The 4 SuperPowers You Already Possess
Law of Attraction | Manifestation
Allanah Hunt

Most of us have grown up seeing Heroes/Heroines on television and in the movies; the men and women who wear a cape and possess superhuman powers to help them triumph in every situation. Superman who can fly around the world in just a few seconds or Wonder Woman with her lasso, they fight for truth and justice saving mankind from all kinds of evil villains.

Superheroes have been a recurring theme throughout popular culture and I have often wondered what it is that attracts us so much. Is it simply the fact that good wins over evil? Or perhaps its the idea that someone will come to your rescue when life becomes difficult. Sadly, as far as I am aware, neither Superman nor Wonder Woman live on our mortal plane; no feisty woman or strong man is going to save you from the pain that comes with loss.

So what are you to do when you really need a SuperHero?

Well, there’s only one thing for it. You will have to do a Clark Kent and transform into a Hero/Heroine yourself!

But how?

On the screen we see our SuperHeroes exhibit physical powers but in truth there are  four fundamental abilities that lie at the heart of all SuperPowers.

1. STRENGTH – the ability to endure. No matter what situation they find themselves in a SuperHero will never give up, never accept defeat and will fight to the death if necessary to ensure that right is upheld. Similarly, even when it feels that your pain will never end, you have the strength to hold on. Focus only on the current moment and what you can do right now to be strong. Sometimes all you can do is get through the next 10 minutes. And then the 10 minutes after that until the time you can deal with gets longer. Before you know it you can do an hour, a day, a week or more. Imagine yourself in a storm which is trying to blow you off your feet. By leaning into the wind you can stand upright; in the same way you can lean into your emotional storm until it eases.

2. COURAGE – the ability to overcome fear. SuperHeroes always show courage in the face of whatever their enemy throws at them. Courage is not the absence of fear but the willingness to face it. Fear is based upon a horror story you have told yourself about the future. You have the power to create your life any way you choose and when you understand this, you will find the strength and courage to face your fear and pop it like a balloon. Fear has no power over you unless you choose to believe it.

3. HONESTY – the ability to face the truth. SuperHeroes always tell the truth no matter what the cost to them personally. But what is the truth? Because we live in our own heads we can only see things from our perspective. However, the truth is made up of lots of different colours which need to be painted together to see the whole picture. Stepping back from what you know and embracing a new perspective requires absolute honesty. If you have the strength and the courage to face the truth you will free yourself from pain and suffering.

4. RESPONSIBILITY – the ability to be accountable. Our favourite Superheroes understand that no-one else can defeat the enemy and save the world. They accept that it is up to them and that if they fail, the world will be destroyed. Responsibility takes strength, courage, honesty and a willingness to face the consequences of your choices/actions. Once you take responsibility for your life, the good and the bad, you will be awarded a SuperHero or SuperHeroine cape. You choose the colour. Responsibility is the ultimate SuperPower and contains within it everything you could possibly need to move beyond your pain and into a life of freedom and joy.

Becoming your own SuperHero or SuperHeroine involves making the decision to reach down deep inside and reclaim the powers that have always been yours. As Buzz Lightyear would say, “to infinity and beyond!”

Hi, I'm Allanah, Author, Teacher, Manifestation Mentor and Empowerment Coach. My mission is to help you discover the power you have to create your life in a way that brings joy, happiness and freedom. I teach you how to harness the power of The Law of Attraction and bring yourself into alignment with those things you want to experience.


Check out my Abundance Accelerator Program

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