Ask, Believe, Receive. Are You Saying ‘NO’ To What You Want Most?

Ask, Believe, Receive. Are You Saying ‘NO’ To What You Want Most?

Ask, Believe, Receive

This is the creative process that is as old as time itself. It’s been mentioned in every religious text and spoken of by mystics, philosophers and Law of Attraction teachers throughout the ages.

I’m sure you’ve heard of it too.

It’s a simple three step process that many people see as the key to manifesting everything they want.

And of course it is.

But, there’s more to this creative process than meets the eye.

In over 10 years of studying the Law of Attraction and Manifestation, I’ve learned that the way most people are using the creative process is backwards. When you start by asking for what you want you shift your focus away from the truth of this process.

The real key to manifesting everything you want is being ready and willing to receive.

I can hear you saying you’re ready. I thought I was too.

I’d asked and asked. I’d worked hard to expand my mind to believe that it could happen for me. I focused my thoughts on the abundance I knew was coming. I did everything I thought I needed to do to make the Law of Attraction work for me.

Nothing happened.

Well perhaps not nothing, but nothing substantial. Nothing life changing. And certainly nothing that felt like my ‘prayers’ had been answered.

I became disillusioned and felt like giving up. I very nearly did.

But somewhere deep within me, there burned a tiny flame. A spark that told me I was missing something. A spark that told me there was something more …

So I went searching for it.

Have you ever heard the saying, ‘Seek and you will find?’

Well I found the missing piece of the puzzle and it changed everything.

Because I had the creative process backwards.

I’ll let you into a little secret.

The Law of Attraction and Manifestation is all about Energetic Alignment

You could call it vibration or frequency. Not the vibration or frequency of your thoughts but the vibration or frequency of your energy.

How do you know what your energetic alignment is?

You’ll feel it as your core emotional state.

It’s important to understand the difference between your emotional state and your emotions.

You’re emotional state is your ‘all the time’ energetic state.

It’s the way you feel in your body most of the time. The way you feel when there’s nothing particular going on. When you’re just going about your day. When life is just humming along and there’s nothing to spark a specific emotion. You probably won’t even notice how you feel because it’s your ‘normal’.

But your energy is always vibrating.

It’s your life force. And it’s manifesting your life.

Emotion = E-motion. Energy in motion. Or more specifically, your energy in motion.

When you feel an emotion, you’re really feeling your own energy move in response to something or someone else.

The event, circumstance, or person is simply the trigger that sparks your energy into motion. Each time you act or *react from the energy spark you’re feeling, you either reinforce your existing energetic alignment or realign your energy to a new vibration or frequency.

*(re-action = re-enacting a past experience as if it’s happening today)

Your Energetic Alignment is your Energetic State

It’s the vibration of your energetic state that is manifesting your life

Ask, Believe, Receive

Your Energetic Alignment signals what you BELIEVE

What you BELIEVE is what you unconsciously ASK for

And you will always RECEIVE whatever you unconsciously BELIEVE and ASK for

It will happen automatically

It can’t be any other way.

This is the Law of Attraction in action.

Getting ready to RECEIVE is the act of Energy Re-alignment

How do you do that?

Start by becoming aware of your thoughts, emotions and actions.

Instead of pushing away the ‘negative’ thoughts and trying to change them, listen to what they have to say. Your thoughts are literally your energy communicating with you in words. Behind every thought there’s an emotion. And emotion drive action.

Your thoughts and emotions will always match because it’s your energy you’re experiencing. When you pay attention, you can connect with the energetic alignment that is manifesting your life. You can learn what it feels like.

And that knowledge frees you to make a powerful shift in each and every moment.

It frees you to release and replace.

To repair and restore.

To realign and recreate your life anew

Abundance is your birthright

Your wish is my command!


The Power Of The Pause

The Power Of The Pause

Have you ever had one of those moments when words flew out of your mouth that you immediately regretted? Or when the tone of your voice caused someone to frown, to take a step back or to react in anger?

I remember as a teenager hearing the words, ‘count to ten before you answer’.

And me, being the typical teenager that I was, rolled my eyes so far back in my head that all you could see was the whites of my eyes!

It sounded stupid to me. I didn’t have time for that. And of course it was my mother who said it to me so what would she know? No ‘listen to others and learn from their experience’ for me!

And so those moments I spoke about at the beginning of this article? Yeah, those were mine. And not just once. I made a habit of it. I became an expert. And it created havoc in my life.

Until I learned the power of the pause …

The power of just taking one damn moment to engage my brain, to engage my heart and to look at who I was speaking to. To really look and see a person in front of me. Someone real with goals, dreams, sadness, struggles and desires of their own. To just stop, pause, listen and regroup before responding.

Your brain is the wonderful machine that runs your life.

And when I say ‘runs your life’ I don’t just mean that it runs your organs or that it controls your physical senses. Your brain is like a matchmaker. It’s a filing system that’s working 24/7

It’s constantly processing information and matching it to what it already knows. For such an amazing organ, it’s really quite lazy! Your brain will always take the path of least resistance.

“You will always see what you expect to see and hear what you expect to hear” – Allanah Hunt

Let me explain what I mean.

Your Brain is Like a Computer

Imagine you have a pile of paperwork or files on your computer that need to be organised. The only way you can do this task is to categorise the various files or pieces of paper in a way that matches the folders that are already set up.

The majority of this task is relatively easy but every so often you come across a piece of paper or a file that just doesn’t seem to fit anywhere. It has to go somewhere, and you don’t want to create a new folder so what do you do? You stuff it in the folder that ‘kinda’, ‘sorta’, matches. It’s not a great fit but given the options, it’s the only one that makes any kind of sense.

It’s the same with your brain. After the age of seven your brain doesn’t make any new folders.

Your brain categorises new experiences based on previous ones and lumps them together as the ‘same thing’.

As a child you responded to events and experiences with limited understanding. You thought in black and white, or right and wrong because that’s as much as your young brain could understand. And so the way you responded to events was often dramatic. Either laughing excitedly or sobbing uncontrollably. The simplest thing would trigger a reaction that from an adult’s perspective was very extreme.

You know this is true. You’ve seen it for yourself. One minute a child is happy and the next, it’s as if the world has ended. That’s just kids. It’s because their brain simply cannot process the world in the way an adult can.

But here’s where it gets really interesting. Those folders your brain is creating before you’re seven are the building blocks for your life. And they’re not just inert folders. They have a trigger attached to them. They have an emotional charge connected to them that is replayed on auto pilot over and over again. And that charge powers your thoughts, it powers your emotions, it powers your heart rate and it powers your blood pressure.

Can you see where I’m going here?

If your brain stopped making folders after seven years of age and categorises all new experiences based on old ones, then the resulting reaction to the old event was also formed before you were seven. And unless you were actively taught healthy ways to understand and manage your emotions, a version of the childlike you will continue to show up in your adult life, particularly in times of stress.

A rational adult mind has the ability to see different sides of the same situation, but at times it’s like a bypass switch is flipped. The rational part of your brain switches off and your automatic preprogramed part switches on. It happens in a fraction of a second and can have devastating results.

It’s why we put kids in ‘time out’.

And it’s why we need to take a moment to pause before we respond.

We Need To Interrupt The Pattern

It’s about creating an interruption. Something that stops the bypass switch from being triggered in your brain. Something that creates the space for you to regroup and make a choice.

Count to ten, hum a tiny song in your head, flick a rubber band on your wrist or look away for a few moments. Choose something that will work for you and practice it.

If you’re a parent, practice it with your kids. Practice it with your work colleagues. Practice it with your parents. Practice it with your partner.

Try it out with the person you find most annoying in your life. The person who just makes you want to scream with frustration.

Yeah, that person.

Because that person is acting in a way that triggers an automatic reaction in your brain. Probably nothing to do with them but something your brain has an existing emotional charge around. Something your brain has lumped in with another time, another place and another experience.

Take a moment to pause.

Take a moment to look at that person differently. Take a moment to step away from the immediate anger, frustration or other emotion that is flowing hotly through your veins.


Because how we feel shows up in every part of our body, in our facial expressions, in words and how we say those words even if we’re not aware of it. Just as you have triggers that set off the bypass switch in your brain, so do others. And the meeting of two explosive charges is never going to deliver a positive result.

Although the outcome of a meeting of two people is created by those two, you have the opportunity to choose your part in that outcome. And by choosing your part, you impact the other for better or for worse. You can’t control how someone else responds but you can choose not to be the trigger that flips their bypass switch.

There is power in the pause.

5 Ways To Become More Sherlock Holmes

5 Ways To Become More Sherlock Holmes

Every image you see of Sherlock Holmes is of him with his hat, his pipe and with his magnifying glass in his hand. And when you’re struggling to see something, the natural response is to lean in, to peer more closely in the hope that suddenly by reducing the distance, you will increase the vision.  And for tiny writing on a label on the back of a jar, or for the fine print on a document, this can work perfectly.

But if you’ve ever read a Sherlock Holmes book, seen a movie or watched a television series, the characters are always astonished by what he notices. They are bewildered, puzzled and often a little frightened by how accurately he sees them, even at first meeting.

Does he use his magnifying glass for this?

No. In essence he uses his peripheral vision, his wider view to capture information that most people miss. And it’s this information that truly gives him the answers he seeks.

Let’s talk about peripheral vision for a second.


When we look at this image which demonstrates peripheral vision, we can see clearly how wide the angle of vision is for most people. Although you might be looking at a specific point straight in front of you, your brain is taking in a lot of ‘peripheral’ information around the edges at the same time.

When you want to focus in on one aspect of what you’re seeing and block out everything else, it makes sense to come closer. But if you went around the world, trying to peer at everything by excluding your wider vision, what would happen? You’d fall over. Of course you would. You wouldn’t be able to find your balance or see where you were going!

It’s the same with difficulties in life. When we ‘zoom in’ and focus on the problem, we can’t see anything else. I don’t know about you, but in my experience, the closer I get, the more I scrutinise, analyse or immerse myself in the problem the more it continues to look exactly the same. In fact, it’s easy for my vision to blur to such an extent that I can’t see at all.

Think of a camera. We all have one built into our phone and we’re constantly using it to capture images of our lives and the things we experience around us. Sometimes we need to zoom in to see the detail we want to capture but in order to create context in our photos we need to keep a wide angle view. There’s no point in having endless selfies with no understanding of where we are, what we’re doing or why we’re taking the picture. It’s the scenery, the wider view that helps us create memories of the experiences we want to capture.

From close up, it’s impossible to find solutions, find answers, find balance or see the path ahead.

We need to stand up and take a wider view in order to truly see what’s in front of us. We need to add some context and some perspective.

So what can you add to the picture to make sense of what you’re seeing?

Acknowledge your emotions

Emotions are the way we become alert to what we’re thinking and what is going on in our body. They are an information signal but if you don’t acknowledge them, drown in them or try to push them away then their purpose is lost. Accepting your emotions allows them to pass through you instead of settling in your heart, your mind and your body. It’s easy to get stuck in our feelings and not see the truth of what they’re here to show us.

Give yourself some space

Go for a walk, go to a movie, distract yourself by being with others or take some time to do something you enjoy. When you put yourself in a difference space you also put yourself into a different state. And that different state can give you a chance to connect with the steady part of yourself that knows no fear, that knows the answers and can give you the strength to go on.

Add gratitude to the mix

When life feels hard, it can seem almost impossible to connect with being thankful. But when you truly look to see the wonderful things that surround you, even if all you can see is the four walls you live in, you shift your vision from what is difficult to the good things you already have. Even if you are in loss, you can lift your head and be thankful for the person, the experience or the joy you felt before things changed.

Slot this experience into the timeline of your life

Although this is an issue for you now, and it might be for some time, in the scheme of your entire life it is only a moment. A big moment, perhaps a life changing moment, but simply a moment. Think about whether you will feel this way in six months, a year, five years.

Focus on your options

Sometimes we just need to get out of our emotions and into our head. Not to stay there, but as a way of adding some further information. This can be a powerful way to help diffuse sadness, worry or uncertainty. Write a list of five things you have a choice about.

What are my options?

What can I do?

What would make a difference?

How will I feel if?

How will this take me where I want to go?

Sometimes the simple act of making a decision, even if you change it later, helps relieve the emotional charge around what you’re experiencing.

Sherlock Holmes is the masterful detective he is not because he narrows his focus but because he widens it.

He widens it to include everything no matter how seemingly irrelevant. Only when he has the full picture does he see clearly.

It’s the same in life.

Peripheral vision brings knowledge, balance, perspective and clarity.

Don’t become Sherlock Holmes with a magnifying glass.

Become Sherlock Holmes with a wide angle lens taking in everything around him.

Step back to add some context, to add some perspective and to add some balance.

I promise you will see things more clearly than ever before and the answers you seek will find you.

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You can use Sherlock Holmes’s skills of observation and awareness to help you make desicision, guide your choices and improve your relationships with others.

Watch my livestream video on this topic to learn more about how to use your peripheral vision to guide your life

Creating Your Own Reality

Creating Your Own Reality

There’s something really important that you need to know.

Reality is not fact but simply a matter of perspective

Have I lost you? How can REALity not be REAL?

The thing is, it all depends on where you stand, as to what you see.

Lets use an example to demonstrate what I mean.

There is a tree which stands on a shared piece grass between our house and our neighbour’s. The tree is centred on this bit of grass and therefore we both own the tree. I happen to love trees and enjoy watching the seasonal changes which occur as the year goes by. When I am sitting in my living room, this particular tree is in my direct line of sight.

My neighbour also loves trees and believes in letting nature take its course. Needless to say the tree is getting bigger by the year.

Right, so this is where I get to the point I want to make.

My partner adores nature but he hates this tree. He feels it is too big and when the spring comes and the sap is running, this tree drips a lot of sap onto his car which is of course parked on our driveway.

His reality is that the tree is a menace and should be kept small or preferably removed altogether. He truly believes that its wrong to have such a big tree where it is and that the neighbour should let him cut it down. He complains constantly and wishes the tree would die.

My neighbours have a completely different reality.

They planted the tree when they first moved to their house many years ago (long before we moved in). They have tended this tree and it has ‘grown up’ alongside their son. To them, the tree is special and they are very upset by the idea that it needs to be trimmed or pruned.

The fact is, there is a tree in the garden.

But the ‘reality’ of how each of us sees the tree is completely a matter of perspective

Is the tree a liability or an asset? Does it make life better or worse?

It completely depends on who you are. It depends on which side of the grass you are standing on.

There are two sides to every story and the truth usually lies somewhere in the middle. – Paul J Alessi

Whilst your brain has a need to categorise people and events based on what it already knows in order to make sense of the world, you do not need to let your brain rule you.

Just because your mind tells you something is real, doesn’t make it so.

And just because you believe something doesn’t make it true.

Your reality is simply a reflection of how you see the world.

Things are not as they seem – Irish Proverb

When we go through the world and interact with others, we define things and people by what we consider to be ‘normal’. Your upbringing, your culture, your gender and your generation create differences between you and others.

One of the best examples of this is maturity.

Every single generation throughout our known history has been heard to make similar comments as they mature.

“In my day, I would never have dared to speak to my parents like that.”

“The world has gone mad and is on the brink of destruction.”

“Young people today …”

Are the young people ‘worse’ than we were when we were their age? Is the world truly mad and set on a course of destruction?

Or is it just that we were raised in a world that looked different from the one we find ourselves in today. Is it that our shade of ‘normal’ is simply different from our children’s understanding of ‘normal’.

The way you see the world is unique to you. Nobody else in the whole world sees things exactly the way you do.


Your perspective is shaped by so many variables that it is impossible for two people to agree on absolutely everything. No two people ever experience the same reality no matter how close their shared experiences.

The wonderful thing about reality is that it can shift from moment to moment

And even better is that you don’t have to wait for something around you to shift.

You have the power to choose your own reality

Take a deep breath. Step back from your emotions and look again.

In the blink of an eye things can change and what you thought was reality becomes a mirage.

When you shift your perspective, everything you see shifts with you.

You will always see what you expect to see.

Change your expectations. Ask more questions.

Use your power to choose your reality and discover a new world …

Vantage Point – Shift Your View, Shift Your Life

Vantage Point – Shift Your View, Shift Your Life

A few years ago I watched a Dennis Quaid film called Vantage Point. The film was full of action but it wasn’t the storyline that made the biggest impact on me. It was the way it was filmed.

The film starts with the President of the United States being shot while delivering a speech in a public square in Spain after which a bomb explodes killing many of the crowd who had come to hear him speak. This might sound like a ‘spoiler alert’ but this all happens in the first 10 minutes of the film. After the bomb explodes the pieces of the scene fly back together in a super fast rewind before starting to play again. This happens several times and although to begin with you’re not sure quite what’s going on, as you watch you realise that you’re seeing the same events but through the eyes of a different person. Each time the footage plays you’re seeing a different perspective or from a new Vantage Point.

It’s actually very clever. The story plays out like a modern day ‘whodunnit’ and as you watch you begin to see how the events you’ve seen in each of the versions fit together.

And the reason this made such a big impact on me?

It reminded me of life

Each one of us is seeing the events around us through our own eyes. Through our own perception and perspective. From our own Vantage Point. It’s natural that this is how it is right? We look at what’s happening, what we’re experiencing and we tell ourselves that what we see is the truth.

But is it really? Or perhaps its just a version of the truth which if you were to shift your Vantage Point, or shift your perspective, might disappear and reappear as something quite different. What you see always depends on where you stand.

Some things are hidden from view because something else is blocking the line of sight

It doesn’t mean it isn’t there though.

If you move a little, or a lot, suddenly more is revealed

Think about buying tickets for a concert or sports match held in a stadium. Usually there is a sliding purchase price depending on how good the view is from the seats you select. If you want the best Vantage Point, where you get to see everything clearly, you may need to pay a little more. If you choose the cheaper seats then chances are you will miss some of the action. You might see it on the big screen but from where you’re sitting, you can’t see it at all.

And isn’t that what the big screen is for? To ensure you don’t miss the action no matter where you choose to sit? Let’s think about the big screen as the big picture. The big picture is made up of millions of tiny information pixels and if some of them don’t get displayed correctly, the picture is incomplete.

It’s the same with life

To see the big picture we need to have all the information. Most of us never take the time or make the effort to get all the information to discover the truth. We simply look at what’s happening from the viewpoint we’ve been given and believe that that’s all there is.

But there is so much more. What if you were the person on the other side of the conversation.

How might it look from there?

You’ve probably heard the expression ‘put yourself in somebody else’s shoes’. And maybe you’ve tried to do that. Maybe you’ve been able to imagine how someone might be feeling based on how you think you might feel in the same situation.

But what if it’s closer to home. What about when it’s someone you’re disagreeing with? Or someone you’re arguing with? How easy is it for you to shift your view then?

Not so simple huh?

It’s important to remember that everything is subjective and just because something is true for you from your experience, doesn’t make it true for someone else. They are looking through their own experiences and their own understandings.

You’re standing at a very different Vantage Point …

Sometimes it’s hard to accept that what we believe to be true is only part of the view. That in fact where we’re standing is dictating the view we can see. And if we were to honestly and respectfully change places, we might see a very different truth.

Think of the referee on the football pitch. It’s difficult for them to see everything as the action happens very fast. But the on-pitch cameras catch it all. They are positioned in various places around the stadium so they can catch the events from every perspective. If one camera doesn’t show the action clearly, another one will. When you view the action from different angles, the big picture is revealed allowing the referee to make the correct decision.

Same in life.

Only when we shift our view can we see the big picture

Only then can we see the truth that lies between two people. The next time you find yourself in an argument or disagreement with someone, why not take a step back for a moment. Press rewind and look again from a different Vantage Point. Adding a new perspective to what you’ve always believed to be true is life changing. You cannot simply go back and ‘un-see’ what you’ve discovered.

Look again

What you see might surprise you!

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