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It's All About You

You Are The Magnet

Ask, Believe, Receive. Are You Saying ‘NO’ To What You Want Most?
Ask, Believe, Receive. Are You Saying ‘NO’ To What You Want Most?

Ask, Believe, Receive
This is the creative process that is as old as time itself. It’s been mentioned in every religious text and spoken of by mystics, philosophers and Law of Attraction teachers throughout the ages. I’m sure you’ve heard of it too. It’s a simple three step process that many people see as the key to manifesting everything they want. And of course it is. But, there’s more to this creative process than meets the eye.

Changing Your Thoughts Is Not Enough To Change Your Life
Changing Your Thoughts Is Not Enough To Change Your Life

Everything we learn throughout our lives is imprinted through the projection and absorption of energy. We’re receiving and imparting information through emotion. Or to put it another way; through e-motion (energy in motion). It’s the energy behind what we say, hear, see and do that leaves the biggest imprint. We remember the things we ‘feel about’ and forget the things we only hear about.
Without feeling there can be no knowing

Raise Your Abundance Vibration In 5 Easy Ways
Raise Your Abundance Vibration In 5 Easy Ways

We're all manifesting our lives through the power of energetic alignment. The vibration of your energy creates a frequency that attracts matching energy back to you. If you want more abundance in your life, then here's 5 Ways to Raise Your Abundance Vibration

The Power Of The Pause
The Power Of The Pause

Have you ever had one of those moments when words flew out of your mouth that you immediately regretted? Or when the tone of your voice caused someone to frown, to take a step back or to react in anger? I remember as a teenager hearing the words, ‘count to ten before you answer’. And me, being the typical teenager that I was, rolled my eyes so far back in my head that all you could see was the whites of my eyes!

Vantage Point – Shift Your View, Shift Your Life
Vantage Point – Shift Your View, Shift Your Life

A few years ago I watched a Dennis Quaid film called Vantage Point. The film was full of action but it wasn’t the storyline that made the biggest impact on me. It was the way it was filmed. The film starts with the President of the United States being shot while delivering a speech in a public square in Spain after which a bomb explodes killing many of the crowd who had come to hear him speak. This might sound like a ‘spoiler alert’ but this all happens in the first 10 minutes of the film. After the bomb explodes the pieces of the scene fly back together in a super fast rewind before starting to play again.

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FREE GIFT – The 7 Minute Abundance Blueprint

It’s The Things We Can’t Change That Change Us The Most

It’s The Things We Can’t Change That Change Us The Most

I wrote this quote a while ago and for some reason today it caught my attention in a way that it hadn’t before. Funny how that happens … I guess it’s an example of how as time goes by, we alter our perception and suddenly something hits us in a new way. So what does this quote actually mean? “It’s the things we can’t change that change us the most” – Allanah Hunt. I see that in life we have two choices when presented with a difficulty, a loss or a challenge …

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What One Hour On A Mountain Taught Me About Life

What One Hour On A Mountain Taught Me About Life

I’ve just returned from Spain where I’ve spent a month escaping from the English winter! I was rewarded with blue skies, sunshine and surrounded by the beauty of the mediterranean sea. This is my happy place and where I feel most myself. No matter where in the world I am, I am always drawn to the sea as if by a magnet. But one day, we decided to visit a town in the hills. Spain is very mountainous and there’s something majestic and awe inspiring about being high up and looking down on the vista below. We picked a fabulous day for our visit as the skies were a stunning shade of bright blue and we could see for miles.

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5 Lessons From The Matrix

5 Lessons From The Matrix

When The Matrix movie was released in 1999 (yes, it truly was that long ago) it made an absolute sensation. The special effects were cutting edge and over the next couple of years, The Matrix Trilogy attracted a cult following. As I wasn’t feeling well over the weekend, I snuggled in and watched the first film in this fantasy trilogy again. I’ve seen it a few times but its just one of the those movies you can watch over and over again and not only enjoy, but each time you see it, you are reminded of the strong concepts which lie behind the action.

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Becoming You

Becoming You

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself who you are? Not who you think you should be, but actually who you already ARE.
Once upon a time you were free to think, feel and behave in a way that was a true reflection of you. It didn’t last long as very soon, people started telling you what you should think, what you should believe, how you should feel and told you what the rules of acceptable behaviour are. Somewhere inside of you though, perhaps buried very deeply, is a spark of the person you once were before the world started telling you who you should be.

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My Heart Beats With The Ocean

My Heart Beats With The Ocean

I remember so clearly a time in my life when I was overwhelmed by my emotions. In grief over a loss, afraid of what the future might bring and unsure which direction to turn. I was paralysed, anxious and doubting my abilities to make any kind of decision. In desperation, I took myself to the beach with a book hoping that some time out might quiet the voice in my head which was keeping me awake at night. Round and round the thoughts would go, telling me a horror story of my life. I was in a cycle of dread, afraid to be awake and terrified to sleep.

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The 5 Languages Of Love

The 5 Languages Of Love

We all want to be loved. And the opportunity to give love in return. But what happens when the love you give is misunderstood or the love you receive doesn’t feel like love to you? We give love to others in the way we wish to receive it but in many cases our desire to make someone else feel loved, backfires. No matter how hard you work to show your partner how much you care about them, they just don’t feel loved. According to author Gary Chapman, there are 5 core love languages. Each of us understand one of these languages but may completely misunderstand the other 4.

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Why Do Men Pull Away When Their Woman Is Upset?

Why Do Men Pull Away When Their Woman Is Upset?

As women we often believe that if our partner’s truly loved us, they would be able to see when we are upset and want to protect and comfort us. Isn’t that what a man is supposed to do? So when he pulls away, we tell ourselves he doesn’t love us.
For a long time, I believed this to be true. I thought if I showed how upset I was, that my partner would give me the comfort I wanted. And the more he pulled away, the more upset I got. I truly expected him to follow me and do whatever he could to make me feel better.

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Why Personal Development Is Vital For Success

Why Personal Development Is Vital For Success

There is only one person who is responsible for your success and that person is you. So if you’ve got to a certain point in your career or your business and you feel like you’ve hit the ceiling of what is possible, think again. “The definition of insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting a different result” – Albert Einstein
Smart man Mr Einstein! And here’s what another smart and hugely successful man had to say on the subject. “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.” – Henry T Ford. What is the key message in these quotes?

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5 Key Ways To Improve Empathy

5 Key Ways To Improve Empathy

Empathy is a very important skill. It helps us develop deep levels of rapport and trust, both of which are vital for the success of our relationships as well as our interactions in the workplace. Having poor empathy skills can lead to unnecessary conflict born out of misunderstandings. In business, the key component to our success is understanding the needs of our clients, patients, customers or staff. If we don’t focus on ‘putting ourselves in their shoes’, we will make catastrophic mistakes which can lead to failure. The dictionary describes empathy as “the ability to understand and share the feelings of another”.

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7 Pieces Of Advice from a Sea Turtle

7 Pieces Of Advice from a Sea Turtle

You might be thinking; what could I possibly learn from a Sea Turtle! But bear with me for a moment and come with me for the ride (swim?) There is a lot to learn from nature and although we like to think we are superior to the other living creatures on our planet, perhaps they have it more ‘right’ than we do. Certainly, there are attitudes we could learn that will bring balance and happiness throughout our lives. Why not start with advice from a Sea Turtle?

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5 Ways To Make Loneliness Your Friend

5 Ways To Make Loneliness Your Friend

Most of us have felt lonely at one time or another but for some, loneliness is a daily, minute by minute companion. To use the word companion and loneliness in the same sentence might sound strange, but loneliness is more than just a feeling; it’s an experience. It is truly as if a dark shadow has come to sit beside you and steal your joy. In a world where technology has taken over so much human interaction, more and more people are finding themselves isolated and without a close friend to turn to.

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Finding Love Again

Finding Love Again

Everyone wants to find their special someone, right. Someone to share your life, who will be with you through thick and thin, who will love you even when you’re not very lovable and who will truly understand you. But if you found that with someone only to lose them and the future you planned together, what do you do now? There are plenty of ‘fish in the sea’ but how do you find your perfect catch? Perhaps you’ve cast your net far and wide only to throw them all back. Or maybe you’ve yet to dip your toe in the water for fear you might get bitten again.

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5 Signs You Might Be Hiding From Life

5 Signs You Might Be Hiding From Life

Let’s face it – life can seem terrifying at times! Its much easier to stay where you’re comfortable, to continue living life as you know it confident in the knowledge that you are safe and secure. But there’s a problem with that plan. Things always change. Even if you focus on keeping the status quo with every ounce of energy you have, life has a way of throwing you a curve ball when you least expect it.

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6 Ways To Use Your Morning Routine For Success

6 Ways To Use Your Morning Routine For Success

Do you know that the way you prepare for the day ahead is one of the biggest indicators of success? The mindset you start the day with really does make all the difference. “Your attitude determines your altitude” Zig Ziglar. We all have days where we struggle to get out of bed, when we stumble to the bathroom with our eyes closed and go through the motions of getting ready for the day ahead. Our shoulders are slumped, our posture is barely vertical and our feet drag across the floor.

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