Manifesting A New Life Starts With The Willingness To Embrace Change
It's All About You | Manifestation
Allanah Hunt

Change is necessary for a changed life!

Which isn’t to say you need to change. However if you want to experience something different from your current reality you must be willing to embrace something different.

I remember the years when I hoped and prayed that a fairy-godmother would wave her magic wand and my life would suddenly look the way I wanted it to. Or better yet, that a genie in a bottle would grant me the three wishes that would change my life forever.

And I loved the idea that I could ask the universe for something and I would get the response; “Your wish is my command”.

What a relief!

Of course, it’s wasn’t quite that simple ..

I hadn’t factored in the nature of change.

Once in a while the change you want to experience shows up the way you want it to …

But the other 99.9% of the time, change is a process. It builds upon itself. In the same way you didn’t get to where you are in a single moment, you won’t get to where you want to be in a single moment either.



The speed of the change you seek is determined by how quickly you embrace the process.

It’s important to understand that change doesn’t always look or feel the way we expect. In most cases, it doesn’t look even remotely similar. Opportunities can come disguised as endings. Love can come disguised as friendship. Improvement can come disguised as a backward step.

Some of my coaching clients tell me they feel like they’re going backwards. The shifts they’re making feel uncomfortable. Where once they felt like they were ‘in control’, suddenly they feel unsure, uncertain or confused.

I congratulate them!

Change is uncomfortable. Even change we desire can create the feeling of butterflies in our bellies. So when my clients tell me they’re feeling uncomfortable, I know things are changing for them.

And I encourage them to embrace it.

Because when you embrace change, you signal your willingness to accept.
When you embrace change, you demonstrate your willingness to receive.

And then the magic can start to happen …

Most everything you want is just outside your comfort zone ~ Jack Canfield

Why is change uncomfortable?

Because you’ve learned certain ways of being, certain ways of thinking, acting, reacting and behaving that feel familiar to you. You’ve learned about what wrong looks like and what right looks like. You’ve learned the consequences of good and bad. You’ve learned that ‘mistakes’ can cost you dearly.

So when something different shows up that feels unfamiliar, the well worn path or pattern is to resist it.

If it feels uncomfortable, it must be ‘wrong‘.

But what if discomfort is NOT the measure of right and wrong …

What if it’s just the measure of your current understanding of what is right and what is wrong? Your current understanding of what’s acceptable and what’s not?

What if it’s just a reflection of everything you’ve learned in the past?

Will you let your past dictate your future?

Manifesting a new life requires you to pay attention to what you’re resisting.

Everything you resist, persists.

Embrace the unfamiliar. Embrace the endings. Embrace the uncertainty. Embrace the confusion.

They are a sign things are changing and something new is emerging.

And isn’t that what you want?

Hi, I'm Allanah, Author, Teacher, Manifestation Mentor and Empowerment Coach. My mission is to help you discover the power you have to create your life in a way that brings joy, happiness and freedom. I teach you how to harness the power of The Law of Attraction and bring yourself into alignment with those things you want to experience.


Check out my Abundance Accelerator Program

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