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It's All About You

You Are The Magnet

Ask, Believe, Receive. Are You Saying ‘NO’ To What You Want Most?
Ask, Believe, Receive. Are You Saying ‘NO’ To What You Want Most?

Ask, Believe, Receive
This is the creative process that is as old as time itself. It’s been mentioned in every religious text and spoken of by mystics, philosophers and Law of Attraction teachers throughout the ages. I’m sure you’ve heard of it too. It’s a simple three step process that many people see as the key to manifesting everything they want. And of course it is. But, there’s more to this creative process than meets the eye.

Changing Your Thoughts Is Not Enough To Change Your Life
Changing Your Thoughts Is Not Enough To Change Your Life

Everything we learn throughout our lives is imprinted through the projection and absorption of energy. We’re receiving and imparting information through emotion. Or to put it another way; through e-motion (energy in motion). It’s the energy behind what we say, hear, see and do that leaves the biggest imprint. We remember the things we ‘feel about’ and forget the things we only hear about.
Without feeling there can be no knowing

Raise Your Abundance Vibration In 5 Easy Ways
Raise Your Abundance Vibration In 5 Easy Ways

We're all manifesting our lives through the power of energetic alignment. The vibration of your energy creates a frequency that attracts matching energy back to you. If you want more abundance in your life, then here's 5 Ways to Raise Your Abundance Vibration

The Power Of The Pause
The Power Of The Pause

Have you ever had one of those moments when words flew out of your mouth that you immediately regretted? Or when the tone of your voice caused someone to frown, to take a step back or to react in anger? I remember as a teenager hearing the words, ‘count to ten before you answer’. And me, being the typical teenager that I was, rolled my eyes so far back in my head that all you could see was the whites of my eyes!

Vantage Point – Shift Your View, Shift Your Life
Vantage Point – Shift Your View, Shift Your Life

A few years ago I watched a Dennis Quaid film called Vantage Point. The film was full of action but it wasn’t the storyline that made the biggest impact on me. It was the way it was filmed. The film starts with the President of the United States being shot while delivering a speech in a public square in Spain after which a bomb explodes killing many of the crowd who had come to hear him speak. This might sound like a ‘spoiler alert’ but this all happens in the first 10 minutes of the film. After the bomb explodes the pieces of the scene fly back together in a super fast rewind before starting to play again.

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What To Do When Life Knocks You To Your Knees

What To Do When Life Knocks You To Your Knees

Life is constantly evolving, swirling around and sometimes sideswiping us. We can feel dented and bruised but we carry on regardless. But once in a while life knocks us off our feet. We find ourselves on the floor desperately looking around for something to hold on to. If we are fortunate, we have friends or family who can hold our hand whilst we are down. Their love and support can stop us falling into the abyss which threatens to swallow us whole. Sometimes we choose to stay down for a while, unable to muster the strength to pull ourselves up.

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FEAR – False Evidence Appearing Real

FEAR – False Evidence Appearing Real

It can be scary to make a change when you can’t see how your life will look if you choose a new path. If I change my job, what will the work entail? What will my colleagues be like? Will my new boss be supportive? If I move to a new neighbourhood, will I make new friends? Will my children settle into their new school? And if my relationship breaks up, where will I live? How will I raise my children on my own? I can’t imagine my life without my partner … All of these thoughts are valid but they have one thing in common. Fear. Fear of the unknown; fear of loss; fear of making a mistake …

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How Do You Respond To Change?

How Do You Respond To Change?

We are taught to hold on tightly to our important possessions, to guard and protect them from others who may wish to take them from us. We even insure them against possible loss as if by doing so we can keep their value with us always. And we do the same thing with the people who are important to us.As if by holding them close we can stop them from slipping away. But in a world which is constantly evolving, where seasons come and go and where birth and death are a natural part of life, the one thing we can rely on is …

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The Power Of Now

The Power Of Now

The only thing that can be different is you! You are the one who sets the goals and therefore you are the one who decides whether to achieve them or not. However, the best intentions in the world will not change your life unless you have the conviction to take an action every day which will draw you closer to your goals.

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