The Hidden Potential of YOU

The Hidden Potential of YOU

I was looking at a picture of an iceberg the other day and it reminded me of an analogy I once heard.

Human potential is like an iceberg – what you see on the surface is nothing compared to what lies beneath.

What do we know about Icebergs?

An iceberg is a large mass of free-floating ice that has broken away from a glacier. Beautiful but potentially dangerous, icebergs are made up of freshwater ice, pieces of debris, trapped bubbles of air and they wander over the ocean until they melt.

An iceberg floats because it is less dense than the sea water that surrounds it and in fact 80-90% of an iceberg sits below the waterline.

Most people have heard the story, or watched a film about Titanic, the ship which on its maiden voyage struck an iceberg which caused catastrophic damage and ended the levels of over 1500 people. The reason the Titanic was destroyed had nothing to do with the iceberg that was visible above the waterline and everything to do with what was hidden beneath.

Scientists say that at most we use 10% of the capacity of our brain and therefore the available knowledge and possibility of human potential is 10 times that which we currently access. Imagine what we could discover, what we could do and what we could achieve if we increased our functioning by even 10%?

At an individual level we tend to think small. We create a vision of ourselves based upon the conditioning of society, our families, our education and our peers. Whatever is ‘acceptable or normal’ in the time of our growing up years, becomes the framework within which we live our lives.

And yet, just like the iceberg which shows only a tiny part of itself to the world above the waterline whilst plunging the depths below, you too have a depth of potential you may never have explored. The face you show to the world, and more importantly the face you show to yourself is often nothing more than a reflection of the ideas, understandings and limitations of the people around you.

Imagine if you had been born in a previous time. It wasn’t until the 6th Century that Pythagoras first suggested the earth was round. Prior to this, believe it or not, people looked to the horizon and assumed that the earth was flat. Needless to say they were not keen to sail too far in case they fell of the end of the planet. Now of course we all grow up with the understanding that our planet is a sphere which orbits around the sun. In the same way, once upon a time we had no idea of the size of an iceberg!

Just because something is the accepted way of thinking doesn’t necessarily make it the truth.

The same is true for you. Just because you have defined and limited yourself in a certain way doesn’t mean that you are correct.

The picture you create of yourself and what is possible for you is exactly what your life will reflect.

When an iceberg flips over it causes huge amounts of energy to be released. In fact scientists believe that a rolling iceberg may release as much energy as an atomic bomb and can cause a tsunami or even trigger an earthquake.

What if you too have the power to create a tsunami in your own life?

What if everything you thought you knew about yourself if just the tip of the iceberg?

What if you were to flip everything you know on its head and look again.

What might you see then?

Our brain has a need to categorise things, to put them into boxes as it is essentially a massive filing system. So as we go through life we form ‘measures’ with which we define the people and happenings around us.

If I say the word success, you will immediately have a picture of what success looks like to you. I can guarantee that the person next to you will have a different definition but the one you create for yourself is the one that governs this part of your life.

To illustrate the power of this let me give you some questions to ask yourself. The answers to these questions will allow you to see the definition you have formed around success.

If I was successful …

Where would I live?

How much money would I make a year?

What car would I drive?

What would my partner look like?

What lifestyle would I have?

What would my relationships look like?

What would I be wearing?

What would I look like?

How happy would I be?

Who would my friends be?

For some people the answers to these questions spurs them on to great achievement. But for most, the definition of success is so far away from how you see yourself now that it erodes your confidence and undermines any feeling of self-worth.

So we push the idea of success to the back of our mind and settle for less than what we deserve, less than what we are capable of and become nothing more than the tip of the iceberg.

There is more within you than you know.

Perhaps its time to change your measure of success and define it in a way that is achievable for you.

Maybe then, you will discover the depth of your potential that lies just beneath the face you see in the mirror.

5 Ways Your Emotions Could Be Sabotaging Your Life

5 Ways Your Emotions Could Be Sabotaging Your Life

Just because somebody is smiling on the outside, doesn’t mean everything is okay in their life. Just because no tears fall from their eyes, doesn’t mean they aren’t breaking on the inside.

Emotions take many forms but we all have them, we all experience them whether we choose to express them or not

But where do they come from?

It often ‘feels’ like our emotions are caused by events that happen or by other people’s behaviour but in fact your emotions come from the way you think about those events or behaviours. It’s not the events themselves that cause your feelings but the way you decide to respond to them.

Your brain is a complex organ that runs all the functions of your body. It has many automatic functions such as keeping your heart beating, your lungs breathing, reminding you to eat and sleep to name just a few.

But it also a gatherer of information.

Your brain is like a massive computer which receives information at a rate of around 400 billion bits per second however, we are only aware of approximately 2000 of those bits. Your body is sending 11 million bits per second but your brain is only processing approximately 50 bits per second.

What these statistics indicate is that your brain has an automatic way of eliminating information that seems unnecessary or irrelevant. In essence, your mind is only taking in data which is already recognises and can file in an appropriate drawer. The rest it discards before it even enters your mind.

So if your emotions are fuelled by your thoughts, and your thoughts are determined by what you already know and understand, isn’t it possible that much of what you think is no longer relevant to your life today?

Isn’t it possible that an update in your programming is required?

Just because your brain puts two seemingly similar events in the same file and triggers emotions from the first to replay at the second, doesn’t mean that it is correct or that you have to go along with it.

You have the power to react or respond.

A reaction is an automatic function of your programming; a response is a choice.

Emotions are temporary states of mind. Don’t let them destroy you

Lashing Out In Anger

We’ve all had times when we become suddenly and fiercely angry. In a moment of frustration we lash out at someone, speak harshly or in some cases throw something or cause physical harm to another person. Anger is a useful emotion when it is used to channel action to make a change however, when used without control, it can destroy your relationships with the people around you, impact on your career and cause long term bitterness that will sabotage your life forever.

Instead of allowing the default position of anger to be your reaction, take the time to count to 10 before responding. Sometimes the most powerful response is simply to remain silent or to walk away.

Allowing Anxiety To Control You

We all have boundaries that keep us safe, where we feel comfortable and certain. Fear is simply the brain’s way of letting you know you are in danger or more commonly that you are taking a step outside your comfort zone. Just because something feels strange, unfamiliar or risky, doesn’t automatically mean you should avoid it.

The next time you feel anxious, stop for a moment and ask yourself if you are in any real danger. If not, then thank your brain for doing its job to keep you safe and ask it to join you on a new adventure.

Reliving A Moment Of Loss

Loss is an inevitable part of life. At some point, we will all lose someone we love, someone we value or someone who is a huge part of our life. The emotions that spill over in a time of loss can threaten to drown you, to overwhelm you with their intensity such that you cannot function, that you cannot connect with your own life. Many people find themselves stuck in a moment of loss sometimes for years or for the rest of their lives. They relive the pain of that loss over and over again until it becomes their natural state of being. They are in reality programming their brain to a new state of normal.

Instead of reliving the loss, focus on the wonderful memories and appreciate the times you had together. Hold those memories in your heart like jewels and when you feel sad, bring out your treasure, hold it up to the light and smile.

Holding On To Guilt

Every single one of us has at some time in our life, made a choice which someone else has found difficult to deal with. Sometimes it’s our emotional reaction to a situation that causes another pain and sometimes it’s simply that your path and theirs are not going in the same direction. There are times when its appropriate to apologise for your words or actions and to take responsibility for the hurt they have caused someone else. However, taking responsibility is not the same thing as feeling guilty. Guilt is like stabbing yourself over and over again in the same place with the same knife. It’s a wound that never heals.

Apologise for the wrong if it is appropriate and then forgive yourself. You are not responsible for someone else’s emotions and you cannot make it right by feeling guilty. Let the other person handle their feelings and learn to manage yours.

Building Walls

Our body has a natural defence mechanism to keep us safe from illness. We call this our immune system and it works by recognising a threat and putting up a wall to protect us from harm. Our brain does the same thing. “Once bitten, twice shy”; sayings like this reinforce the need to build walls to protect ourselves from being hurt. But the outcome of one situation does not dictate the outcome of another unless you react based on a previous experience. Remember how our brain puts similar situations together and treats them the same?

You can choose to see each event, each meeting and each relationship as a totally new and separate experience. Instead of building walls, you can keep your heart and mind sharp, set clear but flexible boundaries for yourself and stay open. Challenge your brain to discover new information and in doing so you will expand your capacity for learning and for growing.

Certainly there are times when it is appropriate to walk away, to keep yourself safe from situations which will hurt you but you are the master of your life. Your brain works for you and just like a computer program needs constant updates to remain relevant, so does your brain.

Challenge yourself to take a step back from your conditioned way of reacting and make a new choice.

You truly have the chance to change your life forever by stepping forward and becoming the BOSS OF YOUR OWN LIFE!

The Magic Of An Unexpected Moment

The Magic Of An Unexpected Moment

I had a plan today to sit this evening and write my weekly article, to publish my latest blog to share with you.

Funny how the best laid plans can suddenly go awry

Or more correctly, in my case, simply change.

This morning I boarded a bus bound for a town which lies three hours from my home. I am staying with a friend for the next few days and arranged to meet her at approximately 1.30pm. As my partner was giving me a ride to the bus station, I in fact caught a much earlier bus than originally planned.

Arriving at my destination at just after 11am, I find myself sitting in a cafe at the local supermarket with a couple of hours to spare. In my case, this interlude was not entirely unexpected but I had underestimated the amount of time I would need to fill before meeting my friend.

So here I sit, listening to Elton John on the radio, surrounded by people having lunch, their voices murmuring, rising and falling with conversation, the occasional shriek coming from a young child who feels momentarily neglected, and the blare of six television screens advertising a video game, music album for sale and latest product that the supermarket urges me to purchase.

Tucked into a cosy corner with my laptop on the table in front of me, I write these words and think about the benefits of unexpected moments. Those moments where, as Robert Burns once said, ‘the best laid schemes of mice and men’ simply do not come together perfectly.

Sometimes the best and most memorable moments in life are those ones which come unexpectedly and take your breath away – Allanah Hunt

Not that this particular moment is anything extraordinary or as yet incredible.

I don’t know how the rest of my day will go, I will never see again the faces which currently surround me, perhaps this moment in time will slither away into the far recesses of my mind, never to be remembered and yet right here and now, I embrace this moment as an unexpected gift.

I could stand outside in the cold and curse the fact that my partner’s work schedule meant that I had to catch an earlier bus. I could pace around, bored and irritated as I await my friend’s arrival such that when I see her, I have wound myself up and spoil our time together.

Instead I choose to take this moment as a brilliant chance to write my article sooner in the day, to free up my evening to spend with my friend, to have the chance to do both with passion and presence.

If not for this moment in time, I would probably have to make a choice.

Spend time with my friend or … write my blog.

Thanks to this moment, I can do both.

Perhaps I could have taken advantage of the time on the bus to write my article.

This morning before I left home, I purchased an ebook to read on the trip. In my rush to leave the house however, I forgot to go to my Kindle app and actually download the book to my device. With no Wifi on the bus, and with the knowledge that reading a print book (which I had in my bag) would make me nauseous, I instead went back through the various books I had stored on my iPad.

I found one I had started several months ago but never finished and its message reminded me of some principles that we can apply to our lives everyday. The power of choice is ours in each and every moment even when we forget to actively use it.

So with these words ringing in my ears, I made a choice to use these few precious moments wisely. To not only find a quiet spot to write but to use my experiences of today to demonstrate clearly the gifts and opportunities that constantly surround us if only we are open to embracing them.

If I had taken a wee bit more time this morning to download the new ebook, I would have missed the clear and concise reminders in the book I read instead

If not for my partner’s work schedule, I would have caught a later bus and instead of having this fabulous moment in time to write my article, I would have felt torn later today when I know I would have chosen time with my friend over writing my article. My stress levels would have risen as I know I have a full day of work ahead of me tomorrow and finding space to write would have been a challenge.

Instead, I have been offered a gift. A precious couple of unexpected clear hours in which to clarify my thoughts, to compose this article and to enable me to focus on my time with my friend for the rest of the day.

How many precious moments do we miss as we doggedly follow a schedule?

How often do we choose to be irritated when things don’t go exactly as planned instead of looking for the possibilities that exist within the unknown? 

What if we make a different choice?

What if instead of trying to control everything around us, we learned to embrace each and every moment along the way? To allow life to unfold in front of us, to embrace the unexpected and live in spontaneity?

What if instead of feeling stress in those unexpected moments we embrace them as a gift?

What might we discover then?

Who might you meet as you find yourself in an unfamiliar place?

What discoveries might you make as you wander off the well worn path and for just a moment in time, find yourself suspended in an unexpected moment?

Those people you meet, those faces you see may in fact provide inspiration for your next business idea. The break from your schedule may just put you in the path of an opportunity you may never have discovered on your own.

One unexpected moment that you decide to embrace could have the power to change your life for the better.

What will you do the next time you find yourself with time on your hands?

How will you treat the time you would perhaps have previously seen as wasted or unproductive?

Time whilst you wait. Time to fill. Time that you will never have again …

What If You Just Said Yes?

What If You Just Said Yes?

Are you one of those people who automatically worries about trying something new? Someone who if you feel like something might be out of your comfort zone, you tend to shy away?

We all have occasions when we have an opportunity to extend ourselves and certainly not every situation is appropriate to say yes to. However, there are times when saying yes, despite any uncertainty you might feel at the tim, exactly the road to a new and wonderful experience.

Sir Richard Branson sums this up perfectly when he says:

If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, say yes – then learn how to do it later – Sir Richard Branson

It takes courage to say yes to something that you haven’t done before, bravery to take a leap of faith and a strong heart to believe in yourself enough to take a chance on your ability to figure out whatever you need to learn, whatever you need to do, to rise to the next level.

Here’s the thing.

When you say no, you know exactly what the outcome will be. You cannot fail if you never try.

If you don’t try at anything, you cannot fail – Kate Winslet

The choice to say yes leaves the result ‘up in the air’.

The outcome is uncertain and therefore perhaps too scary to consider.

Lets go back for a moment.

Way, way back to when you were a baby. You came into this world with no knowledge of how it works, no understanding of the path in front of you and what it would take to learn to walk, to talk, to make friends or to keep yourself safe.

And yet you are here today having grown beyond babyhood with a range of skills and understandings which allow you to function and to be successful.

Did those abilities fall into your lap without you having to do anything? Or did you have to take a risk to stand, a risk to make a sound or take a chance on rejection to make a friend?

As a mother of two, I watched my children develop and grow over the years. I saw them fall down many times before they developed the strength to stand. I watched as they took their first steps without holding on to anything. I listened as the strange unintelligible noises they made slowly became words I could understand. I watched their frustration as they tried to make me understand what they were trying to say.

Did they give up? Of course not.

Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tip-toe if you must, but take the step

I recently fell down a flight of stairs and broke my heel bone in 4 places. Due to the severity of this injury, I was unable to put any weight on my left foot for 12 weeks. I was completely reliant on my crutches and with both hands busy supporting me, I was unable to complete the most basic of tasks.

Whilst I could get myself to the kitchen to make a cup of tea, I couldn’t carry it to my chair. I was unable to shower myself and needed the help of my partner to do almost everything. As a fiercely independent person, my lack of mobility and inability to drive was very difficult to adapt to.

After 12 weeks of total inactivity, do you think I just stood up one day and started walking?

Of course not. All the nerves, tendons and muscles in my foot and my leg had gone on strike. They simply turned off as they were not required for 3 months. And my brain had reprogrammed itself to protect my injury by ensuring I didn’t put weight on my foot even if I needed to get up in the night.

The first time I tried to take a step forward with my left foot during a physiotherapy session, I completely froze. Initially I couldn’t make my leg move as it was rooted to the spot in fear. Although my leg would physically support me, my mind refused to believe it. It took many days of practice before I could step forward without having to ‘psych myself up’ first.

The great thing is though, that once I took the first step and could see that I was okay, my brain and I came to accept that walking was a possibility. That one step could lead to another and that with time and practice, I could rebuild my strength and regain my independence.

Now 18 weeks since my injury, I am walking slowly, can manage stairs, carry my cup of tea and I can drive short distances. My confidence is returning and although I am still hyperaware of my environment and potential risks due to some instability, I automatically get out of bed and walk to the bathroom in the morning. In just a few short weeks I have gone from complete reliance on crutches to walking relatively comfortably.

You might ask what this has to do with the subject at hand.

For me, my recovery has become a metaphor for my life.

I could have chosen to let my fear stop me from taking that first step. I could have allowed my brain to continue to believe it needed to protect me from pushing through the pain. I could have allowed the pain to stop me from doing the exercises which would give me the strength to walk again.

But I didn’t.

Sure in this case, I had walked before so I knew it was possible.

However, the doctors told me my foot would never be the same again, that I would take 2 years to regain 80% of my movement and that I would be lucky to come out of my injury with a painless limp. They also seemed to believe it was a given that I would never wear heels again!

I decided right away, that that prognosis was not good enough for me, that I would recover fully and regain both the strength and flexibility that I had experienced before my injury. It has not been an easy road and there have been many times when I have struggled to find the mental strength to keep believing, to be patient and to push through the sometimes excruciating pain.

But I can tell you its been worth it.

If I could guess at a percentage figure right now, I would say I’m at 80% after just 4 1/2 months. I’m not wearing heels yet, and can see it will be a while yet, but I absolutely know I will wear them at my Godson’s wedding in November.

What’s the alternative? That I would never walk properly and be reliant on crutches for the rest of my life? That would have been a certainty if I had not been prepared to push through the fear and pain.

What about you?

Will you settle for a life of mediocrity because you allow your brain to tell you its too scary?

Because you don’t know what will happen so you’ll do nothing? To automatically believe you will fail without even giving yourself a chance?

What would happen if you just said YES?

You may discover that within you is a power you never knew about. You may realise that you have nothing to be afraid of and that you are far more capable than you ever dreamed.

Or perhaps things may not work out as you hoped but you discover instead the one ability, the one opportunity that will change your life forever. You may finally find that everything you ever wanted but didn’t dare hope for is right in front of you.

You will never know unless you take your heart in your hands and take a chance.

What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?

7 Ways To Manage Mood Swings

7 Ways To Manage Mood Swings

We have all experienced the ups and downs that life delivers; the disappointments that can cause us to doubt ourselves and question those around us; the joys when we succeed at something that is important to us and the sadness when we lose someone or something we love. These are a natural part of life and to be expected.

But what if you, or someone you know is like a yoyo, swinging from one mood to another on a constant or regular basis?

“I hate my moods, they never ask permission before they change”

Sure there is sometimes a physical cause such as PMT or other hormonal changes but beyond this there are a lot of people who are simply tossed around by every little thing that happens, trapped in a cycle of reaction that makes them exhausted and exhausting to be around.

“Beware of mood swings: If you don’t like me today, come back tomorrow”

Finding healthy ways to manage the way you see the world and the emotions that are caused by the way you think, is the key to a life of balance and happiness.

Assumptions Are The Enemy Of Possibility

We each have a unique perspective based on what we have learned, what we have experienced and what has been modelled to us. If you grew up in a family where everything that happened was a ‘disaster’ or where the response to an event was to assume ‘somebody is out to get me’ then you may see life as difficult, overwhelming and think that there is always something bad around the corner.

This sets you up for a pattern of negative thinking. For example, if you have applied for a new job and the company is taking its time to get back to you, you may automatically believe that they don’t like you and that you are not going to get the job. In truth you don’t have any information to go on and therefore assuming the worst is only going to make you anxious and off balance. So instead of pinning all your hopes on this one job, or worrying that you won’t get it, keep applying for other jobs as being proactive will keep you in control of your life and therefore your emotions. You may not get the first job but you will have created other options for yourself so that a minor disappointment will not send you off the rails.

“Hoping for the best, prepared for the worst, and unsurprised by anything in between”  – Maya Angelou

Its important to step back from your automatic tendency to think the worst and wait until you have real and tangible information before responding. Imagine you have a Rubik Cube in your hand and you are viewing each side from every angle. Now take the thing you are concerned about and do the same. It is a possibility that the outcome you imagine may become a reality but just as likely that the best case scenario will unfold or in fact anything in between. I truly believe that having a positive mindset and hoping for the best gives you the best possible chance of a happy outcome.

Your Past Does Not Dictate Your Future Unless You Let It

Just because your have experienced a particular outcome to an event in the past, doesn’t mean that the same will happen in the future. When you create generalisations based on previous experiences, you disempower yourself to take action at another time.

You may have met somebody for a coffee hoping that you might make a new friend or have a love connection. On this occasion, you discover you have nothing in common, the person is uninterested and cuts you short leaving you sitting alone in a cafe. Just because on this occasion the outcome was uncomfortable, doesn’t mean that you should give up as at another time, and with another person, you may discover exactly what you are looking for. Remember, if you don’t take action, nothing will happen.

“All generalisations are false, including this one” – Mark Twain

There Are Many Shades Between Black And White

I know many people who live in a world of black and white. Something is either good or bad, fantastic or a disaster. The problem with this ‘polarised’ way of thinking is that there is so much information that is being missed. There are many shades of grey between black and white and the truth of any situation is almost always found in the greyness.

To manage your emotions, you must step away from the extremes and look for the subtle nuances in between. A great way to do this is to imagine a situation from the opposite view. For example, you hear from a friend that they are breaking up with their partner. They have a lot to say about the faults in the other person and take no responsibility for their own part. You know this person well and have had times where you have fallen out over small issues. If you take a step back and put yourself in the shoes of the partner, then perhaps you can see that they have probably experienced the same sorts of issues as you have.

Whilst there are two sides to every story in truth those two sides are not black or white but shades of grey depending on where you stand in the story.

“Broaden your view of the world and you will discover possibilities that were previously hidden from you” – Allanah Hunt

Lighten Up And Laugh

Most people who experience extreme mood swings feel things very deeply and are intense individuals. Learning not to take everything so seriously, to let things be what they are and allowing them to evolve, is crucial if you want to find balance in your life.

If for example, you are heading to an important meeting and a bird poops on your head; you have a choice to react with panic, anger and desperation or you can see it as a good omen as they do in Italy. In fact, this seemingly dreadful event means wealth and good luck in Italian superstition and the bigger the poop, the more good fortune you will be blessed with. Learn to laugh at yourself and situations that would have previously caused you stress and you will find that your mood is improved and you cope better with life and the people around you.

“When you lose your ability to laugh, especially at yourself, you are no longer living but dying” – Starla Asher

There Is A Time To Walk Away

If you feel yourself becoming wound up and irritable, sometimes the best thing to do is walk away and regroup. You can do this without saying anything as long as you can accept that you may never have closure or a resolution to the situation, or you can ask for a few moments to gather your thoughts. Giving yourself a break to calm your thoughts and bring your breathing back to normal before responding will allow you to engage your brain rather than your heightened emotions.

“A lot of people end up unhappy because they make permanent decisions on temporary emotions”

Develop Strategies Ahead Of Time

Write a list of things that make you feel calm and learn them as you would your times tables. Having a strategy to relax and gain perspective when you start to feel overwhelmed or upset, ensures that you don’t spiral out of control.

If you feel yourself getting wound up, take a moment to mentally look at your list. What can you do right now to help you regain your balance? Sometimes it’s as simple as taking 5 minutes to listen to a piece of music, to have a cup of tea or to take a quick walk in the fresh air. Aim to include simple things that you can instantly connect to so that you have a great range of tools at your disposal to diffuse any tension or anxiety you feel.

Count To Ten

I used to hear this when I was a kid but it took on a new meaning for me when I found my emotions out of control and I said things I later regretted. Letting whatever is in your head out through your mouth without a time delay can spell disaster for your relationships.

The next time you find yourself with words on the tip of your tongue, take a moment to count to ten before letting them spill out for all to see. Words said in anger and frustration cannot be taken back and although people may forgive you they will never forget. Everyone has a breaking point and one day you may lose someone you truly value by speaking from your emotions rather than from love.

“Be sure to taste your words before you spit them out”

Learn to manage your emotions and you will find yourself in a happier more balanced state. Not only will you feel and look better but you will be more connected with the people around you as they learn to trust you again.

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