to do with them but something your brain has an existing emotional charge around. Something your brain has lumped in with another time, another place and another experience.

Take a moment to pause.

Take a moment to look at that person differently. Take a moment to step away from the immediate anger, frustration or other emotion that is flowing hotly through your veins.


Because how we feel shows up in every part of our body, in our facial expressions, in words and how we say those words even if we’re not aware of it. Just as you have triggers that set off the bypass switch in your brain, so do others. And the meeting of two explosive charges is never going to deliver a positive result.

Although the outcome of a meeting of two people is created by those two, you have the opportunity to choose your part in that outcome. And by choosing your part, you impact the other for better or for worse. You can’t control how someone else responds but you can choose not to be the trigger that flips their bypass switch.

There is power in the pause.

5 Ways Expressing Anger Helps You Grow In Health And Happiness

5 Ways Expressing Anger Helps You Grow In Health And Happiness

Anger is something that’s frowned upon in our current society. We’re told we need to ‘manage’ our anger so we push it down where it turns to despair and depression. We hide it away where others can’t see it.

But anger is powerful and it will not be silent. It is loud and the more you push it away, the louder it becomes. You may not hear it with your ears but you will definitely feel it in your body.

The problem is that we’ve numbed our bodies too. The smallest symptom and we reach for the pill bottle. We rush to the doctor as we can’t bear to feel anything other than happy and successful.

We’ve labelled some emotions as bad and others a good. So we chase the good feelings in our attempts to ignore the bad.

But emotion is simply the movement of your own energy within you.

Your feelings are the way your body communicates with you. But when we suppress the emotions we label as bad, we push them down into the body where they do harm. And still your body tries to get your attention. It produces physical symptoms to let you know that something is wrong.

Many people think of anger as something explosive or something uncontrollable. But anger includes a range of less intense feelings too. Irritation, feeling pissed off, indignation – these are all ways that anger can show up.

So how can expressing anger help you grow in health and happiness?

Anger hides deeper emotions that need to be expressed

When we allow our anger to be expressed in healthy ways, we literally ‘let off steam’. Life can be a pressure cooker of stressful and difficult situations but when we let off steam, we allow the pent up emotions to leave our bodies. This gives space for our deeper feelings to be seen.

Anger can mask grief, sadness, loss, insecurity, worthlessness and other often painful emotions.

But these deeper emotions are the key to growth. They allow you to ask questions t0 explore what you believe about yourself and about your place in the world. When we uncover the cause of these feelings, we can begin to change our thinking.

Thoughts are like a constantly broadcasting radio station that becomes the background to our lives. Unless we pay attention to what is playing, we will hear the same music as repeated emotions and results over and over again. By becoming aware of our anger, irritation, indignation and pissed offness, and allowing ourselves to release the energy of them, we create space for what hides beneath.

Unexpressed Anger Turns Inward And Becomes Depression

E-motion is Energy in Motion. And energy needs to go somewhere. It’s not something you can ignore and hope it will go away. It might feel like it leaves as time passes but if you don’t express it, it stays in your body where it alters the chemistry of your internal systems.

It shuts down the production of ‘feel good’ chemicals or hormones that you need for health and happiness.

It interferes with your immune system and your nervous system leaving you tired, exhausted and lethargic. It shows up as chronic pain, headache, stomach ache and a range of other troublesome symptoms. Symptoms that make you exhausted, irritable and start the cycle all over again.

By expressing anger, and allowing deeper emotions to release as well, you effectively halt the chemical changes in your body that cause depression and despair.

Unexpressed Anger Creates Resentment

Resentment is the enemy of relationships. It destroys love and makes us want to withdraw from others. Little irritation upon little irritation builds until you can no longer see the person you’re with. Instead, all you can see are their annoying habits and the things that ‘drive you mad’.

As the resentment gets bigger the person gets smaller until you can longer remember why you’re with them. But behind that irritation lies other emotions. Perhaps you feel ignored, unappreciated, overworked, unsupported or unheard. These feelings show up as anger or indignation and build higher and higher, stronger and stronger until it reaches breaking point.

When you find healthy ways to release these emotions, you can create the space to reconnect, you can create the space to have constructive conversations that can lead to real change.

Unexpressed Anger Kills Happiness

It is impossible to hold two conflicting emotions at the same time. Wen you’re feeling angry or irritated you cannot enjoy the moment you’re in.

The search for happiness and joy often sees us following the latest ‘new thing’, indulging in risky behaviours or looking for a ‘high’. But happiness already exists within us. It’s our natural state.

Happiness is not a feeling that is fleeting but a deep contentment that fills your soul – Allanah Hunt

And one of the fastest ways to connect with that contentment and to allow anger and emotion to be released is to express it. Otherwise it stays in our bodies and shows up as pain and illness. Happiness can be built in layers in the same way that resentment can. I know which one I choose.

Expressing Anger Creates Space For New Experiences

When we’re feeling angry, (or feeling any of the other anger related emotions), we get trapped in a cycle. The more angry we feel, the more we see things to be angry about. It’s like a magnet. Anything that matches our emotions will be drawn to us.

But when we allow anger (and other emotions) to be expressed in healthy ways, we stop the cycle. We reduce the power of the magnet so that it no longer attracts experiences that trigger us. As our focus shifts we ‘suddenly’ see how much we are thankful for. Instead of seeing things that produce anger, we see opportunities and possibilities. We become braver and start to believe in ourselves more. We become quieter and can hear our intuition. Your intuition is your inner guide and is always speaking to you, but anger and other emotions can drown it out.

Following your intuition will lead you to new places, new people and new experiences. Experiences that will allow you to grow in health and happiness.

Expressing Anger In Healthy Ways

So now that I’ve given you 5 reasons why expressing anger is good for you, I want to give you some ways to express in healthy ways.

Yelling, sulking, violence toward others is not healthy and will destroy you and the people around you.

Instead when you feel the anger rising, take a step away. Physically leave the situation if you need to. If you’re in a conversation with someone, take a break. Tell them you need to think about what’s been said. Let them know you don’t want to talk about it right now but make a time when you will discuss it. This will help them feel heard and allow them to deal with their own emotions.

Take a walk, a run or go to the gym as physical exercise shifts the energy in your body. Go somewhere quiet and scream to the sky. Take yourself into nature and breathe in fresh air and breathe out anger. Write out your feelings without censor in a journal or diary. Do something creative.

These are all ways you can allow your anger to be released without it being destructive. Create a plan for yourself ahead of time so that the next time you feel the irritation rising or the anger flooding your body, you can simply put your plan into action.

Don’t let resentment build until you lose people and situations that are precious to you.

Take a step back and express your anger in healthy ways. Allow the energy of your e-motion to be released and then take a look at why you felt this way. Ask yourself some questions.

The answers are the key to growth, health and happiness.

It’s The Things We Can’t Change That Change Us The Most

It’s The Things We Can’t Change That Change Us The Most

I wrote this quote a while ago and for some reason today it caught my attention in a way that it hadn’t before. Funny how that happens … I guess it’s an example of how as time goes by, we alter our perception and suddenly something hits us in a new way.

So what does this quote actually mean?

“It’s the things we can’t change that change us the most” – Allanah Hunt

I see that in life we have two choices when presented with a difficulty, a loss or a challenge.

Option one, we can allow the difficulty, loss or challenge to be the defining moment in our lives by stopping exactly where we are, wishing and praying that something will change so that we can feel better, achieve our dreams or have what we want.

I know a lot of people who feel that one event ended their future dreams

In a moment of loss or fear, they gave up on their desire for more. Their desire for love, their desire for progress or their desire for life. They became stuck, forever frozen in the emotions of a single event, catastrophic though it may have been, life changing as it ultimately was, but that’s the point. That’s the first choice. To remain frozen in a moment in time, almost as if the spark that once lit them up, that drew everything they so wanted or once had to them, has been instantly and forever blown out. Extinguished.

They go through the motions of their life with no joy, no happiness, believing themselves to be the victim of circumstance rather than understanding they have ultimate power to stay or to move. And that by choosing to stay stuck in a moment of change, they have made a conscious decision to stop living, to stop exploring, to stop experiencing.

Do you know someone like this? Maybe it’s how you feel …

I think most of us have times when the fear of the future overwhelms us and causes us to freeze. Those feelings of ‘what if’ come soaring in and bring our deepest fears out of the darkness and into the light. Those ‘worst case scenarios’ stare us in the face and we can’t see anything else. Terrifying and ultimately paralysing. I know I’ve had times where the future looked very bleak. As if I was looking into an abyss with no bottom, nothing but blackness full of the unknown. And I froze. I stopped in my tracks, scared to put a foot wrong, scared to take a step at all for fear of falling. Hoping that something would change so that I could move forward. Standing at the foot of a towering wall that had suddenly arisen in my way.

Which brings me to the second option. You can choose to change direction, to adapt with the flow of life and to find another way to go on. It’s those things we can’t change that change us the most for they force us to be creative, they force us to grow and they force us to alter not only the way we’re going but who we are.

I found this poem that I thought I would share with you as a way of demonstrating this concept. When you can’t go over or under, go around.

A baby mole got to feeling big, 

And wanted to show how he could dig;

So he plowed along in the soft, warm dirt

Till he hit something hard, and it surely hurt!

A dozen stars flew out of his snout;

He sat on his haunches, began to pout;

Then rammed the thing again with his head–

His grandpap picked him up half dead.

“Young man,” he said, “though your pate is bone.

You can’t butt your way through solid stone.

This bit of advice is good, I’ve found:

If you can’t go over or under, go round.”


A traveler came to a stream one day,

And because it presumed to cross his way,

And wouldn’t turn round to suit his whim

And change its course to go with him,

His anger rose far more than it should,

And he vowed he’d cross right where he stood.

A man said there was a bridge below,

But not a step would he budge or go.

The current was swift and the bank was steep,

But he jumped right in with a violent leap.

A fisherman dragged him out half-drowned:

“When you can’t go over or under, go round.”


If you come to a place that you can’t get _through,_

Or _over_ or _under_, the thing to do

Is to find a way _round_ the impassable wall,

Not say you’ll go YOUR way or not at all.

You can always get to the place you’re going,

If you’ll set your sails as the wind is blowing.

If the mountains are high, go round the valley;

If the streets are blocked, go up some alley;

If the parlor-car’s filled, don’t scorn a freight;

If the front door’s closed, go in the side gate.

To reach your goal this advice is sound:

If you can’t go over or under, go round!

 By Joseph Morris

Although this poem was written for kids, the message is clear.

When life presents us with a difficulty, a loss or a challenge, we must become adaptable, we must become malleable or we will be forever stuck in a moment that defines our future and ultimately defines our life.

But there’s something more to add.

There is beauty in change. There is freedom in allowing life to unfold and to ‘go with the flow’

That’s not to say you will find it easy. But then the diamonds we currently find so precious are honed through hardship and through pressure. They are forced to change form or be destroyed. And by changing form, by adapting to the pressures they face, they become a brilliant, shining perfect light on to all around.

So those things we can’t change that change us the most?

Allow them to. Roll with the punches. Go with the flow. Find your rhythm and if you can’t go over or under, go round.

My Heart Beats With The Ocean

My Heart Beats With The Ocean

I remember so clearly a time in my life when I was overwhelmed by my emotions. In grief over a loss, afraid of what the future might bring and unsure which direction to turn. I was paralysed, anxious and doubting my abilities to make any kind of decision.

In desperation, I took myself to the beach with a book hoping that some time out might quiet the voice in my head which was keeping me awake at night. Round and round the thoughts would go, telling me a horror story of my life. I was in a cycle of dread, afraid to be awake and terrified to sleep.

So on this particular sunny day, I chose a quiet beach with big skies and white sand. With my towel spread on the sand, I lay down to read. As the words rose up in front of me, they seemed to blur, fading into the background. All I could hear was the birds in the sky, the gentle breeze through the trees and the splashing of the waves as they broke gracefully onto the sand.

Putting my book to one side, I closed my eyes and resting my head on my arms, gave myself up to the world around me. The shrill cry of a bird as it celebrated the freedom of flight, the soft movement of the leaves in the trees and the warmth of the sun on my back.

Slowly but surely my body began to relax, my mind began to quiet and soon there was nothing but the rhythmical beating of my heart which kept pace with the sound of the waves as they greeted the shore before retreating to gather again and again. In this moment I became one with the ocean and part of something so much bigger than myself.

My soul flew and I began to heal.

Please take a couple of minutes to listen to the ocean waves below and find peace to take forward into your day
Laughter Really Is The Best Medicine

Laughter Really Is The Best Medicine

Laughter Really Is The Best Medicine
Emotions | It's All About You
Allanah Hunt

How wonderful it is to laugh. It’s infectious.

When laughter is shared it bonds people together and creates intimacy. Laughter also triggers healthy physical changes in the body, It helps to strengthen your immune system, boost energy, diminish pain and protect against the harmful effects of stress, and it’s free!

Laughter is one of the fastest ways to bring balance back to your body and mind.

It lightens your burdens, brings hope and keeps you grounded, focused and alert.

Laughter triggers the release of endorphins in the body which makes you feel good. Humour helps you keep an optimistic attitude even through disappointments, loss and grief. More importantly it gives us the courage and strength to find new meaning and hope for the future. Even in the most difficult times, a laugh or even a smile will lift your mood. Laughter helps you be more spontaneous, and it lets you forget judgements, criticism and doubt. Your inhibitions are also reduced when you laugh giving you the chance to connect with the real you.

You’ve probably heard the saying ‘laughter is the best medicine’. Laughter really does help to heal your body and mind. The flow of lymph fluid is increased by the simple convulsions that occur when we laugh. This boosts immune system functionality and cleans out old dead and waste products from your organs. As you laugh you take in big gasps of air causing the oxygen levels in your blood to rise. This ensures all the organs in your body receive rich, oxygenated blood to repair tissue and provide healing. Studies have shown that cancer cells are destroyed in the presence of oxygen, as are certain parasites and bacteria.

Increasing the levels of oxygen in the body can help with both the healing and prevention of various diseases

Laughing boosts circulation due to the very fact that as you laugh, you are exercising your abdominal muscles, the muscles in your face and enhancing flexibility throughout the body. The harder you laugh, the greater this effect.

The skin is the biggest organ in your body and in times of stress our faces can look drawn and tired. Increasing the flow of oxygen to our skin will improve the colour, reduce wrinkles and improve the overall texture. Add to this the sparkle your eyes will have as you add joy to your life, and you will look and feel more attractive.

Serotonin is essential for balancing brain chemistry. It aids in fighting depression, compulsive and obsessive thinking and reduces the harmful effects of stress on the body. Serotonin is a naturally occurring chemical in the brain, however, in times of stress and grief the body’s ability to produce it can be severely reduced. Sunshine and laughter can aid the body in producing this chemical naturally thereby improving your mood and overall mindset.

Health Benefits of Laughter

  • Boosts Immunity
  • Lowers Stress Hormones
  • Decreases Pain
  • Relaxes Muscles
  • Prevents Heart Disease
  • Eases Anxiety and Fear
  • Relieves Stress
  • Enhances Resilience
  • Attracts People to Us
  • Helps Diffuse Conflict
  • Enhances Teamwork

Due to the significant difference healthy brain chemistry can make to your life, adding laughter on a daily basis makes a lot of sense. You can build laughter and joy into your everyday life in the same way you would add exercise. Easy ways to add joy include the following:

  • Watch a funny movie or television show
  • Share a good joke or funny story
  • Host a game night with friends
  • Play with a pet
  • Do something silly
  • Play with children
  • Seek out funny people
  • Do a fun activity (bowling, mine-golf, karaoke)
  • Go to a ‘laughter yoga’ class
  • Check out your bookstore humour section

When we are struggling with major adjustments we can take life much too seriously. Lighten your mood by adding some fun into your day. Choose to find the funny side of a situation.


  • Share your embarrassing moments and don’t take yourself so seriously
  • Look for the humour, the irony and absurdity of life in a bad situation
  • Keep a toy on your desk, a photo of you having fun or a funny poster in your office
  • Pay attention to children and emulate them

The ability to laugh, have fun and play with others not only makes life more enjoyable but it also makes you more creative helping you solve problems and connect with other people in your life. Life brings challenges which can either ‘get the best of you’ or which you can use to become ‘the best you can be’. When you become the problem and take yourself too seriously, it can be hard to think outside the box and find new solutions. When children are confused or afraid they make their problems into a game and thereby have the ability to step back and find creative solutions. We can learn a lot from the way children view life.

Hi, I'm Allanah, Author, Teacher, Manifestation Mentor and Empowerment Coach. My mission is to help you discover the power you have to create your life in a way that brings joy, happiness and freedom. I teach you how to harness the power of The Law of Attraction and bring yourself into alignment with those things you want to experience.


Check out my Abundance Accelerator Program

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